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@ironwarrior from one angle it seems like three are 3 or 4 "floaters" or "debris" idk what to call them. Anyway, at other angles it seems like there are several. It might be my screen though. So exactly how many of these things does it look like are in there?

A lot of that is dust and particles on the outside of the glass since I was using a flashlight to get a clear picture. There were at least 2 in all, I had to throw away a syringe full on Wednesday, and then I saw this one when inspecting the vial more closely.
I'm only posting to offer advice. Not bashing!

If you drew with a 21, it's pretty small in diameter to draw up something you might feel, unless it gets infected. It looks like your at the end of this vial correct? Your not wasting much to loose, pop the top and fish it out. See what it looks like and feels like. Could be rubber from the top. JMHO
Yeah that's a good idea, I had already put that vial away, wasn't going to use it anymore. but I can look at it more closely to see if it seems like rubber, I'm sure it is. I'm not thinking its dirty gear, I think its stopper rubber.
It's rubber from the stopper. I've had several pieces fall off into vial over the years that's why I stopped using 18g to draw with but with a 21 idk you must have literally pierced the same spot close enough together to cut chunks out. I've Never injected one but I do have a BB in my ass from when a friend shot me when I was a kid and it doesn't cause any problems. You'll be fine. I'd say from now on enter the stopper from all locations and as few as times as possible and inspect your vial and barrels before plunging.
Oh wow, well it definitely feels like painful clumps, and it makes the glute hip joint hurt to move too. I had been checking visually, I had seen some rubber come off in some Gp gear I was using recently, so I have been mindful of checking recently. I do pierce a lot, because I combine everything into one shot, so that's some extra piercing to inject air that happens. I need to be more mindful of where I'm piercing maybe or start using a 23g to draw?
This is why some choose to use amps. Depending how many times you pierce that rubber I feel something is bound to have a chance to sever a small piece off completely, especially if u pierce close to the same location repeatedly.
Just to be clear , your not saying these were there from the factory, correct? If so, u pinned a good bit of gear before doing a visual check.
That's a good reason to use amps, I still think vials are easier though but after this maybe I'll have to reconsider.
I'm not thinking its from the factory, maybe their rubber stoppers are cheap though? But probly just normal wear and tear on the stopper. I've been doing the visual checks, that's how I caught the syringe on Sunday that I had to throw away and then later saw the vial.
But my fear is that I just didn't look hard enough and missed it last Wednesday.
There's painful slight clumpiness in my glute and its a little harder there too, no discoloration though, but I think if its deep in the muscle there may not be visual discoloration?
i use a 5 cc syringe, with an 18ga pin to draw. Then fill my 3 cc syringes and pin with a 23, or 25 ga pin. I find the 23 ga better and much smother. JMO

Maybe not so clear. I attach an 18ga pin to a 5cc barrel, Draw and then inject in to my 3cc barrel with proper dose. I pin with a 23-/5 ga pin in glutes. I prefer 23ga. It minimizes the amount of pins in the rubber stopper.
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Sorry, I'm at work and typing these out pretty fast if the replies seem shitty and rushed.
I called a doctor and they said they wouldn't be able to image it and therefore if there's not really visual discoloration and TONS of swelling they might not be able to do much. So not sure what I should do, but the pain and ache has been bad, and its hard to move at that high glute/hip joint, and this is 5 days after. The swelling has gone down a little.
Thanks for your guys' help and answers.
Sorry, I'm at work and typing these out pretty fast if the replies seem shitty and rushed.
I called a doctor and they said they wouldn't be able to image it and therefore if there's not really visual discoloration and TONS of swelling they might not be able to do much. So not sure what I should do, but the pain and ache has been bad, and its hard to move at that high glute/hip joint, and this is 5 days after. The swelling has gone down a little.
Thanks for your guys' help and answers.
I'd give it another day or two to see if there's any improvement, but then again it's not my ass cheek swollen and hurting. Only you can guage how severe it is in comparison to usual pip or a pin gone terribly wrong
I would recommend a heating pad on the problem area. If your doc has no answer I would find a new doc. This is assuming you were honest with your AAS use.
I'm just a new guy, don't know shit but I've read hot bath while gently massaging the problem area. probably don't want to spread the problem area, but it's an idea, I'm sure advanced users will correct me if I'm wrong or let you know if this isn't a bad idea.
Answer this, do you see red streaks down below the pain area? Numbness, do you have a fever? Explain in detail your pin process. Do you Swab the vial with a different swab you use to clean your injection site? Do you reuse pins under the assumption your clean and don't need to worry about infection? I'm not bashing, just trying to gather all info to try and help.
Sorry, I'm at work and typing these out pretty fast if the replies seem shitty and rushed.
I called a doctor and they said they wouldn't be able to image it and therefore if there's not really visual discoloration and TONS of swelling they might not be able to do much. So not sure what I should do, but the pain and ache has been bad, and its hard to move at that high glute/hip joint, and this is 5 days after. The swelling has gone down a little.
Thanks for your guys' help and answers.

