low sex drive


New Member
LH 3.1 UI/L (1.2 - 8.6)
PROLACTIN 10.4 ug/L (2.6-13.1)
TEST. TOTAL 11.4 NMOL/L (9.0 - 28.3)
FREE TEST 321 PMOL/L (223-915)
SHBG 19.8 NMOL/L (13.3-89.5)
OESTRADIOL 101 PMOL/L (95-223)

I have very low sex drive , premature ejaculation, no morning wood. i been to two endocrinologists one says you are completely fine. the other one prescribed me hcg 2000 units 3 times a week for 2 months (as i told him i used steroids in the past). all these problems started after using roids . can somebody please help me to get back online i am only 23 yrs old.
Your labs look a lot like mine when I'm off cycle.

I recognize that everyone is different but perhaps there is something else going on affecting your libido.

I'm leaning towards psychological.
my endo says your lh is fine its your testes that dont produce enough testosterone. he is telling me to use hcg 2000 iu 3 times a week for 2 months. should i use this much hcg?
my endo says your lh is fine its your testes that dont produce enough testosterone. he is telling me to use hcg 2000 iu 3 times a week for 2 months. should i use this much hcg?

If someone says no are you going to take their advice over your doctor when it comes to your balls?
I'm not going to tell you what to do, but endos are notoriously bad at male hormonal issues like this.
So, lh is fine...here take hcg which mimmicks lh...but lh is fine...what?
please can somebody tell me what should i do .

The problem is you are already seeing a doctor and none of us are qualified to overstep what he or she is saying.

Provide more info to us.

What was your last cycle?
How long ago was your last pin?
After your last cycle did you run a PCT? If so, what did it look like?
Did you run blood work while you were on cycle?
my endo says your lh is fine its your testes that dont produce enough testosterone. he is telling me to use hcg 2000 iu 3 times a week for 2 months. should i use this much hcg?
That is a typical protocol for try to get testicles to start working. Its harmless. Hcg can be injected 5000 or even 10000 at a time.

please can somebody tell me what should i do .
Listen to your doctor. Try it out. It you are not happy with result, you can try a typical PCT.

Technically all your values are in range ... be glad you have a doctor willing to help you at all with those values, most would not.

Also, know that fixing sexual dysfunction by increasing T is not known to be dependable. While you problem may not have started as psychological, your stressed right now (understandably) so that isn't helping. Chill out and be patient.

What PEDs do you run and at what doses?
How long do you run each cycle?
How long ago did you finish your last cycle?
What were your hormone levels before ever cycling?
the problem is i ran a cycle in end of 2013 of deca and test e . never did a pct i did not knew about it. after 6 months i got gyno and my libido came down to zero . since then i saw lot of docs they said you are fine . this time i found an endo he want to give me to try hcg for two months. he said if this doesn’t work you have to go to trt . i am scared to use this much hcg cause lot of people say hcg can desensitize your testes permanently.
If you had a DD porn star in front of you I’m sure you could bang her out. You don’t have a problem other than psychological most likely.

LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTOR from here on out!
the problem is i ran a cycle in end of 2013 of deca and test e . never did a pct i did not knew about it. after 6 months i got gyno and my libido came down to zero . since then i saw lot of docs they said you are fine . this time i found an endo he want to give me to try hcg for two months. he said if this doesn’t work you have to go to trt . i am scared to use this much hcg cause lot of people say hcg can desensitize your testes permanently.
Typical BS ... just tell them it can make penis grow and they'll get all happy and inject the hell out of themselves with it for the next 40 years Penile Growth in Response to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Treatment in Patients with Idiopathic Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism

Start Googling legitimate studies. No one died and their nuts didn't rot off. Here are a couple:
the problem is i ran a cycle in end of 2013 of deca and test e . never did a pct i did not knew about it. after 6 months i got gyno and my libido came down to zero . since then i saw lot of docs they said you are fine . this time i found an endo he want to give me to try hcg for two months. he said if this doesn’t work you have to go to trt . i am scared to use this much hcg cause lot of people say hcg can desensitize your testes permanently.

So you are currently 23 years old and your last cycle was in 2013. That means you were roughly 19 years old when you did your first cycle. Whoever gave you access to gear should be ashamed of themselves.

You made a poor decision for running aas so early especially something like Deca. I bet you barely had a year of training under your belt.

You made a decision now live with it. Do as your doctor says.

Good luck.