List of Meso Approved Sources

Here are some recommendations that I previously posted to encourage a more meaningful discussion about black market sources that goes beyond a simple GTG vs. scammer label:

What I would recommend against is calling every BAD lab a scammer. The word "scammer" is so overused that it is has become largely uninformative. As a result, it is often dismissed by a significant percentage of consumers.

There are many instances where "known scammers" continue to recruit hundreds of customers many of which are mostly satisfied with the service; customers who have repeated positive experiences with a source aren't going give much credibility to a generic, non-specific scammer alert.

This doesn't mean that there is no basis for the scammer alert. It just means that the reasons for the scammer alert have not been communicated in a manner that adequately warns consumers of potential problems with a source.

Rather than paint BAD sources with broad designations only, it would be much more useful and effective to provide explicit detail. In essence, create a thread and make a case, including as much detail as possible, about why consumers should not use a particular vendor. For example, here is a non-inclusive list of reasons that vendors have fallen under the umbrella of the "scammer" designation. The availability of these reasons may allow consumers to make better decisions.
  • Arrested by law enforcement
  • Supply and/or distribution chain arrested by law enforcement
  • Becomes confidential informant for law enforcement
  • Takes money and never ships product
  • Takes money and selectively ships product
  • Very complicated/restrictive/ambiguous reship policy in instances of customs seizure
  • Only re-ships once in instances of customs seizure notice
  • Never re-ships in instances of customs seizure
  • Ships product with microbial contamination or visible contaminants
  • Ships underdosed product
  • Ships product with androgen other than that listed on label
  • Ships product with no detectable androgens
  • Ships wrong product or does not ship entire order
  • Misrepresents UGL products as FDA-approved
  • Does not offer replacement products to dissatisfied customers
  • Packages shipped in a sloppy manner that results in damaged product
  • Packages shipped in insecure manner that increases risk of customs seizure
  • Takes excessive amount of time to ship order
  • Responds to negative customer feedback with threats of violence or other
  • Responds to negative customer feedback with organized shill attack
  • Responds to negative customer feedback with dismissive or rude responses
  • Customer service is inconsistent
  • Takes excessive amount of time to respond to inquiries
  • Fails to provide secure email address
  • Fails to provide pictures of paraphernalia used in production
  • Sells overpriced product
  • Source is new and has no feedback and/or history
Make that a sticky!
Why not just tag each source with an ebay type rating? 1-5 on proper order, TA time, pip, bloods, lost limbs, went blind, and so on? That might lead to epic battles but that's entertaining as well.
Why not just tag each source with an ebay type rating? 1-5 on proper order, TA time, pip, bloods, lost limbs, went blind, and so on? That might lead to epic battles but that's entertaining as well.

Sounds good in theory but possible? I think it would change constantly and be very hard to have solid data based on overall experience. Also I would fear that system could help set up a selective scam big time. I might be wrong but just how I see it .
I used the ebay reference as a tongue-in-cheek chuckle, but then again, there's some good minds here to understand where I was aiming with that and just might could make something useful with it. As it is, I see tons of sources introducing themselves, they get beat up the first few pages (rightfully so) and look like winners, then you look on page 206 (whatever the last page is, I'm making this shit up as I type) and find they left town. To the newbie, they might be sending funds by page 3. To the reader, they get to page 201 and start to smell shit. If, let's say, astro, had to wear a badge/rating on every post, folks could see this negative on page one, page 12, every post, question it, read page 206, and not send funds to a black hole. I'm sure astro would be welcome to come here and defend this as the pitchforks are already being warmed up. Honesty is always questionable, shills will always be there, but at least if a source has a 1 rating, newbies will likely dig a bit deeper than sending funds to a 5. (LMAO!!) I just realized this is meso... ain't no 5's gonna happen! This place is brutal - kinda like real life in the real world. Any kind of rating would come from actual users (mostly-shills will always be there) and it might be more useful than a well created fake SCOC.
this has probley been said a already so i apologize if it has......

Research until satisfied but youll still have to take a leap of faith and pull the trigger

Then run your chouce of compounds for a while then get bloods thats really the only way to be for sure in my opinion. Then if your bloods come back descent you know you won lol.

I suggest doin this protocol every time this has been the only sure fire way for me. Somtimes i get what i want other times im screaming in the mirror.

My 2 cents probley commonsense but im bored thought id get my soap box out.
Yea no one should vouch for any source. Remember that guy that came here like 2 years ago who only allowed VIP and WKM's order from him. A lot of guys said he was gtg, then he started pushing bunk gear, and burnt a lot of members. I forget his name. Also Astro who was the number source here for a long time, and everyone thought he was the best. He robbed a shit ton of Meso members on his way out.
Yea no one should vouch for any source. Remember that guy that came here like 2 years ago who only allowed VIP and WKM's order from him. A lot of guys said he was gtg, then he started pushing bunk gear, and burnt a lot of members. I forget his name. Also Astro who was the number source here for a long time, and everyone thought he was the best. He robbed a shit ton of Meso members on his way out.
Because exit scamming is very, very lucrative when you've built a big name for yourself. It isn't particularly hard to start back up with a new name and do it all over again. That's just the risk we take.