Libido explosion after AI



3 weeks into 500mg of test c, 40mg oxandrolone ED. Cutting diet, 23% BF.

Now lowered the test dose to 250mg because I was aromatizing a lot, Gyno came in galloping in 1 day, it hurts the nipples and there is a swollen lump. Please learn from my mistakes, do not use high test at high bodyfat.

2 Days ago I took 0.5 mg of Anastrozole, today I took another 0.5mg, also I started today 10mg Tamox ED, gotta stop that damn gyno.

I took the AI this morning, and now in the evening libido came galloping so strong that I feel like a dog, i guess that's a good signal because estradiol fell to good spot so I have a libido boost.

Anyone with libido boost after AI?
Is it good to combine AI with Tamox?

3 weeks into 500mg of test c, 40mg oxandrolone ED. Cutting diet, 23% BF.

Now lowered the test dose to 250mg because I was aromatizing a lot, Gyno came in galloping in 1 day, it hurts the nipples and there is a swollen lump. Please learn from my mistakes, do not use high test at high bodyfat.

2 Days ago I took 0.5 mg of Anastrozole, today I took another 0.5mg, also I started today 10mg Tamox ED, gotta stop that damn gyno.

I took the AI this morning, and now in the evening libido came galloping so strong that I feel like a dog, i guess that's a good signal because estradiol fell to good spot so I have a libido boost.

Anyone with libido boost after AI?
Is it good to combine AI with Tamox?
Yes when exactly as you describe, when the AI bring e2 in range. I stop taking any at this point
Too much estrogen or too little hurts libido. It seems you found a sweet spot but you need to dial that in. Meaning how much test you have circulating, at what point did you take the adex and how much adex is circulating.

Tamox is breast specific and its a serm, first line of defense against gyno. Adex is for lowering e2 systemic
I'm glad you are doing better. OP apologized to me in a private message for some previous issues.

I am glad you didnt run Dbol or anything like that with this...

You can keep the nolvadex going to help with the gyno, capturing blood work isnt a bad idea. When you add your Mast it will definitely help with the e2 control(In breast) but may not help systemically.
Yes when exactly as you describe, when the AI bring e2 in range. I stop taking any at this point

I thought about keeping the AI for a week or so to consolidate the sweet spot, so I can avoid a rebound if I quit cold turkey, but what do I know, I am not a doctor. Maybe lower the dose from 0.5 to 0.25 EOD?
I thought about keeping the AI for a week or so to consolidate the sweet spot, so I can avoid a rebound if I quit cold turkey, but what do I know, I am not a doctor. Maybe lower the dose from 0.5 to 0.25 EOD?
I never realized there was a rebound. Maybe take one more dose? And then like other said use nolva for gyno if needed. But i usually take an AI until libido is solid, then stop and i. 3-4 weeks from now take An amount to bring libido back. As i feel higher e2 is good for bulking, which is what i usually do.

So i usually gauge e2 from libido, since bloodwork is not possible by me.

If you could get bloodwork to see what this number amount of e2 feels like just for knowledge.

But as long as your gyno isnt growing, i would stop AI until needed again.

Because crashed e2 sucks, and its not that hard to crash once in this prime estate of what it is now.

But this is going off of never knowing e2 rebounds.
Specifically in this case, as I know everyone doesn't use Anastrozole, when using that AI, what do you guys typically dose? Frequency, etc?
I never realized there was a rebound. Maybe take one more dose? And then like other said use nolva for gyno if needed. But i usually take an AI until libido is solid, then stop and i. 3-4 weeks from now take An amount to bring libido back. As i feel higher e2 is good for bulking, which is what i usually do.

So i usually gauge e2 from libido, since bloodwork is not possible by me.

If you could get bloodwork to see what this number amount of e2 feels like just for knowledge.

But as long as your gyno isnt growing, i would stop AI until needed again.

Because crashed e2 sucks, and its not that hard to crash once in this prime estate of what it is now.

But this is going off of never knowing e2 rebounds.

thanks for sharing your experience, I am glad you never felt a rebound after stopping AI.

btw, tamox during cycle to prevent gyno... 10 or 20 mg ED? I got that doubt.
I've "cruised" on 500 a week for several years in the past. Test C, 250 x2 a week. Mostly no Ai, hard itchy nips at times, when I got concerned .5 Adex on inject days.

@kosp, your test levels are peaking now at 3 weeks in, along with the dramatization. Get some blood work to help dial in your E2.
I've "cruised" on 500 a week for several years in the past. Test C, 250 x2 a week. Mostly no Ai, hard itchy nips at times, when I got concerned .5 Adex on inject days.

@kosp, your test levels are peaking now at 3 weeks in, along with the dramatization. Get some blood work to help dial in your E2.
dramatization? lol yes, levels are peaking, i just came back from the gym and squats went craaaazy, nice weights even with 2000 miserable calories!

today was injection day and lowered from 1ml to 0.5ml... it gives me a little annoyance to lower the dose but I have to... 2000 calories are too low for growth and 250mg a week will make the job of maintaining strength and muscle... so I don´t want unnecessary harm with double dose.