Looking for a replacement for Nolva


New Member
Okay so I am currently unable to get any pharma Nolva for my next cycle. Ive only used Nolva in the past so this will be my first run without it. I always had clomid on hand but never used it. I plan on using clomid for pct this time but since some guys don't handle the sides very well, I want to have a back up plan just in case.

I'm also sensitive to estrogen, so I want to make sure I have something to combat gyno if it flares up. That being said what do you guys think would be better to go with, raloxifene or toremifene?

Raloxifene would be more useful for gyno but less useful if needed to aid recovery. Anyone use both and have experience on either?
Okay so I am currently unable to get any pharma Nolva for my next cycle. Ive only used Nolva in the past so this will be my first run without it. I always had clomid on hand but never used it. I plan on using clomid for pct this time but since some guys don't handle the sides very well, I want to have a back up plan just in case.

I'm also sensitive to estrogen, so I want to make sure I have something to combat gyno if it flares up. That being said what do you guys think would be better to go with, raloxifene or toremifene?

Raloxifene would be more useful for gyno but less useful if needed to aid recovery. Anyone use both and have experience on either?
Sorry, having issues. Trying a new mobile Tor browser and its pissing me off.

Anyway. There are a few newer sources in the underground that claim to sell pharma grade nolva (be it generic) and I know one has a turnaround that seems to average under 2 weeks. I can't comment on quality tho as I just purchased to have on hand and haven't used.
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I figured that but wasn't sure. Word I'll have to take a look. I would definitely rather take Nolva. I prefer sticking to the traditional pct protocol if possible.

I'd still like to hear if anyone has used either drug and what their experiences were like.
I figured that but wasn't sure. Word I'll have to take a look. I would definitely rather take Nolva. I prefer sticking to the traditional pct protocol if possible.

I'd still like to hear if anyone has used either drug and what their experiences were like.

I can't comment on using anything aside from Nolva for PCT, it's the only tried and true that I'm aware of. Ralox is more for on cycle gyno protection as far as I'm aware but I may be mistaken, just what my impression was. I'd be happy to be corrected there.

Anyways, I can tell you that if you check underground there is a source that you can get pharm nolva from very quickly, just a few days. If you have trouble, let me know.
Clomid has been used and researched extensively as a fertility induction agent and a "TRT substitute" in males more than any other SERM. The extrapolation of such research to those "recovering from anabolics" forms the basis of using SERMS as PCT agents.

It's important to note, many of the cyclists who developed Clomid related adverse were often consuming excessive bro-science dosages, bc more it better!

I'm not aware of any studies (yet I've not looked) on Ralo as therapy for female infertility or as a male TRT substitute, but I suspect it would be a reasonable second line agent in YOUR CASE.
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Use your AI to control e2 levels if that's an issue. Use clomid (50/50/25/25 is standard dosing for a typical 10-15 week cycle) for PCT. I'm sure you can get Nolva if you want it though... there are sources on here that sell it.
The use of AIs rather than SERMs for PCT only increases the probability of failure, IME.

Bc the MOA are quite different, the degree of E-2 suppression required on behalf of AI's often results in hypoestrogenemic signs and symptoms, which exceed the frequency of SERM related adverse effects.

SERMS are effective in part, bc that portion of the pituitary which requires "blocking" is quite SMALL, about HALF the size of a PEA. AI's require a much higher relative dose bc the volume of distribution relative to the surface area is quite LARGE

I have found AI's may be useful as adjunctive therapy in those who can not tolerate even therapeutic SERM dosages, the latter being more common with Clomid.
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Use your AI to control e2 levels if that's an issue. Use clomid (50/50/25/25 is standard dosing for a typical 10-15 week cycle) for PCT. I'm sure you can get Nolva if you want it though... there are sources on here that sell it.

I was aware of euro pharm and 24k having actual pharm quality Nolva but 24 is gone and euro pharm is out of stock.

I definitely plan to use my AI to control my e2 levels but it's important to have Nolva in case of a flare up. AI's will keep estrogen in check but if a flare up occurs they won't reverse it.
I was aware of euro pharm and 24k having actual pharm quality Nolva but 24 is gone and euro pharm is out of stock.

I definitely plan to use my AI to control my e2 levels but it's important to have Nolva in case of a flare up. AI's will keep estrogen in check but if a flare up occurs they won't reverse it.
There are plenty of UGL sources with quality Nolva. Just do some reading
Clomid has been used and researched extensively as a fertility induction agent and a "TRT substitute" in males more than any other SERM. The extrapolation of such research to those "recovering from anabolics" forms the basis of using SERMS as PCT agents.

It's important to note, many of the cyclists who developed Clomid related adverse were often consuming excessive bro-science dosages, bc more it better!

I'm not aware of any studies (yet I've not looked) on Ralo as therapy for female infertility or as a male TRT substitute, but I suspect it would be a reasonable second line agent in YOUR CASE.

As always thanks for your input Dr Jim. Have you done any extensive reading on torem? I was just curious if QT prolongation was due to extreme dosing protocols or extended use?
I was aware of euro pharm and 24k having actual pharm quality Nolva but 24 is gone and euro pharm is out of stock.

I definitely plan to use my AI to control my e2 levels but it's important to have Nolva in case of a flare up. AI's will keep estrogen in check but if a flare up occurs they won't reverse it.
I'm still on pct and haven't did bloodwork obviously to see if I've recovered but I bought 2 cycles worth of generic nolva and clomid from pharmasource for like 80 bucks with ta around 9 days. I know a lot of guys also use @pharmacist for pct as well. There are sources in the underground section, just gotta look.
Yeah Im aware if pharmacist but he's currently out of Nolva and I know of a bunch of UG sources but I want to stick with pharm quality because I don't want to chance it being bunk or underdosed.
I used both clomid and ralox, started Clomid at 300mg on first day then 50mg for 2 weeks, followed by 25mg for 3 weeks. I began ralox around the 10 week mark into my cycle because I developed lumps behind both of my nips, 60mg/d for 3 weeks and backed it off to 30/d. It worked well in conjunction with Clomid, I tolerated it better than I do nolva... can't stand nolva.

It reversed my gyno symptoms slowly but surely, I'm more left with a small bit of fat behind both but they aren't hard lumps anymore. I notice when I smoke weed they "relax" all to speak and kind of form a slope which I don't like at all lol but yes, ralox seems to work great, got it from euro pharm.
If your looking for a "dual purpose"serm then toremifene would be your choice in that it is comparable to nolva statistically in both blocking the estrogen receptor in brest tissue (gyno treatment) as well as in stimulating the HPTA as far as test production.
That being said Id personally go with clomid for PCT and raloxifene for gyno treatment.
Also I manage estrogen while on cycle with an ai which hopefully eliminates the need for a serm to prevent gyno while on cycle but if not I have raloxifene on hand.
If your looking for a "dual purpose"serm then toremifene would be your choice in that it is comparable to nolva statistically in both blocking the estrogen receptor in brest tissue (gyno treatment) as well as in stimulating the HPTA as far as test production.
That being said Id personally go with clomid for PCT and raloxifene for gyno treatment.
Also I manage estrogen while on cycle with an ai which hopefully eliminates the need for a serm to prevent gyno while on cycle but if not I have raloxifene on hand.

I was planning to do exactly what you said with ralox. I have all intentions to use an AI to control my estrogen but I want to be covered just in case. Plus, I'm going to use aromasin for the first time so I want the Nolva or ralox just in case a flare up occurs while I'm dialing in the dose.