Labmax - Voodoo


New Member
I have been using Voodoo prop now for at least 4 weeks and received two separate batches. The original batch I received was from the same stock that BigMesc got good blood results from. These vials had different labels (I don't remember the first one) but one was Jeckyl and Hyde. I felt the effects of that test prop within 4 days of injecting 100mg ed and have been happy with the results.
I since ordered more and got a different batch, these had Voodoo black labels and grey tops. I hadn't broken into these yet, but after the bad blood results came out on this I Lab Maxed them both and got very different results. The first batch didn't LM great but there was color under UV and the colors mostly matched what I expected under normal light (sorry didn't take pics).
The other batch (Voodoo doll label) LM was terrible, pure bunk IMO, see pics below
After 3 drops from a 25g and shaking the vials
Under UV with full batteries vial B
This picture seems to show a light blue ring around the bottom on the vial that did not exist in person. It's tiny in the pic
After 60-90 seconds vial B turned from dark brown to almost used motor oil colored
With this LM result I fully believe the member that posted the blood work of 600 after 2.5 weeks of injecting. I don't think there is anything in there at all.
I had the jeckyl and hyde as well as a tall skinny vial with a gryphon on it that said tp100. So sounds like theres at least 3 versions.
And the crowd goes........ ugghhhh...

This further confirms what all of us unfortunately know - ugl's are only as good as the bottle you're currently pinning.

The fact that guys here would be pinning oil with ZERO hormone in it is less than frustrating - it is disgusting.
And the crowd goes........ ugghhhh...

This further confirms what all of us unfortunately know - ugl's are only as good as the bottle you're currently pinning.

The fact that guys here would be pinning oil with ZERO hormone in it is less than frustrating - it is disgusting.

I agree, thats fucked up. I had decent gains from him so like you said, each batch can be different.
I agree, thats fucked up. I had decent gains from him so like you said, each batch can be different.
and if the bloods come back bad,
then it's pretty fuckin good counterfeit of Prop
cause that fuckin raw is identical..

Each batch needs to be tested either way..

as cheap as raw test prop is, it always amazes me when the lab pull this shit (it's basically putting yourself out of business). has anyone talked to owner of this lab, I always like to hear what these clowns have to say
as cheap as raw test prop is, it always amazes me when the lab pull this shit (it's basically putting yourself out of business). has anyone talked to owner of this lab, I always like to hear what these clowns have to say
If the bloods are true, then it's the raws

thanks mw, once again, how hard would it be for the ugl to at least labmax so he at least knows he has something. also, from everything I've read, with enough experience brewing, you at least have an idea what's in the raws (I could be wrong on that one, I defer to people who know alot more than me)
thanks mw, once again, how hard would it be for the ugl to at least labmax so he at least knows he has something. also, from everything I've read, with enough experience brewing, you at least have an idea what's in the raws (I could be wrong on that one, I defer to people who know alot more than me)
That Raw looked IDENTICAL to the last batch
that Bigmesc had good bloods on..
Not only that, but it took just as long to melt into solution...

Prop takes some time to melt, and this was right on..
My Brother brewed some after I sent him 100g worth
and not only did he say it looked GTG, but he checked
melting point with his heat gun and the temp was
right on the Test Prop melting point...

Now I trust that the Chinese can come up with something
identical to Prop, just like Johnny said, so let's see..

If it's bad, then this lesson may be
good for everyone who brews..
Never go by look, feel, melting point..
OR trust any batch just because it follows a good batch...

You like how I am explaining to everyone
what I should have been doing myself :confused: .. What will we do with you Manwhore..

That Raw looked IDENTICAL to the last batch
that Bigmesc had good bloods on..
Not only that, but it took just as long to melt into solution...

Prop takes some time to melt, and this was right on..
My Brother brewed some after I sent him 100g worth
and not only did he say it looked GTG, but he checked
melting point with his heat gun and the temp was
right on the Test Prop melting point...

Now I trust that the Chinese can come up with something
identical to Prop, just like Johnny said, so let's see..

If it's bad, then this lesson may be
good for everyone who brews..
Never go by look, feel, melting point..
OR trust any batch just because it follows a good batch...

You like how I am explaining to everyone
what I should have been doing myself :confused: .. What will we do with you Manwhore..


thanks MW, I always look forward to your posts
I'm sure my bloods will come back low as well on their Test E

Good, better now that I'm on the var, NPP and Test E are not quite as good as I had hoped for IMO...Var is giving me insane pumps though!!!

There were two diff barches of test e, think I got the lower dosed batch...
Good, better now that I'm on the var, NPP and Test E are not quite as good as I had hoped for IMO...Var is giving me insane pumps though!!!
The NPP helped my Knee and Shoulder
2 different times, in under a week... people want me to get more..

That Test E got the greatest reviews
until my Tren came on the scene...

This same "FIRE" Tren A everyone speaks
of, has never made me sweat at all at night.. It's still good though..

I wanna see the bloods

Good, better now that I'm on the var, NPP and Test E are not quite as good as I had hoped for IMO...Var is giving me insane pumps though!!!

There were two diff barches of test e, think I got the lower dosed batch...

Amazing, you'd think the var would be the raw that would be faked. Hopefully the blodwork will turn out good.

From a philosophical point of view, I tend to give these ugls some slack, what they are doing is illegal and dangerous. And on one side, you have to satisfy allot of stupid customers who don't know anything about gear, and get your raws from people who are doing good knows what. Way to stressful for me