I’ve got much lower E2 than usual on my TRT, myo inositol?

Hey so my free T and total T are the same as normal on my trt, pls see photos. My E2 is always 100 not 69 at these same testosterone values it stays there all the time so 69 is weird. I’m the same body fat. The only difference is 3 new supplements.
Sulforaphane (derived from broccoli but I’m not aware it has Diindolylmethane (DIM) the aromataze inhibitor like broccoli.
Magnesium bisglycinate for falling asleep easier. Myo inositol for staying asleep through the whole night more often.
I have just read chiro myo inositol can lower serum e2 here -

Can you shed any light on this guys?


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