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Fuck Naps. A month from now we will have a herd of new users posting how they have yet to receive their pharmacom gear, problems with money pick ups and 10 other different problems in this thread and they will be naps customers. People can't figure out the difference between Darius and Frank and Darius had his own thread which is clearly labled as another PCOM distributer.

Imagine how confused the newbie masses will be ordering PCOM gear from Naps.

Makes me think, if they are that unable to do research or pay attention to detail, can you imagine how fucked up their cycle, nutrition, and training must be! No way they are using responsibly.
So what happens when you inject something like this into your glute, because I think I did last Wednesday. Looks like rubber piece? Who the fuck knows, but I also had to throw away a whole syringe full because I saw a piece like that in the barrel, then I looked in the vial and saw this and another small piece.
I think I injected something into my glute last Wednesday because my ass is fucked right now ever since. It's tight painful and swollen, the swelling and pain lasted a while, it's still really painful but it feels as if something is hard in there and really tight.

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So what happens when you inject something like this into your glute, because I think I did last Wednesday. Looks like rubber piece? Who the fuck knows, but I also had to throw away a whole syringe full because I saw a piece like that in the barrel, then I looked in the vial and saw this and another small piece.
I think I injected something into my glute last Wednesday because my ass is fucked right now ever since. It's tight painful and swollen, the swelling and pain lasted a while, it's still really painful but it feels as if something is hard in there and really tight.

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What size syringe?
What size syringe?

Drew with a 21, injected with a 25g 1.5 inch.
It's kind of hardened in the area in a few different places. I thought it might be getting better, but now 5 days later it just aches. It feels as if there's something in there that has been walled off, when I was sitting on the ground to foam roll, it was like I was sitting on a golf ball on that side. The swellings gone slightly down maybe, but it just doesn't feel right.
@ironwarrior from one angle it seems like three are 3 or 4 "floaters" or "debris" idk what to call them. Anyway, at other angles it seems like there are several. It might be my screen though. So exactly how many of these things does it look like are in there?
If anybody has any personal experiences with this kind of thing it would really help, thinking about going to the doctor, not sure what kind of doctor to go to though. I had something similiar to this happen before, but it resolved itself, this just seems to be taking a lot longer, and not really getting much better.
I'm only posting to offer advice. Not bashing!

If you drew with a 21, it's pretty small in diameter to draw up something you might feel, unless it gets infected. It looks like your at the end of this vial correct? Your not wasting much to loose, pop the top and fish it out. See what it looks like and feels like. Could be rubber from the top. JMHO
This is why some choose to use amps. Depending how many times you pierce that rubber I feel something is bound to have a chance to sever a small piece off completely, especially if u pierce close to the same location repeatedly.
Just to be clear , your not saying these were there from the factory, correct? If so, u pinned a good bit of gear before doing a visual check.
FWIW I have trouble with my right glute injections constantly. It is always painful for 3-5 days after pin. Left is gtg. Weird.
This is why some choose to use amps. Depending how many times you pierce that rubber I feel something is bound to have a chance to sever a small piece off completely, especially if u pierce close to the same location repeatedly.
Just to be clear , your not saying these were there from the factory, correct? If so, u pinned a good bit of gear before doing a visual check.

Great question brother. I'm not saying he is complaining of UGL issues, but would be good to make sure before we start to debate the issue. My apologies for not asking this to begin with!
It's rubber from the stopper. I've had several pieces fall off into vial over the years that's why I stopped using 18g to draw with but with a 21 idk you must have literally pierced the same spot close enough together to cut chunks out. I've Never injected one but I do have a BB in my ass from when a friend shot me when I was a kid and it doesn't cause any problems. You'll be fine. I'd say from now on enter the stopper from all locations and as few as times as possible and inspect your vial and barrels before plunging.
would leaving the draw needle in the stopper risk contaminating the gear?

edit: never mind, of course it would
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