Letro dose for gyno help wanted!


New Member
Alright y'all, so I have a buddy that ran sum POWERFUL Prohormones & he has been having gyno. He's pretty much noob as can be, & he has had gyno for 6-9 months already. I fucking FINALLY get the chance ta help ol buddy. He ordered letro. My question to yall Advanced people in here. (WHAT DOSE WOULD Y'ALL RECOMMEND THAT HE TAKES). this might be his last resort before surgery$$$$$$$$$$$. Just 2.5mg per day?? Or should he be forced ta have ta take MORE per day?
What's his bloodwork look like? If he hasn't had his estrogen levels checked, he need to, or it's like trying to fly a plane in a hurricane with a blindfold on.

I doubt 'your buddy' cares about how this works, so if he just wants a prescription I'm sure someone else will chime in and say something like take letro 2.5mg ED until gyno is gone. But there's a good chance that won't do a damn thing. I'd reccomend getting some raloxifene and taking 60mg a day. If you want to know why, read on. If not, don't complain to the board when letro doesn't work.

Here's how gyno works.
- Your body converts testosterone to estrogen, all the time. It has enzymes that do that. testosterone + enzyme = estrogen. Let's generalize that since your body also converts prohormones to estrogen: prohormone + enzyme = estrogen. So let's say 'steroid' + enzyme = estrogen.
- You normally have about 20 'units' of estrogen in your body, and that's fine. Normal levels of estrogen don't cause gyno.

1. When you inject, or take a pill, of a steroid (including prohormones) you have extra steroid in your body. Duh.
2. If you increase 'steroid' and have plenty of 'enzyme' you end up with more estrogen. 'steroid' + enzyme = estrogen. With a prohormone, you might end up with 100, 200, 300 'units' of estrogen. 5-15 times the normal amount!
3. Having a shit ton of extra estrogen makes tits grow. Extra estrogen attaches to the breast tissue and signals it to get bigger. That signal = breast growth = gyno.
4. Buddy stops taking prohormone. Now you have less 'steroid' in your body, so you have less estrogen. Remember, 'steroid' + enzyme = estrogen. After a few weeks, he's back to normal estrogen levels, and the gyno stops growing.
5. Your body doesn't have a way to SHRINK gyno. Extra estrogen will cause it to grow, but too low estrogen doesn't always cause it to shrink. So now you're stuck with gyno.

What letro does is kill the enzyme mentioned above. So... first thing you need to do is check his estrogen levels. It's easy, cheap and legal to do this.

If his estrogen is still high, OK, cool, take the letro to stop the body from converting the 'steroid' to estrogen. Since 'steroid' + enzyme = estrogen, and letro kills 'enzyme', if you take it you get less estrogen. BUT - if he's been off the prohormone a while, his estrogen is in normal range. Normal range estrogen doesn't cause gyno growth. So taking letro isn't going to do a damn thing.

So thats how letro work - 'steroid' + enzyme = estrogen.

But remember in (3) above I mentioned estrogen attaches to breast tissue? And that attachment causes the growth? OK, cool. So what if we can prevent estrogen from attaching to the receptor? Well, we can. Tamoxifen (Nolvadex), Clomid and Raloxifene all do that.

So there's always two ways to combat gyno:
1. Stop 'steroid' + enzyme = estrogen by killing enzyme with letro, arimidex or exemestane
2. Stop estrogen from attaching to the breast tissue.

How do you know which to use?

If you're using a steroid, you probably want to start with (1). Having estrogen too high causes other issues. So, you take steroid, get bloodwork, and if estrogen is too high you add in something to kill some of the enzyme. Repeat until you are taking steroid and estrogen is normal.

Some people also do #2 when taking steroid (or just #2). If you have too much estrogen, but it can't attach to the breast tissue, you don't get gyno.

For your buddy: assuming he's not using the PH right now, (1) probably isn't an issue, and letro will probably just make him feel like shit and not do much else. But he might have hope with #2. Even if estrogen is at a normal level, taking tamoxifen/raloxifene/clomid can cause it to shrink. These things are called SERMs if you want to look them up.

