I've done TRT+, now going on TRT+++


New Member
Hello. New to this forum. I'm here specifically because of a number of YouTube channels pointed me this way.
44 year old male.
I have been working out since junior high.
Still at it about an hour a day 5x week, off an on again throughout my life.

At 20 years old, 100% natural and 200lb body weight, my best bench was 315lb bench x 3.

Quasi Natural
I tried pro-hormones for a few months in mid twenties, got to 335lb bench x 5 at my best, weighing 220lbs.
Lost the size but kept much of the strength.
Did not touch anything since until recently.

I then started peptides about 2 years ago. I got stronger and to 345x8 bench at 42 years old.
I realize that bench press is not the end all be all as a barometer. It is my strongest lift and the one that I can gauge the rest of my gym success by. The rest of my lifts are lack-luster and I am focusing more on improving overall appearance, size, strength, and definition.

Last year I added in TRT testosterone cyp. at 200mg/week, titrating up to 380mg/week at the end, for a total of 6 months. I did that through a local climic.
I felt good and I had a good attitude while I gained considerable muscle, fat, and weight. Tried to keep the weight off as best as I could by bicycling 9 miles each way to work. At the end of the 6 months of TRT+ I was gaining a few pounds a week.I started turning a lot of heads at the office.
I stopped my TRT+ and did a proper PCT of Nolva, Clomid, and HCG.
I did not get any stronger on TRT. Strength is not my focus, but I used to find it was the byproduct of my workouts.

Post TRT
After PCT I took sermaglutide, which did not work well for my body chemistry, so I discontinued it.

It is now 4 months after my last TRT cycle+, and I am feeling excellent and ready to get on TRT+++
I am awaiting on my labs to come back, I got the full workup provided by an online HRT clinic. I will be supplementing on top of that protocol and keeping them in the loop.
My current focus is testosterone base and adding in legit PRIMO.

What I want
I weigh 245lbs now, my next goal is to lean out to 220lbs'ish.

There is a wealth of information online. I watch all of the channels, Greg Doucette, More plate more dates, vigorous Steve, and such for the past few years. I am not here by accident. There is more to learn, more to gain, and I am hungry for it all.
I have a strong base and am ready to make my next step forward.

