Just looking for Eternal Life and a Six-Pack

Lol. One very achievable goal and one impossibility. Well, achieving one out of two ain't bad. Better than zero.

Cryogenic preservation keeps the possibility open....

As long as you aren't resuscitated into some dystopian future as an exhibit in a torture circus.

"You're legally dead so you don't actually have any rights."
Cryogenic preservation keeps the possibility open....

As long as you aren't resuscitated into some dystopian future as an exhibit in a torture circus.

"You're legally dead so you don't actually have any rights."
Some years ago I listened to a podcast where one of these facilities had a power outage and the backup systems failed as well (probably remembering the story a little differently, but basically that's what happened) You can imagine the serious problem they quickly had on their hands. It did not end well.
Some years ago I listened to a podcast where one of these facilities had a power outage and the backup systems failed as well (probably remembering the story a little differently, but basically that's what happened) You can imagine the serious problem they quickly had on their hands. It did not end well.

I believe Pete Rose and Walt Disney were both lost in cryo power outages. But that was due to the company failing to pay their bills.

The orgs are now set up with permanent financial trusts, and members of the board must consist of a certain percentage of people who have immediate relatives in suspension, and they must be signed up for preservation themselves. The idea being, obviously, there's a direct interest in ensuring the same disaster doesn't happen again.