Lab Results


I just got results back from my first pre-cycle labs. And I guess it's good that I waited to see results before starting. Almost everything was in the normal range but the things that weren't, were kind of concerning. Here are the abnormalities:

Platelets: 101 LOW 150-379 x10E3/uL

Cholesterol, Total: 147 NORMAL 100-199 mg/dL

Triglycerides: 169 HIGH 0-149 mg/dL

HDL Cholesterol: 31 LOW >39 mg/dL

VLDL Cholesterol Cal: 34 NORMAL 5-40 mg/dL

LDL Cholesterol Calc: 82 NORMAL 0-99 mg/dL

I'm not sure what to make of the low platelets or if I should even be concerned about that for cycling purposes. Or what would even cause that and how to fix it.

I'm sure the cholesterol is all diet. I've only been on a GOOD diet (so I think) for probably the last 3 months or so. I do eat a fair amount of beans/legumes (lentils, black eye peas, lima beans), which I understand is supposed to help HDL. I take 1200mg fish oil caps at least once a day. I also eat quite a bit of oatmeal. When I have more time (I need to get ready for work) I'll post my specific meal plans so I can get further critique on that. Also, it is worth noting that before I really fixed my diet, I was eating a ton of super-processed foods for a VERY long time in my life. I'm talking lots of restaurant food, tv dinners, etc. I know, huge mistake, been fixing it. Maybe it just takes more time to correct? Idk. And I'm not even sure what to do about triglycerides, but I know that should

Labs were done about 2 hours after I woke up. I had fasted 13-14 hours before getting them done, although I did chew on chewing gum on the way there. Doubt that had a major impact but who knows.

One other thing I thought was interesting is that my free testosterone was actually high, which I never thought would happen:

Testosterone,Free: 22.91 HIGH 5.00-21.00 ng/dL

Any input you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated. I will be postponing this cycle indefinitely until I get these issues sorted out, mainly the lipid profile.
What was fasting blood glucose?

More often than not, there is a correlation between triglyceride numbers and fasted blood blood sugar...

You have awesome free test levels. I’d be hard pressed to alter this. It will change if you use hormones.
So blood glucose was literally the max of the normal range...which I'm hoping chewing gum didn't effect but I hadn't thought of that until it was too late.

Glucose: 99 NORMAL 65-99 mg/dL

Full testosterone numbers:

Testosterone, Serum: 556 NORMAL 264-916 ng/dL

Testosterone,Free: 22.91 HIGH 5.00-21.00 ng/dL

% Free Testosterone: 4.12 NORMAL 1.50-4.20 %
I’d seriously consult my primary doctor or even a hematologist regarding the low platelets, which implies an autoimmune system problem.

I think you want want to lay off the fish oils as they have blood thinning affects.

Low HDL is not uncommon for most Americans. I’d be more concerned with High LDL, which in your case is good, as also appears your ratios are fine as well.

Your Triglycerides are not alarmingly high, but you show stay away from any greasy and fast food and you numbers will drop quickly.

Talk you your doctor. I would disregard this.!
How do I put this lightly...your cholesterol results suck.
Low HDL + High Trig = BAD.
Might be genetic but I suspect it's diet. What's your vitamin D levels? Getting a healthy Vit D level can bring up HDL.
LDL level is useless btw even though everyone in america seems to be concerned with total and LDL.
I didn't get vitamin D in my labs, but I'd assume they're probably lower than normal, considering how little time I generally spend outside these days. And it's been a while since I supplemented vitamin D
I didn't get vitamin D in my labs, but I'd assume they're probably lower than normal, considering how little time I generally spend outside these days. And it's been a while since I supplemented vitamin D
Vitamin D has a dramatic effect on HDL levels.
I take 4000iu daily. It brought mine up big time. Almost everyone is deficient. My HDL is now in the 60s. Was in the low 40s before.
Vitamin D level also went up to 60 from 15.
Vitamin D has a dramatic effect on HDL levels.
I take 4000iu daily. It brought mine up big time. Almost everyone is deficient. My HDL is now in the 60s. Was in the low 40s before.
Vitamin D level also went up to 60 from 15.