To follow up to my original post I have since completed the following:
I did a blood and urine panel through Marek Health. They had three tiers of panels and I chose the most compressive one. It was more costly than other panels I have done in the past, most of them ranging in the $200-$400'ish range, and this one being $1050. The reason I chose this panel was because I intend to run new compounds and I want to have a solid baseline before I start.
My blood tests came back favorably, with my natural endogenous testosterone in the 900+ range, and free T was in mid-high normal as well.
Normally my total T level is in the 500-700 range. I believe the high results were because I recently did a full PCT a couple months prior to the test. It's good to know that my balls are still fully functional.
With most of all of my bio-markers in the normal range,I did have very unfavorable results as well. My lipid levels are not good. HDL and LDL are upside down from where they are supposed to be. Also, I am pre-diabetic with A1C in the yellow. I know this to be true because I test my blood glucose with one of those finger prick tests from time to time and my fasting blood glucose level is around 98-104. The lipids and blood sugar are due to poor diet, which I am now taking care of through a more stringent diet. I cut out all beer and fast food, and am focusing on leaner cuts of meat. Essentially, all the things I should have always done but did not. Having a test result that I can look at has made a difference, and I am glad that I did it before jumping into cycle #2.
I will be running a protocol of ancillary medications and supplements to get my unfavorable results turned back around. Currently researching the protocol that I feel will best help me. Marek has suggested a host of compounds which will run me in the thousands for a 90 day supply. I can get the cost down by using can lab research for some of the more expensive compounds, but will use Marek for the bulk of it. I've used can-lab before and from what I can tell their peptides are legit. Marek is several orders of magnitude more expensive, but they are also using compounding pharmacies and they have overhead costs with physicians.
They appear to have a solid handle on the lab report and treatment protocol. I have used similar local clinics in the past, so I also realize that much of what I see in my 50+ page protocol is cookie cutter.
I did not ask them, and they of course will not give me TRT with my T in the top of the reference range. I intend to use them for ancillary compounds and to monitor me when I am ready for my cycle.
That being said, I look forward to getting my body ready for my second cycle, my first cycle being a mild to medium dose of Test C for 6'ish months.
After doing a fair amount of reading on the boards here, and the underground board. I have made a purchase from one of the sponsored sources. I don't know if I can name it here so I won't, but they appear to be the #1 source. I found it cumbersome to get the URL because it was not blantently posted up front, but after reading through several pages and skipping to recent posts I found it. There are many copy-cat sources using similar names on google. I am glad that the source here responds quite a bit on the forum, and updates their results with third party testing. I did some reading about the third party testing, and it appears to be legit as well.
Because I am purchasing through A UG lab, I am going to autoclave the compounds. When I say autoclave, I don't mean a $5000 piece of equipment, My autoclave is a newly purchased $22 150 degree toaster oven from amazon. I will test the heat of it with baking thermometer and maybe one of those laser thermometers for the vials, I have one laying around. I don't want to ruin compounds by being over cautious, but I also do not want to inject something that I am not 100% certain about.
I realize that this is overkill for many, but I feel that for the low cost of sterilizing it will be worth the peace of mind.
My original thought of sterilization was to use the method of a .2um syringe filter, however it may not work as well as heating to 150 degrees for an hour, and I feel that I would wonder if I did the filtering correctly.
I still need to do reading on the process of sterilizing before I begin, but I have plenty of time reading and testing.
My cycle will be Test C and Primo.
Primo is a DHT derivative, so I will be using topical dutasteride to help mitigate hair loss. About 10 years ago I started going bald. I lost all of the hair on my crown and a very noticeable amount in the front as well. I don't know what the Norwood scale was, but it was "I need to wear a hat all the time" bald.
I found a method to help restore the loss by about 50% or more using a custom laser helmet and pulse controller that I made, and running RU-58841. I didn't just land on the helmet. I read for months, then designed for months, and built for months. I left out all other compounds such as Fine and Minox because I don't want Fina systemically in my system, and Minox is more temporary in my opinion from the research I have done. I've also ran Minox in the past and got to experience the super shed after discontinuing use. The helmet cost me so much time to make, and the process of regrowth was slow, almost a year, and I am reluctant to run androgens and cause more balding because I know that the hair that I have is the last of it. Right now I don't look like I have any hair loss at all to most observers, but I can tell it's on the cusp of being just enough to pass.
Though I am reluctant about the cycle, I will be doing the TRT++ cycle. No time like the present, and I am not getting younger. To mitigate the hair loss I plan on using the helmet 3x week instead of just twice a week, and following up w dutasteride. The RU-58841 will be discontinued, not because I don't like it, but because I am almost out and my source for it disappeared and I do not have time to vet another.
I ordered a roid test kit that I will use to test several vials of the compounds that I receive from the UG lab. The test kit only tests for the compounds, but it doesn't test for potency or contaminations. With what I have read about Primo, it is often faked as it is one of the most expensive steroids to manufacture. I have William Llewellyn's Anabolics 11th edition book, and it states that Primo is many orders of magnitude more expense to purchase the raw powders than most every other steroid. I figure that if the road test shows that I have Primobolan, than that is sufficient enough for me because I doubt that the source would use real primo and then fumble the dosing.
But in the end, I suppose that I have to run a little on faith.
This was a long post, and if anyone has 2c to add I am all ears.
I stopped reading however;
Not really TRT anything since you PCT off.
With natural levels of 900 testosterone, it makes TRT a silly idea.
380 Test/wk sounds like the minimum dose for your next blast.... maybe add a compound, but idk what you're looking to do. Good luck!
I appreciate the feedback. I’ll take that under consideration.
Who was the “top sponsor” with “multiple copycats” and has a URL.

None of the go to sources here have a URL method of ordering. How many forums did you cut and paste this too?

Putting the vials in a $22 toaster oven set to 150 degrees is stupid and unnecessary. If you want to sterilize then get syringe filters and empty sterile vials.
This is the only forum I'm using.

That's interesting about the source not having a URL. I'll have to look into that further.

As for the syringe filter I think that sounds like a good idea. The reason I chose heating was because the syringe filters looked to be more cumbersome, but if it yields the same result or better I'd be into it. A controlled temperature, whatever the cost of the device, sounds easier to me but ultimately the result that I want is sterilization. I have used peptides from a handful of sources online and did not feel the need to sterilize. However, those were 1/2" or less sub Q injections. Whatever the case, the sterilization is a bonus and not the focus.

The focus for me is to verify my source now that I may have used the wrong one, since ultimately I used a url. I'm bewildered into what other way I would go about it, So I'll read more.
I received my order this weekend. It was good receiving tracking info so I could see the progress as it made it's way towards me.
I ended up using the international warehouse because the domestic one did not have Primobolan at the time of my order.
I purchased the Roid-test kit in anticipation of my gear, and tested a sample of each of the products I ordered.
I have mixed feelings on the road test kit after using it.
Essentially, each compound is sampled into 2-3 separate vials and I compared the color of the result with a paper chart.

