Low test at 25 2 years after cycle


New Member
A couple years ago I started my first and only cycle, it was test and super dmz. I was originally only going to do 8 weeks but decided to stay on the test for 6 months, then came off because I still want kids in the future. I did hcg periodically through out the cycle and at the end I did 2000 iu every other day with a total of 8000 iu, once the hcg cleared I did an 8 week pct with clomid and Nolvadex.

Now that I think back I know my estrogen was high during pct because my nipples were sensitive, I was on aromasin but apparently it didn't work. But regardless shouldn't my levels have recovered by now on their own even if my pct was ruined by high estrogen levels? Am I fucked or do I still have a chance at recovering? I've been off my pct for about a year and a half maybe longer and here are my levels. I don't have a baseline but I don't think these levels are normal for me because I'm a lot more tired and can't recover from hard workouts like I used to, also I've always been naturally big at 18 I was 260 benching 405.

Test 420
Lh 5
Estrogen 45
Have you been to see an endo?

Yes he's the one who called today and told me my test levels, asked me if I wanted to be put on trt I said no and asked if he could give me clomid, he wasn't to knowledgeable about it and said he would look up some dosages and get back to me.
Yes he's the one who called today and told me my test levels, asked me if I wanted to be put on trt I said no and asked if he could give me clomid, he wasn't to knowledgeable about it and said he would look up some dosages and get back to me.

T level of 420 and asking if you want TRT? Maybe it has something to do with your age, but being under 250-300 is the number I usually hear.
T level of 420 and asking if you want TRT? Maybe it has something to do with your age, but being under 250-300 is the number I usually hear.

Yeah he said it was border line for my age, he agreed that my levels should be much higher.
That's a NORMAL TT level fella and was likely close to your baseline.

This is WHY I've tried so hard to convince you youngsters NOT to cycle AAS and if that plea is ignored, which it often is, at least obtain baseline values.

Yeah he said it was border line for my age, he agreed that my levels should be much higher.

Lets him show you the evidence to support that comment, bc many your age have even lower TT levels and remain entirely asymptomatic.

A TT level of >400ng/dl is considered WITHIN NORMAL LIMITS for ALL AGE GROUPS!
Yes he's the one who called today and told me my test levels, asked me if I wanted to be put on trt I said no and asked if he could give me clomid, he wasn't to knowledgeable about it and said he would look up some dosages and get back to me.

An ENDO who is not "knowledgeable" about Clomid is NOT and ENDO IMO!
That's a NORMAL TT level fella and was likely close to your baseline.

This is WHY I've tried so hard to convince you youngsters NOT to cycle AAS and if that plea is ignored, which it often is, at least obtain baseline values.

Lets him show you the evidence to support that comment, bc many your age have even lower TT levels and remain entirely asymptomatic.

A TT level of >400ng/dl is considered WITHIN NORMAL LIMITS for ALL AGE GROUPS!

I'm no expert bud but I don't think I could have achieved the level of strength and size I had with baseline test levels of 400. And like I said I'm tired all the time now and can't recover from tough workouts like I used to, I also don't get a pump Luke I used to. Overall I don't feel terrible but I'm definitely dragging especially in the gym as opposed to before.
Estrogen 45
could be lowered
so use TINY doses of an Aromatase Inhibitor
to SLOWLY bring estradiol in the 30s or even 20s
I'm no expert bud but I don't think I could have achieved the level of strength and size I had with baseline test levels of 400. And like I said I'm tired all the time now and can't recover from tough workouts like I used to, I also don't get a pump Luke I used to. Overall I don't feel terrible but I'm definitely dragging especially in the gym as opposed to before.

My explanation is based on existing evidence and yours is based on a desire to run AAS again. Yet I also suspect there's much more to your existing "problems" than what YOU have mentioned ……….. such as your psychosocial history (your TBW was 260 at age 18,
that's NOT "BIG" but rather a PROBLEM in and of itself!)

As you wish "supplement" or cycle away fella!

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My explanation is based on existing evidence and yours is based on a desire to run AAS again. Yet I also suspect there's much more to your existing "problems" than what YOU have mentioned ……….. such as your psychosocial history (your TBW was 260 at age 18,
that's NOT "BIG" but rather a PROBLEM in and of itself!)

As you wish "supplement" or cycle away fella!


How was that a problem?
Yes he's the one who called today and told me my test levels, asked me if I wanted to be put on trt I said no and asked if he could give me clomid, he wasn't to knowledgeable about it and said he would look up some dosages and get back to me.
Hell, who's your doctor? I would've jumped at the opportunity to get a test script lol