Low Estradiol


Because of the increase in red blood cells, which carry oxygen. Same for EQ. Be careful, though. EQ drives mine way too high, and pretty quickly.

Do you have recent hemoglobin or hematocrit numbers?

What are you doing to increase your endurance? You need training. Simply increasing your HCT or HGB numbers on a blood test due to taking drugs without endurance training is not really going to help.

Because of the increase in red blood cells, which carry oxygen. Same for EQ. Be careful, though. EQ drives mine way too high, and pretty quickly.

Do you have recent hemoglobin or hematocrit numbers?

What are you doing to increase your endurance? You need training. Simply increasing your HCT or HGB numbers on a blood test due to taking drugs without endurance training is not really going to help.
Most recent bloods are all within range. Gonna hold off on EQ at the moment. I can replace the var with the drol.

We ride trails 2-3 times a week. I do long slow distance once a week. Minimum 3 hours in the saddle on those days

Thanks for the recs. Always grateful for you guys