Jintani Labs Drostanolone Propionate - GC-MS/MS - 2015-12 - performed by ChemTox via AnabolicLab.com

This has been one of my concerns for AnabolicLab. First people start questioning the labs and then they start questioning the program and Millard.

I understand there is a degree of paranoia in the AAS community due to so many people being scammed or lied to by ugl's, reps, and others. However, I believe Millard has covered many bases by using accredited facilities, anonymous purchases, and posting directly the information from the lab reports. But I believe, at some point, people need to accept the program for what it is and trust the results or not. Otherwise, the rabbit hole will never end and people will be standing over Millard's shoulder or making visits to the testing facility to watch the samples being analyzed.

To me, I look at it this way. What's more realistic, the results of accredited testing facilities are wrong or that UGL's products aren't dosed at what people thought?
These are accredited labs that Millard is using for AnabolicLab. I don't know why it would be necessary to question the quality or integrity of the testing facility. This isn't like some college student trying to do a mass spec. These are professional testing facilities that are used by government agencies, large corporations, and the scientific community.

Speaking of a college student, university lab, etc... it has been a while since some new source tried the whole "I am going to be selling gear here at Meso, and it is going to be the purest, finest quality gear of all time because I have the keys to a university lab that I work at during the day, and we are allowed to use the lab for experiments and for our own learning at night."

Believe it or not, we had 2 or 3 people try that garbage story here. Those were actually some of the more entertaining threads here (entertaining in a car wreck kind of way). Lol
These are accredited labs that Millard is using for AnabolicLab. I don't know why it would be necessary to question the quality or integrity of the testing facility. This isn't like some college student trying to do a mass spec. These are professional testing facilities that are used by government agencies, large corporations, and the scientific community.
No I am not questioning anything just making a suggestion.
This has been one of my concerns for AnabolicLab. First people start questioning the labs and then they start questioning the program and Millard.

I understand there is a degree of paranoia in the AAS community due to so many people being scammed or lied to by ugl's, reps, and others. However, I believe Millard has covered many bases by using accredited facilities, anonymous purchases, and posting directly the information from the lab reports. But I believe, at some point, people need to accept the program for what it is and trust the results or not. Otherwise, the rabbit hole will never end and people will be standing over Millard's shoulder or making visits to the testing facility to watch the samples being analyzed.

To me, I look at it this way. What's more realistic, the results of accredited testing facilities are wrong or that UGL's products aren't dosed at what people thought?

Millard has set this program up to be the most transparent and legitimate program it can be, while still factoring in fairness to all parties - safety for all involved - and anonymity for submitted samples - while also being economically feasible, and with hopes of achieving sustainability.

The above criteria I listed is a lot to achieve simultaneously!

Believing in the program requires a certain level of uncomfortableness for those of us who have been around the game for a while. Whether we realize it or not, we are set in our beliefs to an extent - we expect certain outcomes from certain actions in this game, based on experience.

A lab sends you a single sample to assess before placing a large order? You expect it to be the best quality they can possibly send.

A new lab pops up, seems way too familiar with the game, denies any previous experience as a lab, refuses to provide proof that they know what they are doing, and we expect it to go down in flames.

Again, we have expectations. Part of those expectations for a lot of guys is that public ugl's sell a lot of bunk or underdosed gear. So going into the launch of AnabolicLab, many members expected a lot of failed results, a lot of bunk gear.

Now that the results are showing mostly otherwise, it is natural that some level of curiosity exists - some skepticism - some doubt in the results. I get the feeling that some of our members are afraid to express these feelings, fearing that it will be seen as some sort of treason here at Meso. I really hope that this is not the case!

Just as it was important that AnabolicLab have the belief and support (financially and otherwise) of our members, it is also important that we continue to keep a close and critical eye on the program, and this includes constructive feedback by those with questions or doubts. Providing that it is done fairly and with honest intentions, then the questions and critiques of the program WILL ONLY STRENGTHEN IT!

Have ideas for improvements? Have questions about the testing procedures? Have criticisms? Share them! This program is intended to be, and needs to be, a fluid movement of progress - not some static event serving as a snapshot. We need the help and ideas of all members of this community to achieve that - the believers and the doubters.
Millard has set this program up to be the most transparent and legitimate program it can be, while still factoring in fairness to all parties - safety for all involved - and anonymity for submitted samples - while also being economically feasible, and with hopes of achieving sustainability.

The above criteria I listed is a lot to achieve simultaneously!

Believing in the program requires a certain level of uncomfortableness for those of us who have been around the game for a while. Whether we realize it or not, we are set in our beliefs to an extent - we expect certain outcomes from certain actions in this game, based on experience.

A lab sends you a single sample to assess before placing a large order? You expect it to be the best quality they can possibly send.

A new lab pops up, seems way too familiar with the game, denies any previous experience as a lab, refuses to provide proof that they know what they are doing, and we expect it to go down in flames.

Again, we have expectations. Part of those expectations for a lot of guys is that public ugl's sell a lot of bunk or underdosed gear. So going into the launch of AnabolicLab, many members expected a lot of failed results, a lot of bunk gear.

Now that the results are showing mostly otherwise, it is natural that some level of curiosity exists - some skepticism - some doubt in the results. I get the feeling that some of our members are afraid to express these feelings, fearing that it will be seen as some sort of treason here at Meso. I really hope that this is not the case!

Just as it was important that AnabolicLab have the belief and support (financially and otherwise) of our members, it is also important that we continue to keep a close and critical eye on the program, and this includes constructive feedback by those with questions or doubts. Providing that it is done fairly and with honest intentions, then the questions and critiques of the program WILL ONLY STRENGTHEN IT!

