Low Test/Deca mg, long duration

I wanted to get some feedback on something that I've been thinking about. Preliminaries: I'm near 50 and I've been on TRT (80 mg a week) for a decade. Early in my life I tried a few cycles (Test/NPP, Test/EQ, various prohormones). I've been going to the gym regularly for the past three years; however, I haven't paid attention to my diet. As a result, I've gotten a lot stronger, but also a lot pudgier.

My intent is to actually focus on diet and losing weight. I'm also highly considering adding some gear to help the process out. I'm thinking about something on the order of a 20-week cycle.
Per week:
250mg of test cyp
150 mg of deca (for joints)

I will have AI and Caber on hand (just in case), but I don't think I'll need it.

Thoughts on cycle? Also, I'm getting my blood tested prior to starting and I'm going to get it tested at either 6- or 8-weeks in.
You say this is to “help the process out.” What’s that mean? I ask because form should follow function. What are you attempting to do, and thus the cycle can match that.
Ideally, I'd like to keep the intensity in the gym the same or slightly higher, keep my strength. So, by help the process out, I mean keep my energy up, keep my strength, and help with age/joint issues, with minimal side effects.

In a perfect world I would add a bit of strength/muscle size, but since my focus is cutting I don't think that's possible.
I am on the same protocol you mentioned. In 8 months I have gone from 227lbs to 109lbs.
I started at 20pushups I now can do 80 first set and 50 a set after. I started at 3 pull-ups and now do sets of 20. I am 56yr old.
Trt plus a 100mg of deca
250t 150nandrolone is a nice and low impact cycle. It is pretty “safe” in the relativistic sense. In your position, I’d focus on maintaining lifts while losing fat. It doesn’t take much to maintain. You’ll likely be able to do so with this cycle. You should absolutely seek to improve your lifts, but have the realistic expectation that if they’re already solid numbers and you’re cutting weight it may prove unfruitful.
Thanks all! I plan on doing bloods a few times. I already have one scheduled for right before the start of the cycle and I've paid for one that I intend to take at 6-8 weeks. I will probably take them again at maybe 16 weeks - I dunno.

I'm curious, let's suppose that my bloods don't change - how long could I reasonably do this protocol (relatively) safely?

I'll be watching lipids, e2, progesterone, rbc, and the prostate antigen (can't remember what it's called). Any other values I should look out for?
Thanks all! I plan on doing bloods a few times. I already have one scheduled for right before the start of the cycle and I've paid for one that I intend to take at 6-8 weeks. I will probably take them again at maybe 16 weeks - I dunno.

I'm curious, let's suppose that my bloods don't change - how long could I reasonably do this protocol (relatively) safely?

I'll be watching lipids, e2, progesterone, rbc, and the prostate antigen (can't remember what it's called). Any other values I should look out for?
Sounds like a good plan for bloodwork

You mentioned having caber on hand. If you are worried about prolactin getting high, which it shouldn’t on such a low dose, you can supplement with p5p and you won’t even need to consider caber. Just start it a little before your blast and daily through your blast.
Shoot forgot - I also have p5p - which I plan on taking. I don't think I'll have prolactin issues, but I'm not about to take chances. The entire reason I got on TRT a decade (or so) ago was because of libido issues, so that's why I picked up some caber. Again, I don't think I'll need it, but you never know.
I wanted to get some feedback on something that I've been thinking about. Preliminaries: I'm near 50 and I've been on TRT (80 mg a week) for a decade. Early in my life I tried a few cycles (Test/NPP, Test/EQ, various prohormones). I've been going to the gym regularly for the past three years; however, I haven't paid attention to my diet. As a result, I've gotten a lot stronger, but also a lot pudgier.

My intent is to actually focus on diet and losing weight. I'm also highly considering adding some gear to help the process out. I'm thinking about something on the order of a 20-week cycle.
Per week:
250mg of test cyp
150 mg of deca (for joints)

I will have AI and Caber on hand (just in case), but I don't think I'll need it.

Thoughts on cycle? Also, I'm getting my blood tested prior to starting and I'm going to get it tested at either 6- or 8-weeks in.
I do this same cycle. I have been for 6 months. I did a lot of research. You can do this low dose long term. I have gotten strong built muscle and even trimmed down through good diet. I am 56 years old. No effect in the bedroom either.
All right, I'll just say what some might not exactly agree with. But NPP and deca is quite different.

There is no proper explanation apart from anecdotal experiences and I can only give my own one albeit anecdotal.

I used deca and hated it, I was just a bad responder and experienced quite bad side effects and on top of that when I came off I had to wait for long half life to clear out of my system.

However, when I ran NPP I experienced the opposite and felt pretty decent on it, gained good and it did what I was expecting, still far from my favorite steroid, but it did it's purpose without too much unwanted side effects like deca did.

So case in point, is that some drugs can be different even if it's just half life that's different for some people. Important thing to remember we are all different though and what works for me doesn't necessarily does for another person.
How soon after starting did you hate it?

I have some time before I'm going to start this. I need to get my bloodwork be a bit better. I was able to talk to my doctor (about an hour ago) and she's not concerned, but I have more blood work scheduled in August. She wants to see the values going down - if they aren't she's going to scan me for a fatty liver.

So...I have some time to think about this. :)

Which is fine.
I wanted to get some feedback on something that I've been thinking about. Preliminaries: I'm near 50 and I've been on TRT (80 mg a week) for a decade. Early in my life I tried a few cycles (Test/NPP, Test/EQ, various prohormones). I've been going to the gym regularly for the past three years; however, I haven't paid attention to my diet. As a result, I've gotten a lot stronger, but also a lot pudgier.

My intent is to actually focus on diet and losing weight. I'm also highly considering adding some gear to help the process out. I'm thinking about something on the order of a 20-week cycle.
Per week:
250mg of test cyp
150 mg of deca (for joints)

I will have AI and Caber on hand (just in case), but I don't think I'll need it.

Thoughts on cycle? Also, I'm getting my blood tested prior to starting and I'm going to get it tested at either 6- or 8-weeks in.
DAILY Cardio!

BTW, I was and planned to continue doing long term low test and low npp for same reasons but two years of test = too much hair loss for me.
This might be a stupid question, but what counts as daily cardio @may2021 ? I do 10k steps a day and I also am doing about 30 minutes of elliptical 3 times a week.

Steps are an absolute trash metric designed to keep fat Americans fat. Throw it in the garbage. I do 30K steps a day and play drums and don't lose fat unless I incorporate cardio. Slow, boring as fuck, cardio.

60 minutes of low intensity cardio a day, spread through two sessions- to start.
Steps are an absolute trash metric designed to keep fat Americans fat. Throw it in the garbage. I do 30K steps a day and play drums and don't lose fat unless I incorporate cardio. Slow, boring as fuck, cardio.

60 minutes of low intensity cardio a day, spread through two sessions- to start.
Adding cardio has been a gamechanger for me. I didnt do cardio for a period of about 3 years. Started about 2 months ago and I'm feeling a lot better in general. I may or may not be missing put on some gains bc of the extra calories burned but fuck...I feel so much better in day to day life.