List of Meso Approved Sources

hi guys i am, new in this forum, i am study physical education, but i love cyclism and bodybuilder, i nedd help to wellness traning routine, someone help me please haha thank so much for accept me
With the exception of the above post, this has been a great thread. Brought out much better perspective than even the thread that begged the question "What do you want from the Steroid Underground?" These are the kinds of replies and insights that get you thinking. Thanks for the list, too, Millard.
Meso approved sources.. Haha :)
I just read that yea I'm up early ..
I thought it was funny seeing that after reading so much about meso not being a source board :)
We don't push sources BUT "we do" have our favorites we'd like you to try haha :) Meso MAN you gotta love this place ;-)
Meso approved sources.. Haha :)
I just read that yea I'm up early ..
I thought it was funny seeing that after reading so much about meso not being a source board :)
We don't push sources BUT "we do" have our favorites we'd like you to try haha :) Meso MAN you gotta love this place ;-)
Good morning MW;)
Just wanted to point these posts out since this thread was resurfaced. It's great finding these extremely logical, well laid out posts from threads of the past.

The steroid underground subforum is a goldmine of information about sources/UGLs and products. There's nothing counterproductive about that.

What I do find counterproductive is a lot of the conclusions made based on this information.

There is far too much dichotomous thinking when it comes to the AAS black market. People are compelled to classify sources/UGLs as either "GTG" or "scammer". These terms are so overused that they are practically meaningless.

There is no such thing as a perfect source. So, I'd recommend that everyone eliminate that GTG term from your vocabulary when discussing sources.

There seems to be this tendency among individuals and even other forums to "approve" a source based on labmax or serum blood testing. While the tests provide useful info about specific products, it is silly to extrapolate that data (no matter how positive it may be) to every other aspect related to the source and/or product line. And when you use this limited data to make a "GTG" or "approved" proclamation, this is exactly what you are doing.

The same flawed thinking applies when applying the "scammer" label.

And what is worse, once those labels are applied, the critical thinking stops. This is especially true with GTG/approved sources. People stop asking questions.

It's troubling that so many people are will to lend their credibility to promote a source as GTG/approved without so much as a single analytical HPLC/MS test performed on even a single product.

Maybe if they performed multiple HPLC/MS tests on each and everyone of a UGL's products over the course of 12 months, then it would mean something. Otherwise, these labels do more harm than good.

The proper way to interpret positive serum/labmax/analytical test results is to limit it to the specific product at that specific time. Don't extrapolate the results to all products and don't give the UGL/source a pass for the next several months either.

So, if sources/UGLs are NOT "GTG" or "approved", they must be "scammer", right?

Would you call your local grocery vendor a "scammer" after they offered poor service and/or poor products? Why not use the "scammer" label when talking about Walmart, Albertson's, Kroger, Hyvee, Safeway, etc.

One time they may have sold you moldy bread; a bag of apples with rotten ones hidden inside; chicken that went bad in the refrigerator a day later; forgot to put a bag with $40 product in your cart at checkout; charged more at the register than was advertised on the shelf; sold a 5kg bag of potatoes but was really only 4.5kg

Do you call them scammers, discourage everyone you know from shopping there, call anyone who continues to shop there an idiot or anyone who promotes the store a shill?

Probably not. People might look at you funny.

Instead, you usually give a more measured response. You explain specific details of your experience and why this made you unhappy/dissatisfied.

They may even continue to shop at the store even after hearing about your adverse experience. You might even continue shopping at the store. It depends on the available options and the alternatives. At least, you and those you've notified will be better informed.

But if someone is screaming 'Walmart is a scammer' without providing specifics, they will most likely be ignored. People might chuckle and walk quickly past him right into Walmart.

The scammer label is practically meaningless. Specifics are needed to make a bigger impact. This is the best way to effectively communicate the information.

Here are some recommendations that I previously posted to encourage a more meaningful discussion about black market sources that goes beyond a simple GTG vs. scammer label:

What I would recommend against is calling every BAD lab a scammer. The word "scammer" is so overused that it is has become largely uninformative. As a result, it is often dismissed by a significant percentage of consumers.

There are many instances where "known scammers" continue to recruit hundreds of customers many of which are mostly satisfied with the service; customers who have repeated positive experiences with a source aren't going give much credibility to a generic, non-specific scammer alert.

This doesn't mean that there is no basis for the scammer alert. It just means that the reasons for the scammer alert have not been communicated in a manner that adequately warns consumers of potential problems with a source.

