List of Meso Approved Sources


Well-known Member Supporter
With all the scammers trying to rip off the noobs here it would be good to put our approved sources in one easy to follow list. If you really want to help a noob stay safe, post a good UGL.
I like this but no one is going to put their reputation on a source. This would be eaiser to say who isn't a good source.
Considering most if not all the labs fail in short order, we might want to make a list of those to avoid and why. Besides, I doubt many of the members here that have a truly good source (typically private) will be willing to share.
Here is the list of "good" sources here at Meso from the year 2014.


The end.

In all seriousness, I appreciate what you are trying to do here Burr, but the reality is no one here wants Meso's name lending credibility to ANY source. By titeling this thread "Meso Approved Sources" you would be implying that in many readers/members minds.
The chances of seeing any source being considered gtg by the meso underground appear to be 0%. We just voted and found the majority of people here want sources posting, all the time knowing that none of them will be good enough.
Does that make the steroid underground nothing more than a place to accuse all sources of being amateurs, scammers and bath tub brewers?
With bloods u may be the victim, without bloods u become the prey. Souces may very well dish out underdosed gear if they think they can get away with it. Hence selective scamming.

Each member needs to take steps to protect their own investment. We take chances, but the habit of getting blood would be most beneficial.
I wouldn't associate MESO with it, but it would be nice if someone would be willing to take the time to put together verifiable facts for various sources.

Just some kind of alphabetical list with Labmax test links, bloodwork links, and possibly some anecdotes like detailed cycle reports. (No contact or price list).

It's important that its unbiased and just presents the facts. labmax/bloodwork should only be included if its from a member with some history, etc.
I feel like AAS use is an investment and just like any investment you have to be willing to put extra to get extra. Buying under dosed gear is one thing but not being able to confirm that its under dosed or worse yet, bunk gear is just plain stupid. If your willing to spend a grand on gear you have to be willing to spend a little extra on bloods to make sure your getting quality return on your investment.

Oh and I'd rather have a list of sources to stay away from then "quality" sources. I'm done with all these sources that have supposedly been around only to turn scammer.
I don't mind sharing sources with people I trust and know, but openly sharing good sources with the general public is like giving away lobster numbers at your honey hole. It's just not gonna happen. All it takes is one asshole or LE to fuck it up for everyone. Too risky and irresponsible IMO.
The chances of seeing any source being considered gtg by the meso underground appear to be 0%. We just voted and found the majority of people here want sources posting, all the time knowing that none of them will be good enough.
Does that make the steroid underground nothing more than a place to accuse all sources of being amateurs, scammers and bath tub brewers?

You could look at it this way....if you have not been shot to hell on meso then you are either 1 - gtg, 2 - new, or 3 - off the radar entirely. The best thing meso can be used for in my opinion is to check your found source against lab results and opinions people have posted in an uncensored forum, arming yourself a bit. I don't think we can, nor should we ever vet a source since they seem to come and go faster than a bad fad. As has been stated, it was envisioned to be used as a harm reduction site and i think it does that. In fact, i think it gets better as time goes on.

The problem is that people want it to be a board where they can find a solid, reputable source. I don't think it could ever be that even if it is what everyone wanted. This forum is like a labmax in a way. It can't tell you the purity of a source or that he is solid, but it can sure prove the negative with bloods, mass specs, and user results from cycles. So just like a labmax can tell you if what you are testing for is even there, chances are someone on this board has information about a source you might wonder about if he has any negatives. After all, we aren't trying to prove someone's innocence in a court of law here...just try to limit the amount of bunk gear floating around to people who want to be informed. I think a lot of people contribute with help in that regard from Dr. Jim to the everyday user who has had a bad experience or two and wants to share with the rest of us for warning purposes.

I don't even think it would be a good idea if it could be the best source board ever for a couple of reasons : 1 - LE, 2 - The horde of scum sources that would be flocking like parasites to drain us.
Considering most if not all the labs fail in short order, we might want to make a list of those to avoid and why. Besides, I doubt many of the members here that have a truly good source (typically private) will be willing to share.

I agree with this. An active list of sources to avoid and why would be a great idea to help steer clear of knockoffs.
The chances of seeing any source being considered gtg by the meso underground appear to be 0%. We just voted and found the majority of people here want sources posting, all the time knowing that none of them will be good enough.
Does that make the steroid underground nothing more than a place to accuse all sources of being amateurs, scammers and bath tub brewers?
Its called the truth.
Well i would think the first step would be to do a search on the source you might have in question, then plow through the posts if there are any. chances are pretty good you should be able to navigate through the garbage and find what you are looking for if there are bloods, labmaxes, or user feedback. Pretty much the same rule for looking anything up on the internet right? From time to time you may even find a summation of crap if the source has been going back and forth for a while.

Hey, i would like for it to be easy too...but it isn't. there aren't cliff notes for every source out there. They reinvent themselves under new names all the time like bad strip joints. You can expect a bit of help, but you have to do some looking for yourself at least. Chances are good the information is out there and that people will be willing to point you in the right direction at least.
The chances of seeing any source being considered gtg by the meso underground appear to be 0%. We just voted and found the majority of people here want sources posting, all the time knowing that none of them will be good enough.
Does that make the steroid underground nothing more than a place to accuse all sources of being amateurs, scammers and bath tub brewers?

Remember bro, underground is not for the SOURCES, yet an information super highway for the MEMBERS.

Enables the members to take a calculated risk, but a risk all the same. As u have already seen, what a source sends me, could be quite different hiding under the same label, tgat is sent to u.

So we r all responsible for our own decisions, the underground for me, helps to soften the fall.
If you are using ugl, you don't know. Chances are your source doesn't know if his source is good either.

I don't think there is one ugl that could make it here without testing raws on a regular basis, and I don't know many ugls do.

I have said it before, ugl is of such poor quality in general, that you can count on some where around 30% under dosed.

Just a guess, but I don't think I am far off.