Have ideas for improvements? Have questions about the testing procedures? Have criticisms? Share them! This program is intended to be, and needs to be, a fluid movement of progress - not some static event serving as a snapshot. We need the help and ideas of all members of this community to achieve that - the believers and the doubters.

I agree with you and I hope people are interested in the process. My thinking is that it is not a government program and with anything, there will always be some level of skeptism. However, at some point people have to accept the program is what it is and will probably always have skeptics. I don't think questioning the validity of accredited labs, which I have also seen in other threads, is benefitial to the program and only distracts from the source of the problems which is the UGL's.

AnabolicLabs is a harm reduction program and I believe is making the marketplace safer to consumers. I also believe @Millard Baker has done an awesome job at being as transparent as possible.
Don't forget guys that anyone can send their own gear to these labs and have them tested themselves. Any new idea the members come up with costs money. Please donate all your can to help the program.
What would REALLY be great would be to have BOTH Simec AND Chem Tox BOTH test the same exact sample, to see how the results would compare ON THE SAME EXACT VIAL between the two labs.

These are accredited labs that Millard is using for AnabolicLab. I don't know why it would be necessary to question the quality or integrity of the testing facility. This isn't like some college student trying to do a mass spec. These are professional testing facilities that are used by government agencies, large corporations, and the scientific community.
I always considered the accredited testing laboratories to be strongest link in the entire process. I have confidence in the accreditation process when it comes to the regulation and certification of these testing facilities in Western Europe.

SIMEC and ChemTox use different techniques to test the products. And while there may be some differences between the techniques, I don't think this is a question that AnabolicLab can answer. This question has likely been effectively examined in the scientific literature.

It would indeed be interesting to send samples from the same vial to multiple labs but I'm not sure what it would accomplish other than to increase the costs. There may be some small differences but what would they mean? Are they statistically significant? Are they within the margin of error? Are they explained by the different techniques?
Millard has set this program up to be the most transparent and legitimate program it can be, while still factoring in fairness to all parties - safety for all involved - and anonymity for submitted samples - while also being economically feasible, and with hopes of achieving sustainability.

The above criteria I listed is a lot to achieve simultaneously!

Believing in the program requires a certain level of uncomfortableness for those of us who have been around the game for a while. Whether we realize it or not, we are set in our beliefs to an extent - we expect certain outcomes from certain actions in this game, based on experience.

A lab sends you a single sample to assess before placing a large order? You expect it to be the best quality they can possibly send.

A new lab pops up, seems way too familiar with the game, denies any previous experience as a lab, refuses to provide proof that they know what they are doing, and we expect it to go down in flames.

Again, we have expectations. Part of those expectations for a lot of guys is that public ugl's sell a lot of bunk or underdosed gear. So going into the launch of AnabolicLab, many members expected a lot of failed results, a lot of bunk gear.

Now that the results are showing mostly otherwise, it is natural that some level of curiosity exists - some skepticism - some doubt in the results. I get the feeling that some of our members are afraid to express these feelings, fearing that it will be seen as some sort of treason here at Meso. I really hope that this is not the case!

Just as it was important that AnabolicLab have the belief and support (financially and otherwise) of our members, it is also important that we continue to keep a close and critical eye on the program, and this includes constructive feedback by those with questions or doubts. Providing that it is done fairly and with honest intentions, then the questions and critiques of the program WILL ONLY STRENGTHEN IT!

Have ideas for improvements? Have questions about the testing procedures? Have criticisms? Share them! This program is intended to be, and needs to be, a fluid movement of progress - not some static event serving as a snapshot. We need the help and ideas of all members of this community to achieve that - the believers and the doubters.
Well said, @bickel29. The program needs skeptics to strengthen it.
I don't think questioning the validity of accredited labs, which I have also seen in other threads, is benefitial to the program and only distracts from the source of the problems which is the UGL's.
I think there is a difference between healthy skepticism/questions about the program and malicious attempts to attack/discredit the program because the results upset someone. We will usually be able to determine the motives involved.

I don't want to encourage blind faith in the AnabolicLab.com program. I want to prove it can be trusted.
I would def like to see more test on jintani! Do labs send you gear knowing its going to be tested?
Absolutely not! The products are purchased secretly/anonymously. The manufacturers/resellers do not know who orders the product. They do not know which product is ordered. They do not know when the product is ordered.
I always considered the accredited testing laboratories to be strongest link in the entire process. I have confidence in the accreditation process when it comes to the regulation and certification of these testing facilities in Western Europe.

SIMEC and ChemTox use different techniques to test the products. And while there may be some differences between the techniques, I don't think this is a question that AnabolicLab can answer. This question has likely been effectively examined in the scientific literature.

It would indeed be interesting to send samples from the same vial to multiple labs but I'm not sure what it would accomplish other than to increase the costs. There may be some small differences but what would they mean? Are they statistically significant? Are they within the margin of error? Are they explained by the different techniques?

For anyone that's interested in learning more about the testing facilities:

Analytical Lab Testing - Anabolic Lab
I think there is a difference between healthy skepticism/questions about the program and malicious attempts to attack/discredit the program because the results upset someone. We will usually be able to determine the motives involved.

I don't want to encourage blind faith in the AnabolicLab.com program. I want to prove it can be trusted.

@Millard Baker

Do you have a page/post that lays out the whole process that can be easily shared for people to educate them about the whole process including procurement of products, handling of products, testing, etc.?
@Millard Baker

Do you have a page/post that lays out the whole process that can be easily shared for people to educate them about the whole process including procurement of products, handling of products, testing, etc.?
I've been working on an FAQ. I'll finish it up soon.
I'd like to see some test on some Iso Vet products... Their prices are similar to Jintani's. I gotta get in on this and donate...
iso vet i have read some ok stuff about them never researched them though, was never planned to order from them. what website do they go by>?