Low dose d-bol when cutting


New Member
I know d-bol is generally considered a "bulking" steroid, but I am curious of using it on a cut. My goal of using the d-bol (on top of 100mg/week test) would be to increase gym performance, and better pumps/fullness. I'm not too concerned with bloat/water weight as I know I am eating in a deficit, and I have mapped out a steady calorie decrease in order to keep fat loss happening.

I don't want to derange my bloodwork too much so I was thinking of using 10-20mg ED for 6-8 weeks, towards the end of my cut. I know there's orals considered more useful for cutting, that wouldn't provide bloat/e2 issues, but I like the "feel good" aspect of d-bol, and I imagine it'll help when I'm getting grumpy towards the end of my diet.

Any constructive criticism on this idea? Thanks.
I know d-bol is generally considered a "bulking" steroid, but I am curious of using it on a cut. My goal of using the d-bol (on top of 100mg/week test) would be to increase gym performance, and better pumps/fullness. I'm not too concerned with bloat/water weight as I know I am eating in a deficit, and I have mapped out a steady calorie decrease in order to keep fat loss happening.

I don't want to derange my bloodwork too much so I was thinking of using 10-20mg ED for 6-8 weeks, towards the end of my cut. I know there's orals considered more useful for cutting, that wouldn't provide bloat/e2 issues, but I like the "feel good" aspect of d-bol, and I imagine it'll help when I'm getting grumpy towards the end of my diet.

Any constructive criticism on this idea? Thanks.
I don't see why running 5-10mg p/d would hurt, maybe 20 at the most. Give it a try or see if others chime in with personal experience.
I’m the very back end of my cut and for the final 4 weeks running anadrol 50mg a day for exactly that reason plus it kills my appetite a bit. I know it’s not d Bol for I’m using it for almost all the same reasons. Fullness, strength, feel good factor plus appetite suppression and it’s working a treat.
As long as gyno or the back pumps will not be an issue sure. You could also use Ostarine , it also has a "feel good" aspect with less sides , however keep an eye out on gyno as Ostarine will have a higher affinity for androgen receptors than testosterone , so you will have more free test left to aromatize!
i would see anavar as a better choice personally. all the same benefits pretty much plus you wont have the added bloat making it easier to monitor body composition and anavar has been shown to reduce abdominal fat. Var is usually less deleterious to your bloods as well.
As long as gyno or the back pumps will not be an issue sure. You could also use Ostarine , it also has a "feel good" aspect with less sides , however keep an eye out on gyno as Ostarine will have a higher affinity for androgen receptors than testosterone , so you will have more free test left to aromatize!
Hey buddy, we can tell you're on your first testosterone cycle. I didn't even need to check your profile to verify that. Your eager beaver demeanour is a dead give away. Stay in your lane and don't be offering advice to anyone about drugs you haven't taken. We have enough parrots around here as it is.
My Dbol experience is low. I’m using it solely as a PWO right now while using test/deca for a winter bulk. It certainly gives strength immediately, it may help you maintain lifting heavy while hungry.
Hey buddy, we can tell you're on your first testosterone cycle. I didn't even need to check your profile to verify that. Your eager beaver demeanour is a dead give away. Stay in your lane and don't be offering advice to anyone about drugs you haven't taken. We have enough parrots around here as it is.
I was planning on doing this myself, and that's the info I got from doing some research. I actually did Ostarine for 2 or 3 weeks to try it out in July , so the "feel good" effect I can guarantee. However as it's a SARM indeed all the side effects/long term effects are still unknown.
I would rather up the test than taking 10 mg of dbol.
10-20 mg it won't do much. At that dose it won't give you E problems, water retention it won't be a problem especially if you are cutting and diet is in point.
It won't help significantly or it won't harm you. Is like you take something but you don't in the same time.
If you want fullness go with drol or sdrol.

If you have some dbol leftover and don't have anything to do with that then take it if not up the test as 100 mg is a low trt dose. Is like you diet being natural and we all know that diet being natural just sucks.
Even if you take or not you don't do anything wrong.
My Dbol experience is low. I’m using it solely as a PWO right now while using test/deca for a winter bulk. It certainly gives strength immediately, it may help you maintain lifting heavy while hungry.
My main goal of adding it would be gym performance, as deeper into my diet I really have to push to keep weights from dropping, so that's promising.
I would rather up the test than taking 10 mg of dbol.
10-20 mg it won't do much. At that dose it won't give you E problems, water retention it won't be a problem especially if you are cutting and diet is in point.
It won't help significantly or it won't harm you. Is like you take something but you don't in the same time.
If you want fullness go with drol or sdrol.