Fire and fury approach is just to blast both for a while and pray. But taking letro off cycle is miserable, and probably unnecessary.

Personally I get gyno flare ups every cycle, even though I use arimidex to kill some enzyme off and raloxifene + tamoxifen to stop the estrogen attachment. I run raloxifene for 8-10 weeks post cycle and it gets rid of the gyno. I use 60mg a day.


Also... you can always see a doctor and just say you've had the gyno since puberty. They'll prescribe what you need an work with you. You don't need to admit steroid use.
Thank you brother. So hold on, let's get something straight here brother, you said novadex, & Clomid will KEEP THE ESTROGEN FROM BINDING TO THE RECEPTOR?? So your pretty much telling me that Nova & Clomid are for this reason & not their "MAIN" purpose, to kick start your pituitary glands aka testes back online. So wth are you telling me here bro?! Are you saying that "YOU PERSONALLY" Run Nova & Clomid DURING a cycle? I think you got some facts mixed up bud! Because I've herd that Nova & Clomid are for PCT ONLY! & THAT THEY CAN ACTUALLY RAISE PROGESTERONE & SOMETIMES ESTROGEN JUSS LIKE HCG. I'm gonna tell him ta hit it with Letrozole. & That's all she wrote. Or if the letro don't work, I'm gonna tell him ta hit it with Caber. If them 2 don't work.........WELL THEN HES FUCKED.
Thank you brother. So hold on, let's get something straight here brother, you said novadex, & Clomid will KEEP THE ESTROGEN FROM BINDING TO THE RECEPTOR?? So your pretty much telling me that Nova & Clomid are for this reason & not their "MAIN" purpose, to kick start your pituitary glands aka testes back online. So wth are you telling me here bro?! Are you saying that "YOU PERSONALLY" Run Nova & Clomid DURING a cycle? I think you got some facts mixed up bud! Because I've herd that Nova & Clomid are for PCT ONLY! & THAT THEY CAN ACTUALLY RAISE PROGESTERONE & SOMETIMES ESTROGEN JUSS LIKE HCG. I'm gonna tell him ta hit it with Letrozole. & That's all she wrote. Or if the letro don't work, I'm gonna tell him ta hit it with Caber. If them 2 don't work.........WELL THEN HES FUCKED.

Best of luck man
If he has gyno then it will always come back without surgery.

I would recommend Nolvadex or Raloxifene. Most are having better luck with Raloxifene. I've seen some run both. I've actually seen studies with both.

Letro is only going to make him feel worse by crashing his estrogen.

WELL FUCK....... I just gave my friend FALSE advice then smh. Thank y'all for your help. BIG TIME THANK YOU. WHAT DOSES OF RALOXIFENE should he take per DAY? & FOR HOW LONG Y'ALL?
The dose of letro for gyno treatment should be 0mg. The dose of nolva or ralox should be the actual question.

STOP MISINFORMING PEOPLE HERE. The gyno most probably came from high estrogen and he need an aromatase inhibitor also with the serm.

if you are an idiot PLEASE STFU

You act like you giving the best advice and all you doing is confusing people and ultimately f#cking people up
STOP MISINFORMING PEOPLE HERE. The gyno most probably came from high estrogen and he need an aromatase inhibitor also with the serm.

if you are an idiot PLEASE STFU

You act like you giving the best advice and all you doing is confusing people and ultimately f#cking people up

You're a moron on the Same level as masterbot. Kill yourself and do us all a giant favor.
Seriously, stop giving advice moron

You're a complete waste of oxygen. Do the world a favor and stick your mouth at the end of a running car's tailpipe.

Gynecomastia developed in 73% of patients in the bicalutamide group, 10% of patients in the bicalutamide-tamoxifen group, and 51% of patients in the bicalutamide-anastrozole group (P < .001); breast pain developed in 39%, 6%, and 27% of patients, respectively (P = .006). Baseline PSA level decreased by ≥ 50% in 97%, 97%, and 83% of patients in the bicalutamide, bicalutamide-tamoxifen, and bicalutamide-anastrozole groups, respectively (P = .07); and adverse events were reported in 37%, 35%, and 69% of patients, respectively (P = .004).


