Low dose test in cut or mast/test/tbol stack

Currently been on trt for the past 3 yrs on 150mg a week. My TT is 1100 on this dose. I blast once or twice a year for only 2 months. Usually have trouble getting e2 in check. I’ve ran primo,NPP, Dbol,Tbol, in the past. Npp and an at dident sit right for me. Primo was great until I adjusted dosages and crashed my E2.

Never tried mast but heard it help with e2. So I was thinking test400mg mast250-300 to help with the e2 instead of an AI and better results as well as Tbol.

Calorie intake will be between 1600-2200 a day. Would it be a waste of gear to use these on such a low calorie intake or should I just stick with the trt dose?
Calorie intake will be between 1600-2200 a day. Would it be a waste of gear to use these on such a low calorie intake or should I just stick with the trt dose?
You can cut just fine on that TRT dosing unless you are already a 300 pound mass monster who would need more gear to retain supraphysiological levels of tissue.
Currently been on trt for the past 3 yrs on 150mg a week. My TT is 1100 on this dose. I blast once or twice a year for only 2 months. Usually have trouble getting e2 in check. I’ve ran primo,NPP, Dbol,Tbol, in the past. Npp and an at dident sit right for me. Primo was great until I adjusted dosages and crashed my E2.

Never tried mast but heard it help with e2. So I was thinking test400mg mast250-300 to help with the e2 instead of an AI and better results as well as Tbol.

Calorie intake will be between 1600-2200 a day. Would it be a waste of gear to use these on such a low calorie intake or should I just stick with the trt dose?
Masteron does not lower estrogen
Masteron goes great in every cycle, cutting or bulking

Also masteron seems to bind to the estrogen receptors, leading to a reduction in estrogen related sides but it doesn't directly reduce estrogen like primo does.

Another similar comparison could be nolvadex preventing estrogen binding to the receptors, but nolva doesn't actually reduce estrogen, you would still need an AI to actually reduce estrogen--to give you a different but similar comparison
Masteron goes great in every cycle, cutting or bulking

Also masteron seems to bind to the estrogen receptors, leading to a reduction in estrogen related sides but it doesn't directly reduce estrogen like primo does.

Another similar comparison could be nolvadex preventing estrogen binding to the receptors, but nolva doesn't actually reduce estrogen, you would still need an AI to actually reduce estrogen--to give you a different but similar comparison
Well said @Sector hahaha IMG_1190.gif
Masteron goes great in every cycle, cutting or bulking

Also masteron seems to bind to the estrogen receptors, leading to a reduction in estrogen related sides but it doesn't directly reduce estrogen like primo does.

Another similar comparison could be nolvadex preventing estrogen binding to the receptors, but nolva doesn't actually reduce estrogen, you would still need an AI to actually reduce estrogen--to give you a different but similar comparison
Ami going to go bald from one cycle
I do love mast-e but with a couple ml's per week and I can actually see hair climbing out of my scalp and reattaching to my back.