Looking for dosing guidance.


New Member
Hey guys, I’m just getting back into the PED world after being away from it for 20 years and I could use some guidance. I’m a 43 year old male, 6’3”, 253 pounds. My BMI is around 30, and I’d like to significantly lower that and gain muscle mass. I’ve been back on PED’s for a little over a month, and I’m looking for dosing guidance to help maximize the potential of the PED’s I’m currently using. My stack is as follows:

Tren E, 200mg - 1cc per week
EQ, 200mg - 1cc per week
Test E, 250mg - 1cc per week

I also have Primo E, 200mg and HGH, but I haven’t started those yet.
At 43 and a 30BMI, you should stick to Test E, HGH, Semaglutide or Tirzapetide, a protein rich diet, as strenuous a workout plan as you can manage, and forget everything else until you lean out.

A blood pressure monitor and basic blood work would be wise as well.

You need to be thinking about what's most important for longevity and quality of life, because things are about to get very unforgiving, health wise.
BMI is meaningless, it is BS made up by a mathematician and part time astrologer in 1830-50.

Post photos so we can see what your body fat is.
6'3", 253lbs, 43, not on gear, says he'd like to get that weight down significantly, and gain muscle mass.

I'll bet you think IQ and Functional Reading Level are meaningless too.
I’m no pro, but doing body recomp at this moment as well.
I’m on blast test C 300mg a week
Just finished 8 weeks anavar 50mg a day.
Started winstrol 25mg a day for the next 6-8 weeks.
Tirzepitide 10mg a week split on 2 doses .
Didn’t lose any weight but def dropped pant size and look way better . Only on month 3.
Also waiting on some HGH. I’ll be doing 2iu a day
Hey guys, I’m just getting back into the PED world after being away from it for 20 years and I could use some guidance. I’m a 43 year old male, 6’3”, 253 pounds. My BMI is around 30, and I’d like to significantly lower that and gain muscle mass. I’ve been back on PED’s for a little over a month, and I’m looking for dosing guidance to help maximize the potential of the PED’s I’m currently using. My stack is as follows:

Tren E, 200mg - 1cc per week
EQ, 200mg - 1cc per week
Test E, 250mg - 1cc per week

I also have Primo E, 200mg and HGH, but I haven’t started those yet.
Good at you bud for taking control of your health and going after it!

My opinion, as somebody who lost 90 lb last year, I think maybe you started in the wrong order. No disrespect intended but I think you should stick to a few of the weight loss peptides (Sema, Tirz, Reta) and Test. Maybe throw in some HGH.

Testosterone and the GLPs what's enough for me to significantly recomp. I didn't touch anything besides the weight loss peptides and testosterone until I was down nearly 75 lb then I added in HGH. After I got down to 90 then I started adding in a few other goodies.

As @TUTfan said, BMI is useless for bodybuilding and physique training. I'm hovering around 17% body fat. But my BMI says I'm obese.

I agree with @Ghoul, hopefully you're taking your blood pressure and I would recommend glucose several times a week. If you're not already.

Good luck and go get em brother!
Good at you bud for taking control of your health and going after it!

My opinion, as somebody who lost 90 lb last year, I think maybe you started in the wrong order. No disrespect intended but I think you should stick to a few of the weight loss peptides (Sema, Tirz, Reta) and Test. Maybe throw in some HGH.

Testosterone and the GLPs what's enough for me to significantly recomp. I didn't touch anything besides the weight loss peptides and testosterone until I was down nearly 75 lb then I added in HGH. After I got down to 90 then I started adding in a few other goodies.

As @TUTfan said, BMI is useless for bodybuilding and physique training. I'm hovering around 17% body fat. But my BMI says I'm obese.

I agree with @Ghoul, hopefully you're taking your blood pressure and I would recommend glucose several times a week. If you're not already.

Good luck and go get em brother!
I should’ve mentioned that I lost 80 pounds in the last 5 months since I started taking Tirzepatide, Semaglutide, and Retatrutide. That’s why I started lifting weights again. I needed to put on more muscle.
I should’ve mentioned that I lost 80 pounds in the last 5 months since I started taking Tirzepatide, Semaglutide, and Retatrutide. That’s why I started lifting weights again. I needed to put on more muscle.

