joint pain relief study

This study doesent seem like its effective right away but over months it looks very effective. I get very bad pain in my shoulder joints from boxing. right now my insurance got cut off a coupole weeks ago and will take a little to get turned back on im really in search of something to help with joint pain, when i work out chest i usually have to stop every time about 5 set in for 5 mins because my joints are just on fire and i also cant really use the barbell i feel alot of pressure on my joint even with the first couple reps, dumbells on the otherhand is alot smoother i dont get the pressure but the burning in my joints is still crazy. when i was fighting last year alot of times in later rds i wold have to keep distance from my opponont well out of punch range bc my left which is my jab cant hold it in front of my face after time i had to drop it alittle below my chin and keep my arm tight to my chest to rest it for a couple seconds. so i learned to fight using alot of head movement. Whagt do you think of joint supps? have any worked for you and if which would you reccomend?
yea i started running deca at a low dose been just started at 100mg a wk trying to see what the smallest dose i can get away with
Remember Deca works like a masking agent and when you take time off you will need to be careful not to injure yourself. 100mg is a good number for joint maintenance. A good 5 month run of Gh works wonders for me and I come off and things stay good quite sometime because there has been actual repair. I am about 8 months off my last run and it is just now I am feeling the pain again. Just means I have broken things down again.
What GH did you use. Also what about hormone peptides i dont lnow to much about them. From certain post i have read some of them are suppose to be real good for joints
Curious have you gone to the Dr. To get a diagnosis. If you have a an actual tear in your shoulder or rotator cuff none of the above will work very well for you and can you fa damage yourself even further. I would start there when you get your insurance.

I use pharm grade gh it is expensive. The good thing though if youRe just using to help for joint maintenance you don't need to run more the 2 iu's a day. I would suggest you do a ton of reseArxh on it before you think about that road. I read and read probably over a year or so before I even jumped. It is important for you to do research because these are big choices you need to come up with the answers on your own. There is plethora of info on Gh here my big thing is do a pre cancer screening before using Gh.

Not a whole lot of experience with peptides guys I know don't use them as a stand alone usually along side the Gh. I am interested in TB500 and Gh from what I have heard it is a very nice cocktail for the joints.
Yea i have read alot about GH hormones but no where near enough to know to start cycling them. I read about steroids for years before pulling the trigger, and cant agree with you more that knowledge is key...thanks fpr the input im dying for a MRI so i know exactly what is up