Low dose test in cut or mast/test/tbol stack

I’m not an expert or remotely close to one but I say it would much closer to being a SERM than an AI in its E2 efffcts. It absolutely does something with E2.
This is the prevailing theory.

That some metabolite of Masteron either directly acts as a SERM, or indirectly interacts with the ER in a way that machnisticaly resembles a SERM.

But this is entirely just broscience speculation
that's right
if you wanna get to 11%
you will have to do it in the kitchen
trt doses will definitely work.
once you get closer to a low body mass you can introduce some mast, that where mast shines
This is the prevailing theory.

That some metabolite of Masteron either directly acts as a SERM, or indirectly interacts with the ER in a way that machnisticaly resembles a SERM.

But this is entirely just broscience speculation
It 100% does something with E2. Another theory is that it alters the androgen to estrogen ratio. So much so, that it kinda bullies out the estrogen on certain receptors. I’m not an expert but I read this somewhere before and it stuck with me.