I've read that it helps, but based on your experience it sounds like it helps A LOT! Thanks for the input. Will be trying
I was low on D3, now take 5000ius daily. Brought me to middle of range. No impact on HDL for me. I sit in the high 20s and it doesn't move for D3 or diet. Is what it is.
I was low on D3, now take 5000ius daily. Brought me to middle of range. No impact on HDL for me. I sit in the high 20s and it doesn't move for D3 or diet. Is what it is.
Ya. some people it's hard to raise it.
Since this is a bodybuilding site I would assume your diet is pretty clean and not full of refined sugar/grains.
That and vitamin d usually helps the average person out there.
I just got results back from my first pre-cycle labs. And I guess it's good that I waited to see results before starting. Almost everything was in the normal range but the things that weren't, were kind of concerning. Here are the abnormalities:

Platelets: 101 LOW 150-379 x10E3/uL

Cholesterol, Total: 147 NORMAL 100-199 mg/dL

Triglycerides: 169 HIGH 0-149 mg/dL

HDL Cholesterol: 31 LOW >39 mg/dL

VLDL Cholesterol Cal: 34 NORMAL 5-40 mg/dL

LDL Cholesterol Calc: 82 NORMAL 0-99 mg/dL

I'm not sure what to make of the low platelets or if I should even be concerned about that for cycling purposes. Or what would even cause that and how to fix it.

I'm sure the cholesterol is all diet. I've only been on a GOOD diet (so I think) for probably the last 3 months or so. I do eat a fair amount of beans/legumes (lentils, black eye peas, lima beans), which I understand is supposed to help HDL. I take 1200mg fish oil caps at least once a day. I also eat quite a bit of oatmeal. When I have more time (I need to get ready for work) I'll post my specific meal plans so I can get further critique on that. Also, it is worth noting that before I really fixed my diet, I was eating a ton of super-processed foods for a VERY long time in my life. I'm talking lots of restaurant food, tv dinners, etc. I know, huge mistake, been fixing it. Maybe it just takes more time to correct? Idk. And I'm not even sure what to do about triglycerides, but I know that should

Labs were done about 2 hours after I woke up. I had fasted 13-14 hours before getting them done, although I did chew on chewing gum on the way there. Doubt that had a major impact but who knows.

One other thing I thought was interesting is that my free testosterone was actually high, which I never thought would happen:

Testosterone,Free: 22.91 HIGH 5.00-21.00 ng/dL

Any input you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated. I will be postponing this cycle indefinitely until I get these issues sorted out, mainly the lipid profile.

Did someone tell you a FT was the only pre-cycle hormonal lab needed?

The point post a COPY of ALL your labs and etch out the demographic info.

While less than perfect I’ve seen MUCH worse lipid results than yours, but postponing a cycle is a good idea until your fund of knowledge is expanded considerably,
Is a Free Testosterone the only
hormone assay conducted?

I ask bc much like lipid panels include several assays like; Chol, Tricly, HDL LDL etc, pre-cycle hormone evaluation should also include other tests such as E-2, Total Testosterone, LH/FSH at the minimum.

There are several reasons for this, but suffice it to say, bc AAS wil impact ALL the above hormones establishing YOUR baseline is in YOUR best interest.

Good luck

Is a Free Testosterone the only
hormone assay conducted?

I ask bc much like lipid panels include several assays like; Chol, Tricly, HDL LDL etc, pre-cycle hormone evaluation should also include other tests such as E-2, Total Testosterone, LH/FSH at the minimum.

There are several reasons for this, but suffice it to say, bc AAS wil impact ALL the above hormones establishing YOUR baseline is in YOUR best interest.

Good luck


Okay Now I see what you're saying. I got everything else tested as well. I'll post the full lab results so you get a clearer picture. I was just posted the stuff that was out of the normal range since the rest seemed less relevant in comparison.

Pre-Cycle Labs.png Pre-Cycle Labs2.png