More people got gyno AND more people had adverse side effects with an aromatase inhibitor than with the SERM.

Re: A HOW TO for: SERMs, Aromatize inhibitors, Gyno and PCT *A must read

How much E2 control do you think you can achieve with an AI while ON cycle (TE 500 MG/WK)? What dose AI do you think you would need? Is any AI dose sufficient to bring E2 to a level that gyno is not a concern? It is counter intuitive, thus the reason for the castle analogy. I have treated this very problem. And, the solution was a SERM first. An AI will NOT prevent gyno.

Re: A HOW TO for: SERMs, Aromatize inhibitors, Gyno and PCT *A must read

The OP was to prevent gyno with an AI. An AI alone will NOT prevent gyno. Did you read the AI dose in the face of TE 500 MG. Really.

Re: A HOW TO for: SERMs, Aromatize inhibitors, Gyno and PCT *A must read

Go for it! AIs do not prevent gyno while on cycle. I have had many cases of gyno where this strategy was used. I am not against an AI. I am wholly against the idea it will prevent gyno. AIs are not new. They have been around for decades.

Now shut the fuck up and go back to your crayons if you don't plan on killing yourself.
Both of you are right.

If you're on a heavy cycle and aromatizing heavily, a SERM may not be sufficient to prevent gyno formation. Then you need an AI to bring estrogen down to SERM-manageable levels.

But if you already have gyno, or if estrogen is fairly well controlled, an AI is useless. You need to attack the tissue at the source - with a SERM
Both of you are right.

If you're on a heavy cycle and aromatizing heavily, a SERM may not be sufficient to prevent gyno formation. Then you need an AI to bring estrogen down to SERM-manageable levels.

But if you already have gyno, or if estrogen is fairly well controlled, an AI is useless. You need to attack the tissue at the source - with a SERM
That's what I'm telling him. But obviously he have a penis stuck on his hypothalamus and can't think right. I will be surprised if that moron can chew gum and walk at the same time.
That's what I'm telling him. But obviously he have a penis stuck on his hypothalamus and can't think right. I will be surprised if that moron can chew gum and walk at the same time.
You are a fucking clown. Read the wording of what he said before you spew more shit from your cocksucker.
& for all y'all shit talkers on here YES ok, I told my friend that RALOXIFENE IS THEE ANSWER, & THAT I AM SORRY THAT I MISLEAD YOU. you wanna know WHY? Do ya wanna know what makes me DIFFERENT THAN YOU?? Its because I like ta HELP PEOPLE OK, Id like for the bodybuilding comunity ta come together, instead of juss talking shit. Thank you ALL for your advice on RALOXIFENE.
WELL FUCK....... I just gave my friend FALSE advice then smh. Thank y'all for your help. BIG TIME THANK YOU. WHAT DOSES OF RALOXIFENE should he take per DAY? & FOR HOW LONG Y'ALL?

Dosages of aromatase inhibitors depend on how much test-dianabol etc you running per week.
The higher you run aromatizing compounds the more you will need aromatase inhibitors.
And the idea is to maintain estrogen on a normal range. Not to crash it too low and not to let it go too high. There are side effects and symptoms for both high estrogen and low estrogen.

NOW, if you using aromatase inhibitors to decrease gynecomastia you may crash your estrogen below comfortable levels. If you crash your estrogen too low you will feel like crap with joint pains, dry skin and may not be able to achieve an erection among other side effects. If you go throw this hassle to lower your gun make sure you didn't increase your estrogen levels above normal in the future. Blood tests will be the more precise way to know were your estrogen levels are...

Raloxifene and clomid will help your gyno but will not lower your estrogen levels in your blood. This way you can avoid crashing your estrogen and avoid dealing with the nasty side effect mentioned above. Raloxifene and Nova target the breast tissue receptors without intervening with flowing blood estrogen(you may still be bloated holding water but will be less likely to grow gyno)

One last important point about Nolva(I'm not sure if apply to raloxifene). Nolva should not be taken with Nandrolone or Trenbolone as it can worsen gyno symptoms. Must wait till this compounds have cleared your blood before introducing Nolva.
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