Labmax - Voodoo

Didn't say they were faked, just under dosed, flenser already posted bloods on the test e...
Didn't say they were faked, just under dosed, flenser already posted bloods on the test e...
However Im wondering if the batch I will receive will be different than the one that Flenser was on back in mid Jan. @flenser would you post a pic of the your test E vials or the batch number listed?
Didn't say they were faked, just under dosed, flenser already posted bloods on the test e...
Myth, I have to again remind you..
My Brother and I would not underdose ANYTHING..
If anything, we OVERdose...

Flenser was told by Jim that 24hrs is
a better time after last shot and that
48hrs like he did was about right for his bloods...

Just repeating that same stuff over and over
but hey I am sure this will come up a thousand more times
because that's what we do here..

Hmm interesting. My vials just came in and the labels look different. Il post pic of all the gear later today. I'm still waiting on my tren a tho! Hopefully it's as fire as it's said to be
Hmm interesting. My vials just came in and the labels look different. Il post pic of all the gear later today. I'm still waiting on my tren a tho! Hopefully it's as fire as it's said to be
You still GTG for that Blood Testing?.. Test Prop

I have my Brother on this, but
I am curious what yours comes back as..

The Test E is good...
less than a week sexdrive will be up..

This Prop is only in question because
I have not used it and it was just sent to customers.. new batch

My Brother will have bloods in 5 days
and he knows bloods pretty well.. He worked in HRT TRT for some time
and has seen many..

600ng is so low..
It's like 25% purity or less.. even nothing..

I have a hard time believing this got by me

However Im wondering if the batch I will receive will be different than the one that Flenser was on back in mid Jan. @flenser would you post a pic of the your test E vials or the batch number listed?
The labels don't matter...

Just like the time you guys were trying to
figure another UGLs batches from label marking
and I said it doesn't matter...

It all depends where and when you got the products..
AND please stop trying to set up another fail.. Seriously

Yeah I'm still down for doing them. I guess Ima run the prop alone just incase it's bunk so that my tren cycle doesn't get fucked up.
Myth, I have to again remind you..
My Brother and I would not underdose ANYTHING..
If anything, we OVERdose...

Flenser was told by Jim that 24hrs is
a better time after last shot and that
48hrs like he did was about right for his bloods...

Just repeating that same stuff over and over
but hey I am sure this will come up a thousand more times
because that's what we do here..

Jim's comments aside, I have always gotten BW at the 48 hour mark, and I have results from more than one cycle while on pharma test. There's no question my TT was low for 250mg/ml t-e.

The only unknown is what the "other peak" was from the HPLC test. If it was a different ester, then the results could be skewed. I'm sure you dosed things properly for the 80% pure raws you had. But we don't know the ratio of the two peaks or the ester of one of them. It could be no ester for all we know, so the part that was in the other peak would be completely gone by the time I got BW.

I sent a sample of the raws I got from the same supplier to @Capt Forest. The results will hopefully be coming in the next week or so. Jim also has a sample.
The labels don't matter...

Just like the time you guys were trying to
figure another UGLs batches from label marking
and I said it doesn't matter...

It all depends where and when you got the products..
AND please stop trying to set up another fail.. Seriously

This is up to your product not me guy
You seem to be the only one who says before the test:

"I hope it's good"
"Is anyone else testing"
"O I hope it's good"


Who is Nick, Anyway?


I'm sensing a little passive-aggression there MW. Regardless, his apprehension is understandable at this juncture, no?
i got a batch a while ago of prop and mast the labels are just printed generic and im getting good results ...........
as cheap as raw test prop is, it always amazes me when the lab pull this shit (it's basically putting yourself out of business). has anyone talked to owner of this lab, I always like to hear what these clowns have to say
Its not the lab boy its china! Who the fuck do you tgink this is that we are all supporting on the fact that he's been here for yrs? Exactly. M, I know th8s shit isn't your amd your bros doing to burn us. @rpbb, you're an idiot. If you try and come back with some stupid ass remarks ill shit all over you.