Low Test/Deca mg, long duration

Okay, got some of my bloods back - AST and ALT values have returned to normal. I'm still waiting on more blood work results and to talk to my doctor about my overall health. I have an endo appt at the end of the month. So, I'm pausing on this consideration until then.

In the meantime, I'm back in the gym (I took 7 days off before the blood test). I've lost a few pounds and generally feel pretty good.
I wanted to get some feedback on something that I've been thinking about. Preliminaries: I'm near 50 and I've been on TRT (80 mg a week) for a decade. Early in my life I tried a few cycles (Test/NPP, Test/EQ, various prohormones). I've been going to the gym regularly for the past three years; however, I haven't paid attention to my diet. As a result, I've gotten a lot stronger, but also a lot pudgier.

My intent is to actually focus on diet and losing weight. I'm also highly considering adding some gear to help the process out. I'm thinking about something on the order of a 20-week cycle.
Per week:
250mg of test cyp
150 mg of deca (for joints)

I will have AI and Caber on hand (just in case), but I don't think I'll need it.

Thoughts on cycle? Also, I'm getting my blood tested prior to starting and I'm going to get it tested at either 6- or 8-weeks in.
interested about your cycle.
If it's your first cycle with Deca, try to start with 100mg / week and wait around 4-5 weeks, depends the effect if your need more up to 125mg.

I used my last cycle for healing, with 100mg first week followed by 125mg, my body weight are between 95 to 98kgs depend the period.

To be honest Deca shut down my libido, without Deca i have a good libido (maybe to much).

It's one of this reason that i suggest to start with 100mg only and see how your react.

Personnally i feel the effect on the skin (more sweet more hydrated) and on joints & tendons (depend the period i have lot tendonitis), little bit more retention sub-cutaneous and good in intra-cellular (the muscle look more full)

Try to calculate your sodium, choose a good salt for cooking like himalayan rose salt, eat only good source of carbs,lipids and proteins.
Thanks all! I plan on doing bloods a few times. I already have one scheduled for right before the start of the cycle and I've paid for one that I intend to take at 6-8 weeks. I will probably take them again at maybe 16 weeks - I dunno.

I'm curious, let's suppose that my bloods don't change - how long could I reasonably do this protocol (relatively) safely?

I'll be watching lipids, e2, progesterone, rbc, and the prostate antigen (can't remember what it's called). Any other values I should look out for?
Prolactine, hematocrit, liver value, psa.

If you have the budget, somatomedin-c to see how the test / deca work for you normally you win some number :)
I've used NPP before, but not long ester Deca. I'm curious about the libido aspect, but yeah, I'm going to be testing those values. I have cabergoline on hand, in case prolactin starts rising. I also have Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCl).