Long distance running whilst on PEDs


New Member
Afternoon all, a bit of background first. I am 37, have been training in one form or another since my teenage years, the past 7 or so years have been mostly geared towards powerlifting/strongman with a years cycling thrown in as I broke my radius and ulna and it took a while to heal properly. Before that however I did used to do a lot of running to a reasonable level with more of a BB style gym attitude, ran a few marathons but mainly ultra events or trail halfs/10ks.

Anyway, I've been coerced into signing up for a 24hr event in September this year in which the aim is to run as many 10k laps as you can within the time. The complication is that I've reasonably recently started B&C on test due to low natural levels and was wondering if I need to worry about anything, i.e LVH with having to increase my cardio quite a lot for the foreseeable? Should I drop to and stay at TRT levels until the event is done and not go ahead with my next blast or is there anything else I need to consider?

Thanks in advance.
When I was in the military I had problems passing running test. It was 1.8 mile I think and you had to make it in 14 minutes max. I was taking 400mg test e and dbol and boy I barely made it. I thought I was gonna die. Calf pumps were insane burning sensation. Later on I avoided orals and stuck to lower T and maybe equipoise or something similar shit and it was better. Just my experience.
Afternoon all, a bit of background first. I am 37, have been training in one form or another since my teenage years, the past 7 or so years have been mostly geared towards powerlifting/strongman with a years cycling thrown in as I broke my radius and ulna and it took a while to heal properly. Before that however I did used to do a lot of running to a reasonable level with more of a BB style gym attitude, ran a few marathons but mainly ultra events or trail halfs/10ks.

Anyway, I've been coerced into signing up for a 24hr event in September this year in which the aim is to run as many 10k laps as you can within the time. The complication is that I've reasonably recently started B&C on test due to low natural levels and was wondering if I need to worry about anything, i.e LVH with having to increase my cardio quite a lot for the foreseeable? Should I drop to and stay at TRT levels until the event is done and not go ahead with my next blast or is there anything else I need to consider?

Thanks in advance.
U already answered ur own question. I'd go down to a cruise 150-250 test and just keep a yet in your bp. After the event I would crank it up
Not after any gains for the endurance tbf, happy that I can do what I need to with a bit of time/training. Just wanted to check with those that might have more knowledge that what I feared was probably the right thing to do.

All good though, 1 blast missed is nothing in the grand scheme of things!
If your a big guy I would drop to TRT and maybe 2iu GH if you're inclined. Could do a bit over TRT, like an additional 100 - 150mg AAS during training for recovery boost but drop to TRT at least a month before the event. You are going to want to be as light and efficient as possible. Any extra mass/weight of any kind will be a major burden. IME any AAS above TRT levels negatively impacts my endurance in a dose dependent manner and muscle pumps are not your friend for endurance.
Currently training for a marathon, so I can kinda chime in here!

My current training dosages are 125:125 Test/Mast per week, with 500iu of HCG 3x weekly, and 3IU GH a day.

For running I like to keep Test at TRT (i.e. 125mg) and then stack either Bold Cyp, Primo or Mast, all of which improve my recovery and keep me nice, springy, and critically - dry with minimal water retention due to Anti-E effects. You'll have to play around with ratios for any of these, but 1:1 usually works well for me. The overall intent here is to achieve abalanced dose that will yield you your maximum weekly volume and work capacity. So a dose that keeps recovery high, whilst minimising fatigue factors - these being not only excessive body weight and pumps during activity, but also considers the increased neural-drive which comes from some PEDS that can undermine sleep and recovery, and exacerbate physiological stress.

Now the HCG and 3IU GH do definitely cause me to hold far more water-weight than is ideal for competing (probably 7-10lbs worth). Though personally I like to keep my Estrogen a bit higher during the training period for joints, and the GH lets me push so much more mileage that it's handily worth it.

Admittedly this is just a marathon protocol, so far from your intended 24hr event. Though for your scenario, I think the main limiting factor is going to be the wear-and-tear of simply being on your feet for such an incredibly long time, rather than the tax to your cardiovascular system; your feet, legs, hips, and knees are more likely to call it quits before your heart and lungs do. In which case I think my current dosages would probably do you a lot of good, given the emphasis on building work capacity.
Currently training for a marathon, so I can kinda chime in here!

My current training dosages are 125:125 Test/Mast per week, with 500iu of HCG 3x weekly, and 3IU GH a day.

For running I like to keep Test at TRT (i.e. 125mg) and then stack either Bold Cyp, Primo or Mast, all of which improve my recovery and keep me nice, springy, and critically - dry with minimal water retention due to Anti-E effects. You'll have to play around with ratios for any of these, but 1:1 usually works well for me. The overall intent here is to achieve abalanced dose that will yield you your maximum weekly volume and work capacity. So a dose that keeps recovery high, whilst minimising fatigue factors - these being not only excessive body weight and pumps during activity, but also considers the increased neural-drive which comes from some PEDS that can undermine sleep and recovery, and exacerbate physiological stress.

Now the HCG and 3IU GH do definitely cause me to hold far more water-weight than is ideal for competing (probably 7-10lbs worth). Though personally I like to keep my Estrogen a bit higher during the training period for joints, and the GH lets me push so much more mileage that it's handily worth it.

