List of Meso Approved Sources

If you are using ugl, you don't know. Chances are your source doesn't know if his source is good either.

I don't think there is one ugl that could make it here without testing raws on a regular basis, and I don't know many ugls do.

I have said it before, ugl is of such poor quality in general, that you can count on some where around 30% under dosed.

Just a guess, but I don't think I am far off.

I think meso has done a great job in the research department of ugl. Everything coming from China is bad quality in general.
I think meso has done a great job in the research department of ugl. Everything coming from China is bad quality in general.
I agree. We have done s good job. Every other board out there disagrees with how we operate. The fact is that sources that set up here will go down. Promise. We test.
Nobody wants to give up sources and I totally feel that. That said I'll list my last two used and next two I'm gonna try.

Spetz... Prop, dbol, aromasin. Prop hurt like a bitch and I swoll up bad after a pec inject. I ran a two weeker and ended up up eight lbs with good strength gains. Lost five of those lbs right away during pct but kept the other three lbs and all of the strength gains. I'll order again from spetz eventually I think.

Mike strong... Anavar, tren a, clomid. Running the tren and var right now along with some more of spetzs dbol. Can't comment on ms gear yet ad I just started my cycle but pip with the tren is pretty minor at least.

Iv gear... Got some tren a on the way.

Anabolictitan... Good reviews on eroids, no complaints when I posted about him here. He's down til after the holidays but gonna grab some orals when he's back up.
China Raws Suck
Go back to GNC... That's your only choice.. Good Luck

You can now use GNC Gold Card Every Day.. YAH YAH YAH :cool:
I think the bigger issues are where the powder source comes from. To be able to decipher good or bad. Example bruce group no good.
I had a REALLY good private source. Best mast p and test prop I have ever used. Mother fucker was busted over some stupid fucking RECs. COCKSUCKER!!!! Now its a crap shoot. Even the good ones send shit half the time.
I have no problem with 3 raw sources that I use..
I don't know where the bad raw sources are,
but just coming out and saying China Raws suck is
not going to get someone a Raw source..

Coming out and asking everyone to post
good sources on this thread is not going to get good sources posted..
I had a REALLY good private source. Best mast p and test prop I have ever used. Mother fucker was busted over some stupid fucking RECs.
Yup, that's how it happens..
They get busted for selling recs and
place raided finding computer with vials, raws supplies, then
get charged with that too..
I don't think there should be a "meso approved source" any source can go bad in a second. It's not a good idea to endorse sources , stay on top of them with testing , reviews , etc. and try to keep them honest. Never endorse though!
I honestly feel bad for my American friends. They have such a difficult time locating a reputable and dependable source. Ive witnessed more sources come and go on this site than any other. Arguably the membership is doing a terrific job weeding out the fly-by-night'rs. But that's not to say us Canadians dont experience our own trials and tribulations occasionally. Although i believe the integrity amongst UGL's up here is underscored by lack of numbers and demographics, i can tell you that there are a couple of VERY solid UGL's that i know of that have proven track records for over a decade and conduct themselves in an extremely professional manner. If youre Canadian and have already secured a spot on the list, count yourself lucky and treat them like a best friend.
If youre Canadian and have already secured a spot on the list, count yourself lucky and treat them like a best friend.

Why? They're not your friend, they want your money. It's a business relationship, nothing more. This idea of treating or thinking of sources like a friend impairs your judgement. ANY source, no matter how long they've been in business, can go bad at any time. If you don't remain impartial you'll miss the warning signs.
I created this thread with the intention of it not containing any sources. To prove the point, that there are no sources that meet the criteria of what the underground demands. It's become counter productive that members here take the stance that all sources are bad, all raws are bad, all src sites are bad, etc.

MESO doesn't approve sources.
Burr i would disagree with you about it being counter-productive. If this board only provides one side of things, like revealing who the shitty suppliers are by testing, then it has served an excellent purpose in my eyes. Just because it is not the one stop shop for everything steroids doesn't mean it is useless....far from it. I have accepted that this is the place to get the scoop on anything bad you might hear about a source. Isn't that worth something? Like the consumer reports for AAS. What exactly would be wrong with that?

I can tell you that had i known about this board years ago and the testing was going on that is happening now i am fairly certain i would have saved myself a lot of cash and hours of bickering with crap sources that this board had already labeled as selective scammers. If it helps a guy out that is in the same situation that i was in i think that has great value by itself.