D-Bol used Vials A and C. A turned a similar red as it was supposed to, and C turned brown.
This was the easiest test because the colors for each compound on these tests are starkly different. I am fairly confident that the product is D-Bol according to the colors.3

Test Cyp.
Test Cyp. used vials B, D, and F
Vial B is mostly varying shades of brown once reacted, and depending on how I held the vial or sample, it would match up with each shade of brown. Some more than. others, but most compounds have similar shades.
Vila B also used a UV LED light to see if there was a color shift, however Test Cyp was not supposed to have a color shift so this was not applicable.

The second test for testosterone cyp was vial D, which turned a purplish to brown. Again, very similar to how most of the anabolic compounds react in this vial.

The last test was Vial Which tested the potency. Lighter colors of yellow-brownish for less potency, darker browns for more potency. My reaction was dark brown, which is the color it should have been for 250mg/ml.

The final test was for primobolan.
It used vials B and D, of which the kit had multiple testing vials, so I had just enough

Vial B turned brown right away. However, Masterone has a very similar shade to primo when reacted. I'd have to say it would be near impossible to tell the two apart using the colorimetric chart.
My result looked lighter, so if I were to put my finger on one I'd say it was more similar to the color indicated for Primo.

The second Test was vial D. Vial D was supposed to start out as a brown and move over to more of a purple color after 2-3 minutes. Vial D also has a catalyst ball that goes in it.
This was the only test that did not yield results to anything similar to what is on the color chart.

My results were clear for about 5 minutes, and then slowly turned opaque. It never went to the purple color.
I feel that I need to purchase more vials and retest this one again.
Overall I am glad that I purchased the testing kit, but in my opinion, I'd say that having the Primo tested would be the only way I could be sure, as the road-test kit has so many colors that are similar for different compounds, and it is up for interpretation of slight hues to be able to spot differences.

I'll include some pictures for reference. If anyone has experience with these testing kits, I'd like to hear your recommendation.


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This is the first time I have ever used a testing kit. My limited experience with any form of similiar testing is from one year of College chem as I was working on my EE degree, 2 decades ago. So it is up to any interpretation of how well I used the kit, and how well the kit is made, etc.

Judging by the professionalism of packaging, tracking, and overall experience I did not feel the need to test anything upon arrival. I already had the testing kit and I enjoy the empirical part of the process just as much as the cycle itself.

I'm looking forward to the next steps as I progress towards readying myself for the cycle, any advice y'all have for me, good, bad, or other is helpful.
I heard if you email the guy that made the test kits with pics he can easily tell you what is it for a fact. Do a little research on how to content him and let me know what happens. Thanks for the detailed post. Also can you explain the light mask you are using a little more?
Also let us know what you think of that source. There are legit resellers of pharmacon that has web sites. Someone claimed at one point their arimidex tested as letrozole but their is hearsay and they seem like a decent ugl only problems I ever heard was with them taking forever to ship if from the actual company. But I see you got it no problem. What was the t/a like? Also keep us posted if you send the primo off for testing or talk to the roid kit guy about disciphering it
Thanks for the info guys.

I took the advice of a previous reply and used a 22um filter coupled with 30CC syringes to filter a couple vials of each compound and transfer back into the original vials that I heat sterilized at 250F for 30 minutes prior to refilling.

I chose the filtration over heating the compound because I could not readily find a citation online that showed heat sterilization did not compromise the products, and frankly, they were probably fine to begin with and my handling posed a risk of contamination.

I have some time before I start my cycle, so I may look further into the testing process, and will check into the other testing sub forum. Thanks!
I don't know how to merge your wording of TRT with the drug abusing doping protocols you mentioned here ..
It’s in the +++ part haha

Plan is to do Primo in addition to the Test. The d-bol is to have on hand should the cycle go good, and I feel like adding it in on top.
I did M1T with amazing gains as my first time PED use long ago. My workout weight on bench went from 250 to 335 in a matter of a month. M1T is what dbol metabolizes to, and is probably safer.
But you’re right, it definitely is looking like it will be a cycle.
I started my protocol 2 weeks back and everything has been going well.
I started with smaller daily injections of only Test Cyp. for a week, and then followed up with small daily injections of primo starting week 2.

First week for each compound is sub Q in stomach in case I had any reactions it would be limited to less than 1/2" injections in belly fat. After I prove my compounds, I plan on going to less frequent IM injections.

I have done 10 units of Test C a day for week 1, which works out to 175mg/week.

Currently finishing week2 at 175mg Test, and 10 units/day of Primo100, (70mg/week).

So far the only difference I notice is that my pumps are stronger and my arms feel full all the time now. My last go around with Test Cyp, my arm size statically increased by about half an inch over the 6 months, with average weekly dosage of Test C only at 250-300mg/week.

Increasing doses moving forward
My plan is to increase my testosterone base to 250mg'ish/week which is about 15 units a day IM, and continue increasing my dose of primo by 70mg/week until I hit a sweet spot with limited sides. My main reasoning behind starting slow with Primo is that I want to be able to mitigate hair loss, as I had gone bald in the past.