If you have some dbol leftover and don't have anything to do with that then take it if not up the test as 100 mg is a low trt dose. Is like you diet being natural and we all know that diet being natural just sucks.
Even if you take or not you don't do anything wrong.
100mg/week puts me at 1200pmol/L (range 160-699) at trough, so I think it's enough for me on a cruise.

My only reason to add a low dose oral, dbol in this case, is to give a tiny edge in performance while not fucking up my bloodwork so I can go into my next blast healthy. Of course just trt/cruise dose would be best, but that's boring!

I did use drol at 37.5mg (25mg pre-workout, 12.5 PM) at the end of my last cut, and I have enough to run the same again, however I'm thinking dbol may be easier on my liver.
100mg/week puts me at 1200pmol/L (range 160-699) at trough, so I think it's enough for me on a cruise.

My only reason to add a low dose oral, dbol in this case, is to give a tiny edge in performance while not fucking up my bloodwork so I can go into my next blast healthy. Of course just trt/cruise dose would be best, but that's boring!

I did use drol at 37.5mg (25mg pre-workout, 12.5 PM) at the end of my last cut, and I have enough to run the same again, however I'm thinking dbol may be easier on my liver.
You can take 250 mg of test year around and it will not have a negative impact on your health. But if you are happy with 100 mg stay with that.

On the liver issue it wouldn't make any difference. The dose and duration are too low to even make a difference. If you have drol on hand take that and don't buy any dbol.
You can take 250 mg of test year around and it will not have a negative impact on your health.
Not sure if I agree with a blanket statement like that. 250mg/week will leave many with high e2, less than ideal lipids, and out of whack blood pressure. Now you can attest some of that to poor diet, body fat, and cardio discipline, but I don't think 250mg year round is a entirely safe dose for everyone.
On the liver issue it wouldn't make any difference. The dose and duration are too low to even make a difference. If you have drol on hand take that and don't buy any dbol.
My liver values were at the high end of the reference range after just 4 weeks on 37.5mg adrol, while running 1g TUDCA and 1.5g NAC with it. I am confident that 10-20mg dbol for even 8 weeks would leave my liver better off, but no way to find out other than try.
Not sure if I agree with a blanket statement like that. 250mg/week will leave many with high e2, less than ideal lipids, and out of whack blood pressure. Now you can attest some of that to poor diet, body fat, and cardio discipline, but I don't think 250mg year round is a entirely safe dose for everyone.

My liver values were at the high end of the reference range after just 4 weeks on 37.5mg adrol, while running 1g TUDCA and 1.5g NAC with it. I am confident that 10-20mg dbol for even 8 weeks would leave my liver better off, but no way to find out other than try.
Regarding 250 mg/week.
I know 2 guys who just take 1 amp of test year around and everything is fine for them.
Also Chavez,Kikel and Crossland all said they see blood work at probably thousands and until 500 mg of test they couldn't tell if someone is on.

Regarding liver value.
I took dbol 100mg/day for 6 months almost and liver value were just above the range. It's a individual thing.
Same as one peanut can kill someone.
My main goal of adding it would be gym performance, as deeper into my diet I really have to push to keep weights from dropping, so that's promising.
You'll probably get what you're looking for out of that dose of dbol. I've taken 20mg dbol while dieting. It's enough for me to get a decent little performance boost. My muscles don't fatigue as quickly, therefore I can get more work done and burn more calories. I say give it a shot and see if it works. If you don't get enough out of it you can always increase your test as others have suggested and try it again.
I think Anadrol fits better for your goals.
Do you drink alcohol? (If so, don’t)
Why are your liver values at the high range with a short use even while taking NAC and TUDCA and a dose of only 37.5 mg?
I would think there is another issue or factor exacerbating things. But I’m not a doctor lol.
Maybe just a personal bad reaction to drol?

Also, if your goal is gym performance I would think taking a bolus dose 1-2 hours pre workout would be of more benefit than the 25/12.5 split you tried before imho.
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That's a fact
I agree. Depending on your physiology.

I am in that category. I respond low as well. At nearly 48 I can attest to being healthy on 250 test and 100 Deca on cruises.

Certainly I could have heart issues or other latent impacts not detected in EKG or bloodwork… but I could get cancer or have a stroke or more likely get shot by some 23 year old 125 lb kid with a chip on his shoulder because I drive like my grandpa.

So many more reasons we could have health issues than 500-750 ng/dl escalations of test