Rather than paint BAD sources with broad designations only, it would be much more useful and effective to provide explicit detail. In essence, create a thread and make a case, including as much detail as possible, about why consumers should not use a particular vendor. For example, here is a non-inclusive list of reasons that vendors have fallen under the umbrella of the "scammer" designation. The availability of these reasons may allow consumers to make better decisions.
  • Arrested by law enforcement
  • Supply and/or distribution chain arrested by law enforcement
  • Becomes confidential informant for law enforcement
  • Takes money and never ships product
  • Takes money and selectively ships product
  • Very complicated/restrictive/ambiguous reship policy in instances of customs seizure
  • Only re-ships once in instances of customs seizure notice
  • Never re-ships in instances of customs seizure
  • Ships product with microbial contamination or visible contaminants
  • Ships underdosed product
  • Ships product with androgen other than that listed on label
  • Ships product with no detectable androgens
  • Ships wrong product or does not ship entire order
  • Misrepresents UGL products as FDA-approved
  • Does not offer replacement products to dissatisfied customers
  • Packages shipped in a sloppy manner that results in damaged product
  • Packages shipped in insecure manner that increases risk of customs seizure
  • Takes excessive amount of time to ship order
  • Responds to negative customer feedback with threats of violence or other
  • Responds to negative customer feedback with organized shill attack
  • Responds to negative customer feedback with dismissive or rude responses
  • Customer service is inconsistent
  • Takes excessive amount of time to respond to inquiries
  • Fails to provide secure email address
  • Fails to provide pictures of paraphernalia used in production
  • Sells overpriced product
  • Source is new and has no feedback and/or history
Source: Labeling UGL threads gone bad
Hopefully one day aas will be made legal again, so we can avoid the issues associated when dealing with ugl. I just can't understand why they're illegal, but hopefully this changes since their popularity is becoming more widespread.
Hopefully one day aas will be made legal again, so we can avoid the issues associated when dealing with ugl. I just can't understand why they're illegal, but hopefully this changes since their popularity is becoming more widespread.
Haha they aren't illegal they are legal .. with a script .
Which I provide haha :)
Haha they aren't illegal they are legal .. with a script .
Which I provide haha :)

uh yeah, wal greens, I have a prescription from dr manwhore for 4 vials of tren enthanate, 4 vials of npp, 5 vials of sus and a couple packs of Viagra with some aromasin too....

its for my dementia ;):D
Just wanted to point these posts out since this thread was resurfaced. It's great finding these extremely logical, well laid out posts from threads of the past.
You always find good shit. You need to create a sticky for noobs and show them the ways of research.
You always find good shit. You need to create a sticky for noobs and show them the ways of research.
Haha well thank you. Honestly, majority of the time I'm not even researching just being unproductive at work. Long night shifts with things running smoothly makes for plenty of read time :cool:
uh yeah, wal greens, I have a prescription from dr manwhore for 4 vials of tren enthanate, 4 vials of npp, 5 vials of sus and a couple packs of Viagra with some aromasin too....

its for my dementia ;):D
Haha YeA Fuck the paperwork I'm not gonna wait two hours to get my test shot because the shit gotta go in the computer and print out paperwork so I can go to the pharma.. Yeah YEAH!!

Fuck that!
I'm a fuckin United States Marine you think I'm gonna wait for some paperwork when I can just do that shot myself Fuck the laws I make my own and you can take that to the bank!! ;-)

Not bank of America or TD
They are crooks they fuckin charge me $7 to cash a company check ..
The fuckin company has an account with them it's so fuckin ridiculous I just wanna get a 203 and pump that bank full of grenades!!!

I keep my money far from banks
I hate banks they SuCk Dick!

OK I'm about on my last joint here haha just kiddin I don't smoke joints it's the twenty first century .. where the hell did that come in haha 21st century

Maaaaaaaaaan I'm stoned beyooond stoned! :p

And don't let the .. Ahh I forgot well GooDniGht ;-)
Yea no one should vouch for any source. Remember that guy that came here like 2 years ago who only allowed VIP and WKM's order from him. A lot of guys said he was gtg, then he started pushing bunk gear, and burnt a lot of members. I forget his name. Also Astro who was the number source here for a long time, and everyone thought he was the best. He robbed a shit ton of Meso members on his way out.

Did you just mention Astro? Good lord. let's not speak his name. I think I still need anger management counseling because of that dude.