Legit Hilma test?


New Member
I’ve been using Hilma products for some time now and ive ordered a new batch of products including test-e.

Normally it comes in a see through vial, but this one came in a dark brown vial. This is how they used to make it a few years ago.

The packaging in which it came is the new packaging, but it’s on “old” vial. The exp. date is till 09-2027 and the verification code did check out.

The site I ordered from is also a verified reseller, according to the official Hilma site.

You can see on the official site that if it comes in a brown vial that the packaging should be different.


I’m doubting if this is legit. Also in one of the test-e packaging the vial cap was already loose.

Anyone any idea if this gtg?


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Yeah I was a bit suspicious about it when I opened the package. I was used to their consistency.

I contacted their support through the official site and they also told me that it’s good to go.

Funny enough they also told me that I can order directly from them next time. Just have to use the support email address and place my order that way. Not sure why they would want to hijack customers from their resellers, but whatever.
I just tried their Deca from a verified reseller and it seems to work fine. Dark vial is kind of a bummer tho, imma have to shine a light to see if the needle is in the oil later on.