Low Libido 3+ Years After Test Cycle, On TRT, Help Please!

You have yet to post any Testosterone, Free Testosterone, SHBG, E2, Prolactin blood work...Like @The Terminator said your mind is the most powerful drug out there. No wonder you can't get an erection you've been hung up on this issue for months.
You have yet to post any Testosterone, Free Testosterone, SHBG, E2, Prolactin blood work...Like @The Terminator said your mind is the most powerful drug out there. No wonder you can't get an erection you've been hung up on this issue for months.

more like I’ve been having this issue for 3 plus years.

Honestly bloods were never asked. And I could post them but like everyone will say, they look great and don’t see a problem, which is a problem in itself.

I find it incredibly insulting and lazy when people say it’s in my head. As if I’m supposed to believe that something wrong happened during my cycle but now I can’t recover because it’s in my head now?

If it was psychological, I should still be able to get morning wood and functional use but most likely not be able to get it up at the time of performance.

instead I have numb and rubbery phallus and get no spontaneous erections at all nor any sense of libido. I’ve only had spurts of libido few and far between during my time trying to recover and it’s never been able to last.

the only choice is to optimize food choices and fitness regimens and my supplement stacks. If I recover, it’s not gonna be because it was mental, I’ll tell you that much.
@Allan interested to see if HCG helps. I’m on TRT and started out doc prescribed along with HCG. After a year I decided to do my own TRT and just kind of stopped the HCG. Recently ordered some Pharma HCG and it’s helped my libido a good bit. Had noticed it was declining and I read that HCG besides keeping your nuts plump, the stimulation it gives them to produce test isn’t all it helps with. There’s a cascade of hormones involved and with TRT alone some of these hormones decline and get overlooked. Keep us posted, HCG helped me and I’m interested to know if it helps you.
lol you don’t think I’ve done that...

If it were that simple, I’d already have been better.

this is what I mean, why is it so hard to believe that some neurological problems could genuinely take place? What is it that makes you think it’s soooo unlikely that that could occur.

of course I’ve been on the same dose of test, AI or no AI. Tried the supplements, did the meditation, etc. I’m also not some super depressed kid like I was when I was younger in highschool. Funny thing is, my libido was raging when I was depressed back then. Now as an adult who has his shit together with the whole world in front of him, I can’t seem to find libido and healthy erections of the life of me after one botched cycle.

I don’t WANT to do HGH. But it would be insane to do the same thing over and over and again and expect things to miraculously be fixed one day.

besides I AM sticking with a regular 75mg twice a week of test. I’m just adding HGH on top of that and see how things go for the next several months.

I wish that my problems were this simple. But when you’ve done things to ameliorate your condition and you’ve seen it work, only to fail in front of you eyes multiple times, that tells me there is some neurological mechanism off.

talking to a therapist isn’t going to make me wake up with a boner ready to bang some broads.

i have to think outside the box here on this one.
You clearly don’t understand how therapy works, nor do you seem to have a grasp of how all encompassing on body function mental health is.

You should speak with a therapist and get some help. Until you try that, you haven’t “tried everything.”
You clearly don’t understand how therapy works, nor do you seem to have a grasp of how all encompassing on body function mental health is.

You should speak with a therapist and get some help. Until you try that, you haven’t “tried everything.”

I tried telling him how I used to be so obsessed I’d check to see if I had a boner whilst asleep dreaming lol. I stopped caring so much and you know what I woke painfully rock hard. At worst I’ll wake up with half boners depending on whether I took dick softening meds eg sleeping pills/tranquilizers close to bedtime. Of course my case probably wasn’t as bad as his.

I’m just saying he should consider that the problem might be mental, like looking into physical and psychological. Tbh i think he’d be better off if it was mental, at least there’s a good chance of getting it fixed. I think most of the time ED caused by a physical problem can’t be permanently fixed. Typically it’s cialis/viagra, caverject injections if the pills don’t work or a penile implant.
Maybe starting a power lifting routine could help. Seeing the numbers go up can help the OP's confidence from a psych standpoint. And I always notice improved libido and performance a few hours after aggressive squat, DL, or Bench days.
Any updates?

I have the same issue and I noticed that my DHT is always high which impacts my libido, erection and urine flow. prostate size is normal.

Check your DHT and let us know.
75 mg of test per week is just enough to down regulate your endogenous production. At 26 years old you should be able to recover as long as there are no underlying issues. Do you have a family history of hypogonadism? I may have missed it but did you run a testosterone panel in your bloodwork? If all the physical evidence suggests that you are capable from a hormonal point of view then the solution is not in trt. You could be overthinking it and hyperfocused on it, which ultimately is an epic fail for sure. If you have no libido dont try to force yourself to have something you dont want at this time…. Take a break for relationships. And stop trying. Accept it. Use it to your advantage. If you arent obsessed with sex then focus on other goals in life like career goals. Best of luck
lol you don’t think I’ve done that...

If it were that simple, I’d already have been better.

this is what I mean, why is it so hard to believe that some neurological problems could genuinely take place? What is it that makes you think it’s soooo unlikely that that could occur.

of course I’ve been on the same dose of test, AI or no AI. Tried the supplements, did the meditation, etc. I’m also not some super depressed kid like I was when I was younger in highschool. Funny thing is, my libido was raging when I was depressed back then. Now as an adult who has his shit together with the whole world in front of him, I can’t seem to find libido and healthy erections of the life of me after one botched cycle.

I don’t WANT to do HGH. But it would be insane to do the same thing over and over and again and expect things to miraculously be fixed one day.

besides I AM sticking with a regular 75mg twice a week of test. I’m just adding HGH on top of that and see how things go for the next several months.

I wish that my problems were this simple. But when you’ve done things to ameliorate your condition and you’ve seen it work, only to fail in front of you eyes multiple times, that tells me there is some neurological mechanism off.

talking to a therapist isn’t going to make me wake up with a boner ready to bang some broads.

i have to think outside the box here on this one.

Are you using hcg or dhea/pregnanolone?