What's the compound in that vial?
Can't wait to see this excuse..... Popcorn ready.......

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I wish I had more experience with GH, but do know how fragile it can be. Make enough to share rabbit! I'll be sitting next to you to place side bets for fun buddy!;)
Sorry, I'm at work and typing these out pretty fast if the replies seem shitty and rushed.
I called a doctor and they said they wouldn't be able to image it and therefore if there's not really visual discoloration and TONS of swelling they might not be able to do much. So not sure what I should do, but the pain and ache has been bad, and its hard to move at that high glute/hip joint, and this is 5 days after. The swelling has gone down a little.
Thanks for your guys' help and answers.

My first cycle I used eurochem and literally got so infected in my ass it felt like I was carrying rocks in my cheek when I walked. It was red swollen and was burning. I was scared so I did a lot of research and decided if the pain lasted longer then 10 days I would go to the doctor. All said an done it's started feeling better around 9 days and was good in a few more. I'd say take some anti inflammatory and give it a few more days I'm still breathing.
My first cycle I used eurochem and literally got so infected in my ass it felt like I was carrying rocks in my cheek when I walked. It was red swollen and was burning. I was scared so I did a lot of research and decided if the pain lasted longer then 10 days I would go to the doctor. All said an done it's started feeling better around 9 days and was good in a few more. I'd say take some anti inflammatory and give it a few more days I'm still breathing.

I wish I was as confident as you brother lol I do know when the other "Gremlin" was found, Frank posted they went back and shook the vials to make sure there was no more "Gremlins." o_O Seems a bit aggressive to me, but I'm not the most GH experienced in the world as I stated. Not that this would cause a floater. Seems there are a lot of cases recently with welts, floaters and questioned GH from a few different sources.
@Roger rabbit move over and get more butter and salt buddy. Time for our GH education. I'm sure Frank will have his Thesis well written and edited for us to read. We will require a sack full of popcorn just to read it.
I'd give it another day or two to see if there's any improvement, but then again it's not my ass cheek swollen and hurting. Only you can guage how severe it is in comparison to usual pip or a pin gone terribly wrong

Thanks, that's exactly what my TRT doc just said, were gonna wait till Wednesday, a full week from the original injection and see if it improves, if not I'll be going in. It's definitely worse than bad pip, doesn't feel right is why I was so concerned, but I know wierd shot can happen, I should probly give this detail, when my wife injected my but twitched pretty badly right when she pushed down on the plunger, now it's twitched right upon piercing into the muscle before, but not a delayed string twitch right when the oil started going in.
I would recommend a heating pad on the problem area. If your doc has no answer I would find a new doc. This is assuming you were honest with your AAS use.
Answer this, do you see red streaks down below the pain area? Numbness, do you have a fever? Explain in detail your pin process. Do you Swab the vial with a different swab you use to clean your injection site? Do you reuse pins under the assumption your clean and don't need to worry about infection? I'm not bashing, just trying to gather all info to try and help.

I'm taking you up on the heating pad right now actually, I do the pad after every injection as well, including the culprit injection.

Thanks for the concern, my pinning process is impeccable IMO, I take this stuff pretty seriously. For the test E and Deca I did, I stick the two vials in a clean paper bowl of warm water standing up with the stopper and crimp not submerged(only submerged to about the neck of the glass). I swab each vial top with their own swab and leave the swab on until I'm ready to draw. Inject the right amount of air in the Deca vial, re swab that top, then inject air into the test E and draw, then I draw from the Deca the right amount since I already injected air into it. Then I change the included with syringe 21g 1 pin that I drew with, with a new 25g 1.5 pin. New alcohol pad is then applied to the glute and my wife injects.
No red streaks or discoloration, no fever or numbness. Just painful to the touch like I'm touching painful clumps in there. And it has been aching a lot. On Friday, 2 days after injecting, the pain was really bad, like I had to take a tramadol( I was prescribed them for my bulging disc a while ago and vowed to try and never take them, I didn't want to get into perscription pain killers, it was my first time popping one)and ibuprofin.
My first cycle I used eurochem and literally got so infected in my ass it felt like I was carrying rocks in my cheek when I walked. It was red swollen and was burning. I was scared so I did a lot of research and decided if the pain lasted longer then 10 days I would go to the doctor. All said an done it's started feeling better around 9 days and was good in a few more. I'd say take some anti inflammatory and give it a few more days I'm still breathing.
This is very close to how mine felt, I'm glad it got better, that gives me hope, haha. Mine feels like carrying around a bag of implanted burning rocks, that's exactly what it feels like.