Low Test after Tren. Doctor Clueless. Please Help! (Bloodwork Included)


New Member
I need help.

I started doing steroids years ago, and cycled off and on for 4-6 week period orals. I got my testosterone checked at 700 after my third or fourth cycle.

I was talked into blasting and cruising, and blasted and cruised with test / tren for 8 months.

After a proper PCT my libido never returned. Attached labs say my test is around 220. I'm 24 years old. It's been about a year.

Doctor thinks it's fine for them to be 220ish. I have felt like shit for forever. I can't get a boner.

Please help. How do I find a doctor who knows how to treat this, and is it curable at this point?

tl;dr testosterone dropped from 700 to 220 after cycle. Never recovered.


LH: 6.1
FSH: 3.6
Estradiol: 12.9
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It doesn't help to do the "I told you so" though.

Trying to fix it.
Not meaning to come off like that imsure some of the brothers here will be able to help better then I can I don't want to point you in the wrong direction maybe
@Dr JIM can help
Take charge and learn about your issue. We are talking about your dick here- nothing more important.

You had an unsuccessful pct. Not surprising after an ill advised 8 month run.

How long did you wait after last pin for pct?
What esters were you using? Doses? Pinning schedule? Hcg?
What was your pct protocol?
Take charge and learn about your issue. We are talking about your dick here- nothing more important.

You had an unsuccessful pct. Not surprising after an ill advised 8 month run.

How long did you wait after last pin for pct?
What esters were you using? Doses? Pinning schedule? Hcg?
What was your pct protocol?

PCT was 2 weeks after cycle.

Clomid 25mg / Nolva 20mg for 4 weeks

Dosages on cycle:

150mg test ew cruising and 400mg test and 250mg tren e when blasting.

In addition to the sex drive I have had tons of anxiety since coming off of gear and don't sleep well anymore.
PCT was:

Clomid 25mg / Nolva 20mg for 4 weeks

In addition to the sex drive I have had tons of anxiety since coming off of gear and don't sleep well anymore.
That pct is weak after a 8 month run and just so you know when I'm off my test is at a 209 so I know how u feel
I stay on about 150 to 200 mg of test at all times but that might not be what's best for u brother I think you are gonna need a copy of your labs for anyone to really help u
I stay on about 150 to 200 mg of test at all times but that might not be what's best for u brother I think you are gonna need a copy of your labs for anyone to really help u
Ya if dr Jim chimes in that's probably the first thing he's going to ask
After 8 months on you started pct 2 weeks after last shot ? Do I have this correct ?
If so your pct was wasted. you still had test in your system. Redo pct get blood work 3 weeks after pct, I think that's what dr Jim might advice you to do.
After 8 months on you started pct 2 weeks after last shot ? Do I have this correct ?
If so your pct was wasted. you still had test in your system. Redo pct get blood work 3 weeks after pct, I think that's what dr Jim might advice you to do.

How strong of a pct should I do? Restart or just clomid/Nolva? Tbh idk what sources are legit anymore.

I have lab work for TSH, LH, Estradoil and Free test. Posted it at the bottom of my post.

It doesn't help to do the "I told you so" though.
No true your inexperience may provide
all the evidence that is required for others to follow a different path, avoiding complications that should have been expected, esp at your age of 36 or is it 24 or 18?

Does your Doc KNOW the reason your TT dropped from 700ng/dl to 200 was the result of AAS? !!!
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In addition to the sex drive I have had tons of anxiety since coming off of gear and don't sleep well anymore.

Why oh why does it seem there's more to your libido issues than a TT level!

It's IMPOSSIBLE to help those who fail to understand the importance of integrity on an ANONYMOUS forum!
I need help.

1) I was talked into blasting and cruising

2) After a proper PCT my libido never returned, after ONE YEAR!

3) I have felt like shit for FOREVER. I can't get a boner.

4) How do I find a doctor who knows how to treat this, and is it curable at this point?

1) STOP blaming OTHERS for YOUR decision to run AAS !!!

2) Proper PCT hardly, bc the results speak for themselves

3 OR are your libido issues a "forever" problem also and the reason you elected to run AAS!

4) How to treat what? AIH in those who are not forthright with their physicians
about the nature of their problem.
so you've been off aas for 4 weeks? I never stayed on longer then 8 weeks when I was younger and recovery without pct was about 6 weeks. way too dam young for an 8 month run! all I can tell you is rerun pct, get labs, and give it time. your young so recovery is possible. next time you choose to stay on year round plan on being or trt and not having kids.