Low e2?


New Member
I recently posted that I was experiencing achy joints when I started adding Anavar (20mg) to my 500mg weekly Testosterone.

I'm beginning to suspect that it might not have been the Anavar and that my e2 levels have tanked due to the very achy joints in my right arm.

How would I fix low e2 levels? With HgH? If so, how do you calculate how much BAC water to add to HgH and the dosing? I'm new to peptides and need help how to calculate how much BAC water to add and how to dose.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I recently posted that I was experiencing achy joints when I started adding Anavar (20mg) to my 500mg weekly Testosterone.

I'm beginning to suspect that it might not have been the Anavar and that my e2 levels have tanked due to the very achy joints in my right arm.

How would I fix low e2 levels? With HgH? If so, how do you calculate how much BAC water to add to HgH and the dosing? I'm new to peptides and need help how to calculate how much BAC water to add and how to dose.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
nothing suggests that your E2 is low there are many more things that could cause achy joints also HGH does not increase E2 levels
i think youre using stuff you have no idea about how to use or what it does.
what are you currently on?
nothing suggests that your E2 is low there are many more things that could cause achy joints also HGH does not increase E2 levels
i think youre using stuff you have no idea about how to use or what it does.
what are you currently on?
Testosterone Enanthate, 500mg weekly. Pinning Monday and Thursdays. I'm on my 18th week.

It's odd, everything was fine until I started adding 20mg of Anavar everyday. Then my joints started aching like crazy, just my right elbow though. I've stopped taking Anavar. It's been a week since I last took it.
Testosterone Enanthate, 500mg weekly. Pinning Monday and Thursdays. I'm on my 18th week.

It's odd, everything was fine until I started adding 20mg of Anavar everyday. Then my joints started aching like crazy, just my right elbow though. I've stopped taking Anavar. It's been a week since I last took it.
yeah theres no way you have low E2 your joints probably ache from doing skull crushers or something like that. your E2 doesnt go down from taking test it only goes up and anavar wont lower E2 either.
maybe your anavar is winstrol lol
yeah theres no way you have low E2 your joints probably ache from doing skull crushers or something like that. your E2 doesnt go down from taking test it only goes up and anavar wont lower E2 either.
maybe your anavar is winstrol lol
could be. maybe hes training a little harder from that extra kick from the anavar and his joints arnt used to it
Anavar promotes collagen synthesis, it's unlikely it would cause joint pain as a compound. Also 500mg test without a AI i bet your e2 is through the roof, do not attempt to raise it further unless you wanna grow a new set of tits. Even if it's winstrol, at 20mg i doubt it could do that damage. There's only one way to know what's really happening and this is by doing bloodwork.
I appreciate the responses, thank you.

I was reading that joint pain and night sweats are signs of low e2, so I was a but worried.

After I stopped taking Anavar, about 4 or so days later my joints were a lot better. Maybe I was overworking my muscles/joints.

In retrospect, I should of just stuck with just test.
Anavar promotes collagen synthesis, it's unlikely it would cause joint pain as a compound. Also 500mg test without a AI i bet your e2 is through the roof, do not attempt to raise it further unless you wanna grow a new set of tits. Even if it's winstrol, at 20mg i doubt it could do that damage. There's only one way to know what's really happening and this is by doing bloodwork.
People can run 500 no problem. Very genetically dependent
People can run 500 no problem. Very genetically dependent

Yes, from what i've seen that goes for people with plenty of cycles in their backs, i think it has to do with the androgen receptors. I've never seen a first cycler with 500 test and no AI with a e2 inside the ref range. Have you?
If your E2 is low, you will have more than just achy joints for symptoms. At least I do. I don't want to do anything other than sleep. Bone crushing fatigue all day/night. Emotionally dead. The woman gets out of the shower nekked and I don't care (and I should care. A lot. )

At my age, all my joints ache. They just pass the baton on who's day it is to do so. Tape that sh*t up and keep going.