Admittedly this is just a marathon protocol, so far from your intended 24hr event. Though for your scenario, I think the main limiting factor is going to be the wear-and-tear of simply being on your feet for such an incredibly long time, rather than the tax to your cardiovascular system; your feet, legs, hips, and knees are more likely to call it quits before your heart and lungs do. In which case I think my current dosages would probably do you a lot of good, given the emphasis on building work capacity.

Thanks for the reply, good to get a different perspective. It's usually general fatigue that gets you (I've done several of these events as a pair when much younger and more cardio orientated) though the joints do start to moan after a while, however they did have less weight and age to carry then so it's definitely something to consider.
I’m a long distance runner. The best endurance stack for me is as follows:

250 test
100 mast
30mgs Injectable Sr-9009
20mgs GW
10gs Taurine to prevent calf/shin pumps

You will blow all existing times out of the water on this endurance cycle.

I don’t fuck with EQ, because EQ fucks with my blood.

Hope this helps.
I’m a long distance runner. The best endurance stack for me is as follows:

250 test
100 mast
30mgs Injectable Sr-9009
20mgs GW
10gs Taurine to prevent calf/shin pumps

You will blow all existing times out of the water on this endurance cycle.

I don’t fuck with EQ, because EQ fucks with my blood.

Hope this helps.

That does help, thanks. Already got some taurine to help with any pump issues but am now intrigued by SR-9009 after a quick look into the research as I'd never heard of it before. May have to nose around for some in a couple of months and give it a go.
That does help, thanks. Already got some taurine to help with any pump issues but am now intrigued by SR-9009 after a quick look into the research as I'd never heard of it before. May have to nose around for some in a couple of months and give it a go.
Amino has it, worked very well for me. I don’t rep for them, not promoting them, just saying their shit worked well. Code think for 20% off hope I’m not breaking any rules just trying to help.

It’s fast acting, 3 hour half life, increases mitochondria in the cells. Extremely powerful. Also regulates circadian rhythm.
I can vouch that water retention and pump are the most challenging factors! I like to jog consistently alongside my training to keep my heart strong and when I'm heavier due to bloat it makes it much harder. Calve pumps, cramps, and tight muscles are common. I take a lot of Taurine but it's still a challenge.
On the few shorter runs I've done so far whilst building up a base again, the main issues seem to be quad pump making the legs feel horrible and the extra weight meaning I can't attack the hills like I used to.

To be expected though as I can only train lower body atm due to tennis elbow so quads are getting a beasting and I'm 4 stone heavier than when I was regularly running over 30 miles a week.

If nothing else it will be interesting training for this....
I’m a long distance runner. The best endurance stack for me is as follows:

250 test
100 mast
30mgs Injectable Sr-9009
20mgs GW
10gs Taurine to prevent calf/shin pumps

You will blow all existing times out of the water on this endurance cycle.

I don’t fuck with EQ, because EQ fucks with my blood.

Hope this helps.
10g taurine? I've gone up to 5, 10 seems like a hell of a lot. Any side effects from that much?
On the few shorter runs I've done so far whilst building up a base again, the main issues seem to be quad pump making the legs feel horrible and the extra weight meaning I can't attack the hills like I used to.

To be expected though as I can only train lower body atm due to tennis elbow so quads are getting a beasting and I'm 4 stone heavier than when I was regularly running over 30 miles a week.

If nothing else it will be interesting training for this....
You going to log the process? I'm very interested in how your protocol and training pan out.
I wasn't planning on it as my training is recorded automatically from my Garmin and imported to a much better site for metric nerds like myself but I can try to keep this thread updated on a weekly basis from next week if it will be of interest.
I wasn't planning on it as my training is recorded automatically from my Garmin and imported to a much better site for metric nerds like myself but I can try to keep this thread updated on a weekly basis from next week if it will be of interest.
Threads about AAS and endurance are rare here. I will be following anything you post on your process!
I’m a long distance runner. The best endurance stack for me is as follows:

250 test
100 mast
Have you ever experimented with other aas in addition to test? Or more Masteron? I'm not a pure endurance athlete but I definitely have been trying to add more long distance/time training to my regimen?

30mgs Injectable Sr-9009
All at once prior to a session or split through the day? IM, subq or either?

Daily or only pre-event?

You will blow all existing times out of the water on this endurance cycle.

I don’t fuck with EQ, because EQ fucks with my blood.
This probably answers my question but have you ever used EPO?

Or possibly MT-2? It's supposed to increase rbc count.
Have you ever experimented with other aas in addition to test? Or more Masteron? I'm not a pure endurance athlete but I definitely have been trying to add more long distance/time training to my regimen?

All at once prior to a session or split through the day? IM, subq or either?

Daily or only pre-event?

This probably answers my question but have you ever used EPO?

Or possibly MT-2? It's supposed to increase rbc count.
I find the the more aas load makes it harder to run the pumps are just too much. The sr-9009 IM typically 20-30mgs in the delts works in 15 minutes. I’ve only taken test/mast and a handful of orals. I’ll never use EPO I like my hematocrit to stay under 50. I use GW 3 months at a time typically doses 20mg a day