Little help with pct


New Member
Im gonna start a 12 week cycle.
Test E 500mg/ew for 12 weeks
Deca 250mg/ew for 10 weeks to drop deca levels for pct in order with Test
Turinabol 20-30mg/ed for 4 weeks until deca levels builds up
Can anyone tell what should i buy for my pct?When and how should i use it?
And i have some HCG so how much UI's should i pin and when should i start to pin?
Here's a sound advice- Don't start AAS! If you haven't done the proper research and just want us to spoon-fed the info- you came to the wrong forum! If you looked/search in MESO- all the answers to your question have been asked and answered a million times!
A picture of YOU would be a great start so we know what we are dealing with.

No age, no labs, no source, no fund of knowledge, etc = a young noob who at the very least should delay cycling until ALL those issues are remedied!
Here's a sound advice- Don't start AAS! If you haven't done the proper research and just want us to spoon-fed the info- you came to the wrong forum! If you looked/search in MESO- all the answers to your question have been asked and answered a million times!
I have done a proper research but i am asking your own opinion because every article and thread suggest different so i guess it depends on persons experience,i can just start hcg after two weeks in cycle and use it 500UI/EOD as a lot of articles suggest,and calculate when the testerone levels from last Test E injection drops below my natural Test levels,which is 498ng/dL did my test level lab a month ago.And then when the level drops start taking 100/40 clomid/nolva for 2 weeks and then 50/20 for another 2 weeks.But the more accurate question is what suits for you when you go down from that kind of cycle?
And what have you heard of proviron/clomid pct because everyone around is doing it?
I'm 21 years old weight:70kg height:1.81m.I decided to take a steroid cycle because i as a student i don't have enough money to train clean:as proteins and other supllements cost fortunes,and the gain with my metabolism is pretty slow.So i have taken dianabol and deca for 5 weeks few years ago,gained 8kg from what 5kg has left as solid mass after all the water flushed out.But that was just a stupid experiment and didn't even take any pct after that..So i decided i want to put some weight again and i decided to take boldenone undecyloate for 5 weeks 400mg/week,dbol 20-30mg/day for 5 weeks until i get my boldenon working in full force,sustanon 300/week for first 6 weeks and when boldenon kicks in i up my sustanon to 600/week,till week 8,then after two weeks,when conc of compounds drops in blood,start pct 20mg nolva/day,500ui hcg/day,25mg aromasin i want to know your opinions and maybe someone has taken similar cycles,i want to now your gains then ;) Im first week now in cycle,got sus flu felt like shit,but i read in some forums that its just for first few injections.

This is you, right?
Where those labs and the PIC I asked for?

"Every article" really OP great post TWO so we know your reading evidence based material.
This is you, right?
How long ago is this quote from jaymax from? You have completed that cycle how long ago, giving you what kind of break before starting your proposed cycle from this thread?

You do your research and you will discover a good pct, but if the answers to my questions are what i think they are you should not be doing anything.

Even so I cant leave you hanging mentioned a pct containing proviron! Do not include Proviron in a pct. It is a steroid, therefore will inhibit recovery. That is an old school of thought.