Lean Mass and Cutting


New Member
I am 5' 11" 242 and about 23%BF. Looking to do some cutting and would like to use clen along with an aas or something to gain some lean mass while cutting down. Trying to get down to about 215-220 range and keep as much of my gains as i already have. Could someone hit me with any cutting cycles that i could do and throw in some aas to gain some more lean mass during the cutting stage. I have never done a cutting cycle and have only done one bulking cycle but my body responds well to aas. Test E 350 every five days, Deca 250 every Five days. and thats all i did for five on 2 off and then five on. Gained about 20 lbs of steel but got pnemonia right after the cyle now i need to loose some BF before i start bulking again Anyways thanks in adavnce
You want to lose a substantial amount of fat, which means using metabolic rate enhancers, dieting and doing cardio... and gain muscle at the same time?

That's very difficult to do, even for very experienced people. If your goal is to lose about 25 pounds of fat, do that first and then focus on changing your regiment to muscle building.

There's really no such thing as a cutting AAS cycle and a bulking AAS cycle. There are only differences in training, cardio and diet. Then, depending on the specific AAS used, there can be issues related to estrogen and water retention. Use of an aromatase inhibitor reduces these effects and a person can look very "cut" while on products often thought of as used during a bulking cycle.

Best regards,
Thanks for the response. I guess then what i am really looking for is a lean mass cycle so as not to gain all the water weight. I am dieting very well and training hard. Some one above posted a suggestion of Test E and Tren E. I have some tren readily available so can i stack it with the test enanthate and get good results without the water. Any feedback on the best lean mass or what has worked well for others will be greatly appreciated. thanks
You are not ready. And in nowhere near good enough shape to attain any real benefit from steroids. lose the fat, and then begin training for strength and size.
Elaborate on why I am not ready just because i dont know what to use doesnt mean it will not benefit me. I have done aas before and I got some serious gains do to my training regime and entinsity. Thats what these online forums are for right to help other people. I figured these guys on here have been doing it alot longer than me so i would ask for some help. You didnt even make a suggestion, just you are not ready, so anyways if anyone would like to give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated.
It's not gonna kill you if you use aas when your not ready, it just wont be as effective. But still useful.
At least thats how I see it.
Being ready means you've gone to the limit of what you are able to do naturaly and can only get to where you wanna be with the use of anabolics.
At least thats how I see it.
50mg prop and 50 mg tren A EOD
400mg EQ/wk

Has worked very well for me in the past. Maintained bodyweight, but lost fat. Translation: exactly what you're looking for.
Okay...... If have been lax enough in your diet and training to allow yourself to sink to the level of physical conditionioning that you are in now, then you would be wasting your money and time on steroids. All of the gains you would make on steroids would be the exact same as if you had done so naturally. True, you could get there a bit faster with juice, but that would only be a further testament to your lazyness and lack of dedication to a proper lifestyle. Essentially, steroids would be a shortcut and a poor one at that. Muscles need to be at their most dense before they will grow in mass, and you know that this is not at all what your muscles are like right now. If you have been leaner and stronger than you are now, and have not been in this condition too long, then you will be able to make dramatic strides toward leanness and strength without the use of drugs Thanks to the "memory" that our bodies tend to have. It will want to return to its former level of fitness; provided you get your lifestyle and training in check. Once you whip yourself back to a lean and mean condition, you can introduce steroids to the program to take it over the top. And make a machine out of yourself!

"You didnt even make a suggestion, just you are not ready, so anyways if anyone would like to give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated."

I did make a suggestion, you just didn't like to hear it.... "lose the fat, and then begin training for strength and size."
Thanks alot Griz. Thats pretty much what i am looking for. How long should i run that cylce? Van-man is right though i have let myself get down to a level of fitness that is different to my bodies natural appearance and nobody wants to hear that and i would have a nastier look if i lost the excess weight just scared to loose the muscle that i have built over the last few years. My BF may not be as high as i thought i dont really know just guessing at what it was when i was in basic and ait earlier in my life but then again i had no muscle mass and wasnt lifting enough to matter then. All i know is that it is higher than it was before and higher than i want it. I'm on a pretty strict diet now and lost fat in the last few months just trying to speed the process up. Thanks for putting it in prospective for me though
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10 weeks should be good. If you're 23% at 242lbs, then you really only have maybe24lbs to lose to be at a respectable BF level. That's easily attained in 10 weeks. Especially with drugs.
Short Ester like Grizz said but some,like myself, prefer long esterd such as Tren E and Test E .. I say 600/week Tren E, 500/week Test E, and 20/day Var all for 10-12 weeks .. If you still see results coming at 10 then go for 12 .. If you don't have the money or think you will be wasting if you buy for 12 and stop at 10, then just buy for 10 ... 10 weeks with those AAS at those doses should do the trick ..
Fuck, 'whore, 500mg tren a week is excessive for nearly anyone. I know what people do, but they don't need to.
Grizzly said:
Fuck, 'whore, 500mg tren a week is excessive for nearly anyone. I know what people do, but they don't need to.
yeah your probably right but i usually don't do less than 600/week ... Well i forgot i did make my own Tren last cycle and that stuff was better than others .. I think i was cruising at 400 when i added Drost Enan in .. i was just going by his body weight .. I guess 400-400 would be better .. maybe less but i always like to use more than not enough .. If i didn't get it so cheap, i would probably be forced to use less ..
400 is too much. Like I said, gains are fine at 50mg EOD, which averages out to 175mg/wk. If you do what is oftentimes suggest, 75mg EOD, then you're talking 262.5 mg/wk.
Hey guys thanks again for the replies. I think Im gonna go with griz's cycle. And probably run it for ten weeks. Ill keep you posted.
Thanks again
What should i use for recovery with the tren a, EQ, and prop cycle you suggested Grizz. Clomids good or should i go with nolva or something else and how should i dose it.
Grizzly said:
400 is too much. Like I said, gains are fine at 50mg EOD, which averages out to 175mg/wk. If you do what is oftentimes suggest, 75mg EOD, then you're talking 262.5 mg/wk.
yes you are right about that dose being "FINE" for results but not good enough for me as well as others .. More AAS = More Gains .. if you can handle sides and money is good then better off going higher ... NOW if your stacking 3 different types of AAS at average doses , the yes your doseing is fine .. when i use Tren i only use Tren which is why i need higher doses
soldiertype1ea said:
What should i use for recovery with the tren a, EQ, and prop cycle you suggested Grizz. Clomids good or should i go with nolva or something else and how should i dose it.
Well, you did suggest a gram's worth of AS. Quite frankly, for most, and especially in this case, 500mg tren is excessive, particularly when stacked with 500 or 600mg of tes.