Low estrogen causing tendonitis

I’ve been doing 210 push ups and 210 pull ups every day for about a year now.

3 months ago I was taking 300mg test E and 2mg anastrozole a week. I was getting horrible pain in my elbows. It felt like they were going to explode when I put any tension through them. E2 was around 120pmol/l (so well within range)

I dropped the anastrozole to 1mg a week, and after about 5 days my joints felt perfect. It felt like every workout was just pure muscle contraction. I didn’t even notice my joints anymore.

12 days ago I dropped the anastrozole and started on 160mg test e and 105 mast e a week. Four days in and the pain was worse than ever. The next day I couldn’t do one rep without feeling like something bad was going to happen. Now my forearm tendons are tight, and I can feel myself getting tendinitis at this rate. Mast has estrogen antagonistic effects, so I’m guessing it’s acting as a pseudo AI

Because I do the exact same workout every day it’s easy to notices changes, and I’m definitely noticing that when my estrogen is unfettered my skeletomuscular system feels great.

I’m thinking the next step is to try 300mg test and 100mg mast
You might consider sprinkling in some rest days to allow your body to recover.