PCT after after being off steroids for 5 years? worth trying before TRT?

What did you decide to to?

Looking at your levels they look ok only the SHBG looks high which = lower free test

Not sure if there is anything to lower SHBG?

My levels we're very similar 6 months ago (slightly less tt but higher free t). why not try 30 days of Clomid at 25'mg day. It tripled my t. And nuts get bigger too
sorry for the long delay in updating.
ive been working away and not really had time to login

i got some tests done in November and they were as follows

SHBG 89nmol/L (13.00 - 71.00) - ABNORMAL _ NO ACTION
Serum testosterone 16.4nmol/L (8.70 - 29.00)
Bone profile:
Serum Albumin 45g/L (35.00 - 50.00)#

I havent taken anything in the form of testosterone or ancillaries (clomid, nolva, aromasin etc).

I spoke to my doctor and he isnt interested. 2 of the different doctors at my practice in the UK both said my result of 16.4 is within range and thats it.

I do actually have Osteopenia as diagnosed with a Dexa Scan last year. My Z and T score on my Hip was -2.1. I assume the low Testosterone also doesnt help with bone density.

I finally saw a UK specialist in December for my Osteopenia. I mentioned about the low test symptoms and he basically just ignored it and said my doctor hasnt supplied testosterone blood tests so maybe we could look at that in 6-12 months when i seem him again. He didnt seem bothered about the testosterone. Ive got a followup in 6 months but all its basically for is to check my osteopenia hasnt got worse. im already doing everthing i can to stop it getting any worse and there was nothing he could tell me to do extra or anything diet/training wise to do that im not already doing.

anyway back to my original issue.

The UK seems to be far behind the USA for replacement therapy, they dont even issue HCG or AIs to people on replacement therapy.
If i was to try a mini restart as an experiment myself, what would be a suggested first attempt?

I may find it hard to get any more testosterone and shbg etc tests done by my own doc because of the amount ive already had and he says im fine. I could probably go to the local free needle exchange who offer some basic blood tests and free needles to steroid users once per week. I could get some basic bloods done there.

Ive looked into clomid restarts which range from 12.5mg per day, upto max of 50mg per day. From what ive read though most people seem to drop back to their original levels within a few months.

Ive looked at HCG restarts and again doses range from 100IU ever 3 days upto much larger doses.

Any suggestions? I do appreciate the amount of knowledge on here.
I don't know too much, but I remember running my last PCT after tren shut me down, HCG 500mg eod for 10 days, and started Clomid/nolva combo 3 days after that last hcg shot,

Week 1 @ 150mg/d
Week 2 @100
Week 3 @100
Week 4 @ 50

Week 1 @ 40/ed
Week 2 @20

My balls were bigger after the cycle than they were before it lol bro, it wouldn't hurt to try... get bloods a month after it, then another month or two after that to see what happens.
ive also had this suggestion

2000iu Hcg e3d for 30 days (start day 1 with 20mg tomoxifen a day)

Then for 4 weeks

Clomid 100/100/50/50

Tomoxifen 20mg a day

Take 20,000iu vitanin d3 ed while doing the pct then drop to 10,000iu ed and continue when you come off.

Gets bloods done 12 weeks after your very last pct day everything should be in mid upper range.

Get bloods done another 12 weeks later if everythings the same then your good to go for a few years. If not then look at trt option.

Thats my thinking, it cant really hurt to try........

Nobody has suggested an AI though. I would have thought something like arimidex at 1mg edo or similar would be a good idea, maybe only while taking the HCG though?
Yeah, I know hcg heightens E levels... shit made my acne worse when I had it prior to accutane usage...

The problem I've noticed with arimidex is the estrogen rebound from it. It hits me hard. I wouldn't touch it again personally... I'm looking into trying exemestane (aromasin) since its suicidal to aromatase rather than blocking it temporarily and then unleashing it all in a heap upon discontinuation....and dude that's a lot if d3... Idk about that
I've read a study on vitamin deficiency...let me find it and I'll get back to you. It'd be with the read as far as this vitamin d3 situation goes
Whatever you do, just be smart about it and monitor. But IMHO, you have nothing to lose attempting an hcg/Clomid/nolva... maybe what the others said earlier too. Random testosterone cycles, not too heavy, like 300-350mg a week maybe? And then perform a solid PCT. Do it again and again for a couple years, sporadically, get bloods done before, during, and after. Wait at least 3-4 months after PCT is complete to do bloods to check if you've come up at all. If things are looking better, stay natty and get bloods each month/ every other month if it isn't too expensive for you to do. I would definitely give that a go before TRT. You have nothing to lose from it, you have the possibility of coming "back online" again, and while you're doing it, you can have some extra fun in the gym. Ya know what I mean? Have a go at it bro.