I built a laser helmet w. a modulating controller a couple years back and regrew a significant portion of my lost hair. To regrow my hair I used the helmet 3x week at 2 joules a session. The past year I have moved to just a single 3 joule session to keep my hair and I haven't noticed any loss, even w the last Test C 6 month TRT/cycle.
I am prone to MPB, so I plan on increasing my hair therapy up to a maximum of 5 joules/week. I realize that this sounds hokey, but it's the only thing that works for me, and I tried a lot of things. (I didn't start with mad scientist helmet)

Daily injections vs 2x/week
I never considered daily injections before, but I have to say that the 29g 1/2" insulin needles are easier to stomach than the 1" 29g needles I was using before. I'll read the forums to see what people are saying about subQ vs IM.

Also, I have added in CLEN, starting dose for a week at 50mg/day, and now 100mg/day for approx 6 week total.

I am taking a handful of other things that I started approx 6 weeks prior to gear, and plan on continuing as I move forward. They are as follows:

DIM 125mg/day
Milk thistle 250mg/day
Zinc 50mg/day
Metformin 500mg/day
Lovaza (fancy fish oil) 4g/day
Tongkat Ali 1g/day
Magnesium 120mg/day
N Acetyl L Cysteine 900mg/day
Thyroid support Multi
Tudca 500mg/day
P5P 50mg/day
Astragalus Root 300mg/day
DHEA 25mg/day
Boron 6mg/day
Vit D3-K2 90mcg/day
Niacin ER 500mg/day
Vit E 30mg/day
OptiFerin C (iron) 28mg/day
Telmisartan 20mg/day
Ezetimibe 10mg/day

Trichosol/Dutasteride 1% 1mL/day on scalp
This is all new to me, I added this to help mitigate hair loss as I worked very hard to regrow my hair to what I have today.

NAD+ injectible 100mg 3x week
Glutathione injectable 200mg 3x week
L Carnitine injectible 500mg daily
Trimtropic injection (vit B complex) 28mcg 3x week
BPC-157 300mcg/day for a month (joints)
GHK CU 2mg/day for a month (joints)

I have Nolva, HCG, and CLomid on hand should I need it.

I had an old chest that I repurposed to hold the above so it is out of the way and hidden from general view. I added climate controls so I could keep the things that needed refrigeration cold, hydraulic actuators to open and lock it w voice command after I get into it. It's a bit over the top, but I had the parts laying around.

My weight training is currently 5-6 days a week, for about an hour each session, w focus to hit each body part 2x/week. I bicycle approx. 3hrs a week for cardio first thing in AM. I'm not sure if I should train more than this. I have not significantly put on any muscle since my early 20's, and would love to do that now. My focus will be building muscle and losing as much fat as possible. I am currently approx 250lbs, and If I saw myself at 230lbs or under, I would consider that a success.

So far with what I am doing, do y'all have any suggestions or recomendations for me as I move forward?


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I like the detailed updates.. my next cruise I plan to add in primo in with test c. I think the way you word trt is confusing. You're really just cycling even if it is seen low dose by some.
I agree, my plan is to work from a TRT dose and build it into a cycle. I will work it slowly, maintaining a week at each dose before moving up so I can better pinpoint sides related to dosages.
I have just completed week 3.

Week 3
37mg/day Test C sub Q injection w 1/2" 29g needle in Glute
20mg/day Primo sub Q injection w 1/2" 29g needle in Glute
Clen 150mg/day

Weekly totals:
260mg/week Test C total
140mg/week Primo total

Upcoming, Week 4:

I have loaded my syringes for week 4 with the following:
43mg/day Test C
30mg/week Primo
Clen 175mg/day

Weekly totals:
300mg/week Test C total
210mg/week Primo total

I'm taking ancillaries listed in my previous comment. Gym on average 2x day, 5 days a week, and biking 20 miles total a day. So far I have not taken off any weight and still weigh approx 250lbs'ish.I will meal plan better so I can begin dropping the weight. I am at the top of what I want to weigh.

I'm feeling more lethargic and fight off sleeping longer at night. I used too get by with 6 hours, and now I feel I need all 8. Strength is about what is was before starting, maybe slightly stronger.

People at the office are commenting on my size so I bought a plethora of long sleeve shirts. I can slightly tell my arms and shoulders are developing, but I am probably just filling back out.
I feel that I look slightly better, but when I step on the scale the needle is not moving down like I want it to do.

My plan is to increase Primo by by 70mg/week (slow build up).
I bought a membership at Thrive market and will implement more of a Mediterranean diet.

Do y'all have any recommendations or insight for me?