low test but strong TRT/long term cruise


Hi all

Late 40s here, 235lbs into combat sports, usually training 6 to 9 times a week, none of those being with weights. Been struggling continuously with E2, Prl and progesterone even when only on 200mg test, but overall enjoy being on juice, not planning to stop, especially while trying to keep up with guys half my age during training.
Currently on 200mg test and 200mg of Mast E per week, 3IU GH and 120 mcg T4 a day. Need to take some AI and sometimes caber to rein in female hormones, higher doses than what I read people on TRT use, so thinking of lowering Test.
Any advice on how to modify my drugs routine long term, hopefully without making more damage health wise. Been on masteron over1 year, no damage shown in blood tests, it s a small dose. I took proviron before Mast btw and it didn´t help controlling E2. Did some cycles before when I was more into weight training.
Trying to keep about the same weight and body composition, not hurt cardio (which is already pretty bad), increase strength and muscle recovery.
Thinking of going down to 100/125mg test, either add Primo or more Masteron, not familiar with other dry compounds (except Proviron, but didn´t notice much with it).
Should be healthier if I can drop AI and Caber, besides avoiding the issues linked to high E2 and prl, plus hard to get any help from endo or urologists if I don´t get down to 250mg/2 weeks, the standard TRT dosage over here.
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i would say 125 test 300 mast/primo with GH is a mini cycle if that's what you're after. TRT+ would be something more in the realm of 150 test 150 mast/primo, tops. maybe even go lower on the test since you're having trouble with your e2. if you can afford it, go with primo (not that it's that much cheaper than good mast). personally, i was doing 150 test 100 mast for a little while and i felt really good. 2iu GH would be the icing on the cake.
i would say 125 test 300 mast/primo with GH is a mini cycle if that's what you're after. TRT+ would be something more in the realm of 150 test 150 mast/primo, tops. maybe even go lower on the test since you're having trouble with your e2. if you can afford it, go with primo (not that it's that much cheaper than good mast). personally, i was doing 150 test 100 mast for a little while and i felt really good. 2iu GH would be the icing on the cake.

Thanks for your feedback. Yes, agree that looks like a mini cycle, over 1 year into 200mg test+200mg mast+gh+T4 my bloods haven´t worsened though, and besides the E2 problem, I really like the effect. It seems Masteron is not bringing nearly as much trouble as Test. Trying to get a similar bang with less E2/prl issues, although little doubt lowering doses would be the safest way, especially if I can get rid of AI and caber
Gotta have a check with the cardioloist after 2 years see if things are still similar there.
But expecting sooner or later to go down to the kind of dosage you recommend.
What is your total test and E2?
This doctor prescribed TRT or are you doing it on your own?
Started self administered, than doctor prescribed, than switched back to self administered.
Last blood total test 8days after injection was 619, I wait longer not to get high test levels, which give me problems with the doctors here.
I haven´t checked free test in a while, but last I did it was similar to total test on the scale.
Another reason to get down to 125mg test a week, doctors are more keen to help at that dose (2 endos basically say they can´t do anything unless I get down to 250mg every 2 weeks, the more common TRT dosage here)
Masteron doesn´t seem to affect blood tests in an obvious manner, got similar results before adding mast.
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Hi all

Late 40s here, 235lbs into combat sports, usually training 6 to 9 times a week, none of those being with weights. Been struggling continuously with E2, Prl and progesterone even when only on 200mg test, but overall enjoy being on juice, not planning to stop, especially while trying to keep up with guys half my age during training.
Currently on 200mg test and 200mg of Mast E per week, 3IU GH and 120 mcg T4 a day. Need to take some AI and sometimes caber to rein in female hormones, higher doses than what I read people on TRT use, so thinking of lowering Test.
Any advice on how to modify my drugs routine long term, hopefully without making more damage health wise. Been on masteron over1 year, no damage shown in blood tests, it s a small dose. I took proviron before Mast btw and it didn´t help controlling E2. Did some cycles before when I was more into weight training.
Trying to keep about the same weight and body composition, not hurt cardio (which is already pretty bad), increase strength and muscle recovery.
Thinking of going down to 100/125mg test, either add Primo or more Masteron, not familiar with other dry compounds (except Proviron, but didn´t notice much with it).
Should be healthier if I can drop AI and Caber, besides avoiding the issues linked to high E2 and prl, plus hard to get any help from endo or urologists if I don´t get down to 250mg/2 weeks, the standard TRT dosage over here.
Try splitting your dose to twice per week if you are only pinning once a week. That will take care of your E2 problem atleast.
Try splitting your dose to twice per week if you are only pinning once a week. That will take care of your E2 problem atleast.
Thanks ! Just started after receiving a similar advice, noticed some people feel better that way as well.
Would be surprised it changes much but that s definetely an easy adjustment and all improvements regarding E2 will be welcome.
It seems prl and progesterone issues stem for high E2, urologist also told me lowering E2 should take care of the other hormonal issues, although he didn t want to prescribe anything _ gotta see the endo for that.
Leave test alone add aromasin 1 pill twice a week for 4 weeks then cut dose in half if estrogen is high. If not and want to control it. Do the second. It is almost impossible to crash estrogen on aromasin.
Try splitting your dose to twice per week if you are only pinning once a week. That will take care of your E2 problem atleast.
Great place to start, after 5-6 weeks I'd do bloods and see how you feel. The next thing I'd try is EOD injections and then wait 5-6 weeks again.
Fwiw, switched to pinning test E2D, adding Anaztrozole 1mg and Caber 0.5mg E3D and pharma Tadalafil 5mg ED, while keeping the same Mast, T4 and GH routine, don´t have recent blood tests, but BP as well as heart rate got lower, I look a bit more vascular and cardio as well as libido/erections have improved
I guess the next step would be to cut caber and Azol, but I´m a bit afraid of the result...
Been on trt for a few years and trying to find the E2 sweet spot. I’ve lowered my weekly dose to 150mg a week and dropped AI to see if I can manage without although I am a high converter. Still feel no morning wood, sex drive and energy low. Does anyone know what day to get bloods drawn if pinning M and T on TRT? Trying to see where my E2 is currently and if I need to start adding adex again.
Try splitting your dose to twice per week if you are only pinning once a week. That will take care of your E2 problem atleast.
Thanks again, to you and others who advised to split the dose. Started pinning test E2D around the same time I started this thread. Also started Caber 1mg per week and Anastrozole 2*week to lower E2 and PRL
I´d been back to Adex once a week and no caber for at least one month, probably a bit more, when I went for bloods. Prl came back at 9 and E2 below 24 (lab doesn t give a result below the 24 treshold). Test ard 950 at 200mg/wk
Pretty happy with the result, could probably try an stop adex altogether, but while pinning test weekly and taking adex 1/wk I had high E2 and Prl
I'd switch from Mast to Equipoise for the added endurance bonuses but hey that's just me. Primo/Mast/EQ are excellent additions to TRT if your gonna add one.

I'd suggest staying away from Nandrolones without much Caber since you need them on only test.