Low estrogen causing tendonitis

I’ve been doing 210 push ups and 210 pull ups every day for about a year now.

3 months ago I was taking 300mg test E and 2mg anastrozole a week. I was getting horrible pain in my elbows. It felt like they were going to explode when I put any tension through them. E2 was around 120pmol/l (so well within range)

I dropped the anastrozole to 1mg a week, and after about 5 days my joints felt perfect. It felt like every workout was just pure muscle contraction. I didn’t even notice my joints anymore.

12 days ago I dropped the anastrozole and started on 160mg test e and 105 mast e a week. Four days in and the pain was worse than ever. The next day I couldn’t do one rep without feeling like something bad was going to happen. Now my forearm tendons are tight, and I can feel myself getting tendinitis at this rate. Mast has estrogen antagonistic effects, so I’m guessing it’s acting as a pseudo AI

Because I do the exact same workout every day it’s easy to notices changes, and I’m definitely noticing that when my estrogen is unfettered my skeletomuscular system feels great.

I’m thinking the next step is to try 300mg test and 100mg mast
You might consider sprinkling in some rest days to allow your body to recover.
You might consider sprinkling in some rest days to allow your body to recover
Yeah. I really should. But I’m on such a roll. I’ve racked up a huge streak that I don’t wanna break. I am taking it a bit easier. I’ll allow a break every 10 minutes now if I feel I need it, and I’ll also start off the reps with shit form until I feel I can handle proper form.

I have started skipping my follow up workouts, depending on how I feel. I’ll try doing rotator cuffs and if my forearm tendons feel like they’re gonna explode I’ll call it quits before completing the first rep.

If I do have a rest day I struggle to stay asleep at night, which kinda sucks. Either way, laxing on form, having a break, and skipping some other workouts is making my push ups and pull ups a lot easier on my joints and tendons. I’ll give it a few months of this, push myself hard again, and see how I feel. If I hit a plateau from tendon or joint pain again, I’ll add some rest days.

My BP, HR, and breathing have all gone down quite a lot, so this is clearly pretty good for my CV system. If I even think about a rest day I can feel the reaper coming for me lol
I have a very similar issue, whenever my estrogen is like 1-17 pg/ml , my left shoulder tendonitis flares up, or bicep tendon that goes down from the shoulder, whatever,

that's my tell tale sign. This just happened to me recently, I stopped adex for 1 week, put it back in at half the dose, and 2 weeks later i just had a shoulder workout and It feels 80%.

For me, I'm going to increase my testosterone dose, TO my A.I dose, its easier to dial in estrogen that way.
(this might mean you have to run more testosterone if you're on a cruise)

I'm also going to be running BPC 157/TB-500 preventatively and to strengthen everything up as I continue to recover. (my e2 was probably on the too low end for 1-2 months). (I would run HGH like everyone else but its not my look)

As others have said, and if you dont care about hairloss or anything, try using Masteron for its potential SERM like effects.

i wouldn't recommend nolvadex long-term for people because it does increase blood clotting risk and has a long half life that builds up in the system, just something to think about.
It truly boggles the mind watching the mental gymnastics you guys go through just to add another compound to your steroid stack. Considering gyno surgery? For what? Adding another anabolic for a hobby so you don't grow tits? That's a mental health issue.
It truly boggles the mind watching the mental gymnastics you guys go through just to add another compound to your steroid stack. Considering gyno surgery? For what? Adding another anabolic for a hobby so you don't grow tits? That's a mental health issue.

EXACTLY !!!!!!!

Going with bioidentical testosterone is the only justifiable move when it comes to practical life considerations.

You don't NEED anything else, unless you get involved in things that don't trully matter, such as bodybuilding or posing in a bikini next to another oiled up dude.

For anything else that MATTERS : improving your mood, your relationships, your achievements, testosterone suffices.
EXACTLY !!!!!!!

Going with bioidentical testosterone is the only justifiable move when it comes to practical life considerations.

You don't NEED anything else, unless you get involved in things that don't trully matter, such as bodybuilding or posing in a bikini next to another oiled up dude.

For anything else that MATTERS : improving your mood, your relationships, your achievements, testosterone suffices.
Yep. Suggesting someone undergo gyno surgery in order to make a DHT an effective part of a PED stack should result in a ban on a harm reduction forum. If that's not harm -promotion- I don't know what is.
Yep. Suggesting someone undergo gyno surgery in order to make a DHT an effective part of a PED stack should result in a ban on a harm reduction forum. If that's not harm -promotion- I don't know what is.

Usually you advise gyno surgery so that someone can enjoy 19nor, not DHTs.