John Meadows programs?


New Member
I am about to run my first cycle and would like to run a program mainly focused on hypertrophy. I've been looking at john meadows gamma bomb and creeping death two. I am not super concerned with being shredded, I just want to pack on as much quality size as possible. Any recommendations on which of his programs would be the best concerning the goals I have?
I am about to run my first cycle and would like to run a program mainly focused on hypertrophy. I've been looking at john meadows gamma bomb and creeping death two. I am not super concerned with being shredded, I just want to pack on as much quality size as possible. Any recommendations on which of his programs would be the best concerning the goals I have?
Creeping Death II is a fantastic program if you like the tried-and-true PPL approach to training. I've ran it a few times and it has always treated me well.
Creeping Death II is a fantastic program if you like the tried-and-true PPL approach to training. I've ran it a few times and it has always treated me well.
I was leaning towards CD2 but I read it was more for contest prep and that gamma bomb was more off season hypertrophy. I wasn’t sure if there was much truth to that or if it was just bro bs
I don't think any of his programs are geared solely towards hypertrophy or contest prep, per say. Almost all of his intros to the programs specifically state that while he may have used X program to bulk for a show, it would still be a great program to cut with.. the difference being just how you address your calories. I've actually looked at every program he's ever written to find one that's maybe a little more specific to a cut and I can't say I've ever found one that couldn't be used either way.

I really like his Arnold prep program actually, I think that's a good example of a program he ran to prep for the Arnold but still a good program to use for hypertrophy if you just eat in surplus.
Gamma Bomb got gnarly as fuck. The volume gets so high. I am in my last week of the program and literally am struggling to go on. My recovery is not as great.
I’m running CD2 right now and just got started. Not been this sore in a long long time. I know I’ll adjust but my recover better kick into gear or this shit ain’t gonna work. Haha. Lots of volume.
John Meadows does seem to be an incredibly humble and intelligent guy and his videos on YouTube are awsome to watch. I definitely recommend anyone, no matter there level, watch some of them. For me its really easy to get caught up in just moving the weight and trying to constantly progress and sometimes my form and methods can get a little bit loose. I worry more about progress then process. Because of that every so often I back up and force myself to really focus on my basics and fundamentals and thats when I find his videos to be really helpful in reminding me of my cues i need to focus on, tightening up my form and even lowering the weight and increasing my reps some so that I can really concentrate on my process and techniques.