I gotta ask, what's with taking all three? Are you on any currently?
Hey guys, I’m just getting back into the PED world after being away from it for 20 years and I could use some guidance. I’m a 43 year old male, 6’3”, 253 pounds. My BMI is around 30, and I’d like to significantly lower that and gain muscle mass. I’ve been back on PED’s for a little over a month, and I’m looking for dosing guidance to help maximize the potential of the PED’s I’m currently using. My stack is as follows:

Tren E, 200mg - 1cc per week
EQ, 200mg - 1cc per week
Test E, 250mg - 1cc per week

I also have Primo E, 200mg and HGH, but I haven’t started those yet.
That Tren isn't going to do you any favors here.

Save that for a cycle after you have dumped the extra weight.
I gotta ask, what's with taking all three? Are you on any currently?
I’ve been taking Tirz at a 5mg dose since the beginning of my weight loss journey. After a month in I threw Sema in the mix for 3 months, then stopped the Sema to give the Reta a try. I have very easy access to most peptides, so I’m trying them out to see what works best for me. I’m 20 pounds away from my goal of losing 100 pounds, and if I keep losing at the same rate, I’ll hit my goal in approximately 2 months.
I should’ve mentioned that I lost 80 pounds in the last 5 months since I started taking Tirzepatide, Semaglutide, and Retatrutide. That’s why I started lifting weights again. I needed to put on more muscle.
Well now. Good work! What your bf
I’ve been taking Tirz at a 5mg dose since the beginning of my weight loss journey. After a month in I threw Sema in the mix for 3 months, then stopped the Sema to give the Reta a try. I have very easy access to most peptides, so I’m trying them out to see what works best for me. I’m 20 pounds away from my goal of losing 100 pounds, and if I keep losing at the same rate, I’ll hit my goal in approximately 2 months.

OK, I've been using GLPs for a long time, and be aware the "GLP Naïveté" effect has gone from anecdotes to showing up in research. The more one goes on and off a single compound, or switches to another, the lower future response rates for weight loss are weaker. FYI. Seems best to "pick a lane" and stay in it. Nothing works for me as well as my very first stab at it with Sema did. Even at heroically high doses.
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forget the HGH, primo and eq. Just do 250-500mg test and 0-200mg tren. I guess it depends on your experience with estrogen and estrogen control considering you were doing this 2 decades ago
forget the HGH, primo and eq. Just do 250-500mg test and 0-200mg tren. I guess it depends on your experience with estrogen and estrogen control considering you were doing this 2 decades ago
Jesus Christ, no.

This new generation's answer to everything is Tren and it's beyond wild.

If you're not a body building pro and touching tren, you're definitely sub 100 IQ or itching for early death anyways.

Beyond all the physical health issues, it causes early onset dementia and a plethora more in the neurology realm.

It's pure poison that just so happens to have some insane aesthetic benefits.

Jesus Christ, no.

This new generation's answer to everything is Tren and it's beyond wild.

If you're not a body building pro and touching tren, you're definitely sub 100 IQ or itching for early death anyways.

Beyond all the physical health issues, it causes early onset dementia and a plethora more in the neurology realm.

It's pure poison that just so happens to have some insane aesthetic benefits.

Notice how I put "0" in the "0-200mg" tren. meaning its optional.
talking about "sub 100 iq" and "new generation" and writing "neurobiologist" really doesn't make you look smart. This is a steroid forum not an optimal brain health forum, and tren has been around and abused for decades, so this new generation thing is nonsense, if you read the post this guy is 43.
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So people looking for shortcuts. Nothing new. I have a dude at work, says he's using test now or how he likes to call it sust. Knows it all. He's looking soft not because of his shitty diet, but because he needed sust. He found the holy grail, at least he believes so.
If you really want to use Tren and no one can stop you, use Tren A instead of E.
If you become obnoxious or can't tolerate it, Acetate will quickly get it out of your system because of its shorter half-life.
Also lose weight before!
A BMI of 30 is obesity. You'll aromatize like hell.
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So people looking for shortcuts. Nothing new. I have a dude at work, says he's using test now or how he likes to call it sust. Knows it all. He's looking soft not because of his shitty diet, but because he needed sust. He found the holy grail, at least he believes so.

I guess it depends on the dose. A guy with low T staying within physiological levels, even if he doesn't work out, though not optimal, is still improving his physical and mental health.