Lantus proctocol

Thank you for all the replys. I'm going to start the lantus this week. I got a flu last week so had to take it easy. Gh is up to 4iu 5 on 2 off. I'm going to bring the lantus in at 5iu (super low I know) but I just want to start as low as possible and monitor blood glucose and adjust accordingly. Plan is to lower fats on training days and increase carbs. So probably 400 carb 250 protein 50 fat and then on non training days cut out the lantus but drop carbs to 200 and increase fats to 150. And as I said before I'll continue to use a berberine complex 3 times a day unless I notice low blood suger reading on lantus days. If that occurs I'll use the berberine only on off days.
how's it going so far?
Good. Better fullness and pumps. Kinda got things thrown off for a week because I got sick. But am back at it today. I only took 5 iu but I had worked up to 7iu last week. I only take it on training days. Carbs are between 400-450. Off days it's about 300 and I use berberine on those days to increase insulin sensitivity theoretically. Weight increased 3-5 pounds almost immediately. I just feel like I'm getting more out of my food.
Girlfriend is a nurse and brings home sickness alot. I've had this week long flu 3 times in the last 2 months. Been extremely irritating lol
I dont think taking GH or insulin with a fasted blood glucose level of 115 makes any sense. This is not healthy.
I dont think taking GH or insulin with a fasted blood glucose level of 115 makes any sense. This is not healthy.

Not long-term, that's for sure.

115 is impaired fasting glucose, "IFG" (it has an official abbreviation which means it's real). Also suggests prediabetic.

Insulin is a last resort for this unless you're diabetic, in which case there are still better options to consider (drugs/lifestyle/etc).
I'm diabetic and obese? Actually my a1c says my insulin is great. I have a condition where I get a glucose dump when I wake up that skews numbers. 2 hours after meals I'm between 90-100. Still a little high but to be expected on gh. Off gh I'm in the 70-80s. And I don't feel 15% is OBESE. Soft yes but I can see my abs when flexed. Not to mention this is my first heavy bulk so I'm not going to be the leanest the first go around. But I can't say I'm obese. And yes I've worked up to a gram of total gear with compounds I feel very comfortable with and that my blood work comes back reasonably well to. So now instead of pushing androgens I'm looking to see what raising my gh slightly does for me and adding the lantus on training days at 10 units to start. I will be monitoring blood glucose along the way. And for insulin sensitivity I use a berberine complex 3 times a day. It has bitter melon,black pepper, ceyon pepper,tumeric etc as well.
Ok I guess I over judged. ,5'11 and 236 lbfs give you a bmi of 33. I'm just looking at the numbers man no flame. Gotta pic? Lantus ike novolin n. Are safer longer acting . I guess the plan is too eat take slin.
Still think relying on to mu

Your already diabetic at 34 year old. Your obese, overweight .

Banging a gram of gear without changing diet and cardio will take you on quite the ride. Metformin may really help, your fasting numbers will drop as you lose weight.

Can't have your cake and eat out too.
i read a lot on forum but i can t find "optimal" question, i want ask if i will use 10iu hgh use all 10 iu morning, does it make sense to take 3-5iu novorapid pre and post workout? or it s better use 10iu hgh preworkout then wait 20 min, take
3-5iu novorapid, eat and then go train? thanks for your opinions
i read a lot on forum but i can t find "optimal" question, i want ask if i will use 10iu hgh use all 10 iu morning, does it make sense to take 3-5iu novorapid pre and post workout? or it s better use 10iu hgh preworkout then wait 20 min, take
3-5iu novorapid, eat and then go train? thanks for your opinions

Is this the first time you're using these drugs? I think you should read more and find more basic protocols, like working with only GH for a while until you get used to it, then consider reading about the different insulins and meal timing.

I don't think anyone here will give you a clear yes or no answer (although many will probably just say no until you have more experience, which is understandable).
Is this the first time you're using these drugs? I think you should read more and find more basic protocols, like working with only GH for a while until you get used to it, then consider reading about the different insulins and meal timing.

I don't think anyone here will give you a clear yes or no answer (although many will probably just say no until you have more experience, which is understandable).
i used GH, from 2iu to 5iu, BG never more than 90 morning, never more than 110 2 hours after "big" meal, i just want ask if insulin make sense if my bg would be in range at 10 iu..but i think it won t be OK at 10 iu hah(i read that u don t need insulin, if your bg is OK, but i just want try and do it right)
i used GH, from 2iu to 5iu, BG never more than 90 morning, never more than 110 2 hours after "big" meal, i just want ask if insulin make sense if my bg would be in range at 10 iu..but i think it won t be OK at 10 iu hah(i read that u don t need insulin, if your bg is OK, but i just want try and do it right)

It'll probably be fine but I'd start lower (maybe 2-3 IU), monitor blood glucose closely, and keep some extra carbs around. Hypo is no fun.
I prefer all GH at bedtime far away from meals for this reason. If you are taking it around your peri workout nutrition it impares insulin sensitivity so yes you may need insulin if your bg levels are high at the end of your workout or an hour after. But I would think if you are doing GH pre and post that a fast acting insulin would be better to go with than lantus. But if you want to try lantus take it first thing in the morning. I know vigorous Steve recommends 1iu per 20g carbs for lantus
I dont think taking GH or insulin with a fasted blood glucose level of 115 makes any sense. This is not healthy.
This answer is the only reasonable in this thread. How you can start GH and insulin (both build up IR) with morning sugar 115? First thing do something with that sugar or it will end bad. When you have you morning sugar right, start with GH and berberine and metformin if necessary. Then if you sugar is ok. Start Lantus but no more that 2 times per week, 30UI is a minimum.