New Member
I ran a cycle back in 2013 when I was 22, consisting of Test E @ 500mg for 12 weeks with a 6 week Dbol kick start @ 50mg. I did a nolva/clomid pct of 20/20/20/20 and 50/50/50/50 for 4 weeks after cycle. I have not run another cycle since and my libido/erection quality is currently sub par to say the least. I ran some bloods in search of an explanation and was hoping someone would be able to shed some light or offer some advice. I have been drug free for 3 years now and there doesn't seem to be anymore natural recovery occurring. Would I benefit from a clomid restart, hcg restart, or just take a natural test booster? Any other advice would be great! Thanks.
I ran a cycle back in 2013 when I was 22, consisting of Test E @ 500mg for 12 weeks with a 6 week Dbol kick start @ 50mg. I did a nolva/clomid pct of 20/20/20/20 and 50/50/50/50 for 4 weeks after cycle. I have not run another cycle since and my libido/erection quality is currently sub par to say the least. I ran some bloods in search of an explanation and was hoping someone would be able to shed some light or offer some advice. I have been drug free for 3 years now and there doesn't seem to be anymore natural recovery occurring. Would I benefit from a clomid restart, hcg restart, or just take a natural test booster? Any other advice would be great! Thanks.