Leg advice!! Need to get stamina built quickly


New Member
Does anyone have a good leg routine or something intermediate that can build up the strength in my legs quickly!
Fist leg day back and have finally realized that I may hae personally lost a lot more than I thought!
I work a rigorous day as thought it would keep my legs somewhat strong!
But I'm having major trouble with weighted anything!
Can I introduce one diff leg muscle a day along with my normal training to strengthen stamina ? Any thought or advice would be appreciated!
Please keep in mind , I need to walk the day after leg day!
Thanks in advance
If u work hard labouring days then i wouldnt jump right into a brutal routine as it will effect your work greatly for 2 or 3 days. I work long hard days and i dont train legs anymore, but when i did it involved lots of dropsets and supersets with limited rest. Personally for ME thats when i noticed visual changes and stamina
Just squat every second day regardless of what the rest of your workout is. Do it first and go 5 sets of 5 reps the last 2 reps on the last set should be grinders to get out.
What are you currently doing for legs?

Post up current exercise selection, along with how much volume you do per movement, and what intensity / percentage of 1rm you train with, as well as how frequently you train legs.

I can offer suggestions to promote faster strength adaptations and more hypertrophy but I can't tell you if it will negatively affect you at work, you will have to try it and see for yourself and make adjustments if needed.
Ivr been off of any physical routine , legs or otherwise for a couple years! I recently jumped back in and am having stamina issues!
Probably because I want to go like I used to!
Which is not possible!
As far as legs go, I do unweighted squats 3 sets to fatigue, superset with unweighted step up lunges!
Approximately 45 second rest period between!
From there I go into weighted squats 5 sets to fatigue, also superset with a weighted lunge to fatigue! Same rest period , i also do weighted calves, again fatigue, and jumping squats!
My legs are very weak after and I want to up my routine and push myself harder , but have to be able to walk the day after!
Sometimes the number of sets varies! Depending on workload and energy
Okay I don't know your goals but every set should not be until failure and super setting everything isn't going to gain you any strength as your just going to be frying yourself out and spinning your wheels without seeing results. Warm up (light walk and 1 set of squats with just the bar) then go into your squats.