Low Test + Nandrolone + Masteron to combat man titties

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Try it and see. I got spicy nipples after 4 days running that level of test and adding in NPP at 100mg/week. I did 33mg npp on Monday and Wednesday and on Thursday my nips were on fire. Maybe the masteron would avoid it. I wonder how much I would need. I went a different route than this and ended up dropping the test completely and just ran 700mg NPP(100mg ED) with 25mg dbol(12.5mg 2x daily) and that worked great for me. No gyno or spicy nipples and no libido issues. But it gives me a very relaxed feeling and makes me lazy outside of the gym so I don't plan on doing that again.
I don't know who trenemy is, but kudos to him! I know who Todd Lee is and i can't fakking stand him. I disagree with almost everything he says. I thought giving him a try again and put this nandrolone video yesterday while i was doing my morning cardio. After 5 minutes i bailed, i just can't listen to him. I think permablasting 2-3 grams fried his brain cells
Throw in some roloxifene at 60mg a day. Should take care of the gyno while not lowering e2.
Is it good at reducing glandular gyno? Obviously it won't get rid of it but I've been using nolva to kind of maintain/reduce mine. Thinking of giving ralo a try though
Is it good at reducing glandular gyno? Obviously it won't get rid of it but I've been using nolva to kind of maintain/reduce mine. Thinking of giving ralo a try though

In my experience rolox is superior in reducing and combating gyno. If the gyno is minimal it may get rid of it all together. There are a bunch of published studies on its effectiveness if you’d like to take a look.
Second cycle running 300 test, 300 mast, 150 NPP. For me it's been flawless. Adding a little bit of orals pre-workout only. Have had some occasional E2 sides (never verified by testing) but these were easily resolved with small amounts of Arimidex.
I don't know who trenemy is, but kudos to him! I know who Todd Lee is and i can't fakking stand him. I disagree with almost everything he says. I thought giving him a try again and put this nandrolone video yesterday while i was doing my morning cardio. After 5 minutes i bailed, i just can't listen to him. I think permablasting 2-3 grams fried his brain cells
Ya the dudes an oddball for sure. Funny though I like all of the people who hes surrounded with in their YouTube circle and get valuable information from them. But none of them promote the off the wall stuff he does.
I've never tried the lower test but right now I'm running 400 test/280NPP/210 Mast plus 4iu gh. Just started the 4th week and the cycles going great. No sides to speak of, making progress in the gym, dick works and feeling good.

Only thing for me is when I run Mast it nukes my shbg and I end up aromatizing like a pig even though I'm under 10%bf. So right now I'm running 0.5mg Adex ED to keep my E2 at 30-35 (top of reference range). But if I run less AI and let it sit higher like 80 I don't have any negative effects from the estrogen besides maybe some water but not much so maybe I could let my E2 run higher with Mast and cut down on the AI use.
Ya the dudes an oddball for sure. Funny though I like all of the people who hes surrounded with in their YouTube circle and get valuable information from them. But none of them promote the off the wall stuff he does.

Exactly man, same here. I think Kurt many times hangs tight to not explode, but sometimes is inevitable. They have fun lol.
Exactly man, same here. I think Kurt many times hangs tight to not explode, but sometimes is inevitable. They have fun lol.
That's the most frustrating part of big Paul's weekly chats when they're both on. Kurt will be dropping knowledge Todd interrupts with his random shit that nobody else does and then Kurt just bites his tongue so he doesn't go off on him, but then we miss out on half of what Kurt was saying so we don't really get much.
Dr. Todd is using the "Jon Jewett" model of low test, high mast.

Jewett seems to typically have his clients run 250-375 test and 1g+ of mast.

A lot of people think mast is worthless for adding size and this is crazy.

Jewett/Todd think mast is a neutral, side effect free (compared to test) compound.

Does it work? Todd/Jewett added a shit ton of mass in the past couple of years doing that.

But it's up to you to decide for yourself.
Second cycle running 300 test, 300 mast, 150 NPP. For me it's been flawless. Adding a little bit of orals pre-workout only. Have had some occasional E2 sides (never verified by testing) but these were easily resolved with small amounts of Arimidex.
what were your e2 sides? Did you pin the npp eod or daily? i'm gonna run pretty much the same cycle but only 200 mg of mast e but everthing else the same, Tia
what were your e2 sides? Did you pin the npp eod or daily? i'm gonna run pretty much the same cycle but only 200 mg of mast e but everthing else the same, Tia
EOD. For me, high E2= high emotions and a little bit of water retention. I think that also flares up a lifelong case of CTS but that's just me speculating. Could be how hard I'm training right now as well. Sure enough, just got lab work back....E2 was 92 on just a cruise dose of TRT several weeks ago.
EOD. For me, high E2= high emotions and a little bit of water retention. I think that also flares up a lifelong case of CTS but that's just me speculating. Could be how hard I'm training right now as well. Sure enough, just got lab work back....E2 was 92 on just a cruise dose of TRT several weeks ago.
So your not currently running that 300 t 300 mast 150 npp program?
So your not currently running that 300 t 300 mast 150 npp program?
I am now. 2nd time with this mix. Bloodwork was from 13 days ago (Quest takes forever.) I am thinking .25 Arimidex 2 x per week is the initial game plan. Bloodwork at week 4 to see how E2 is fairing.
I am now. 2nd time with this mix. Bloodwork was from 13 days ago (Quest takes forever.) I am thinking .25 Arimidex 2 x per week is the initial game plan. Bloodwork at week 4 to see how E2 is fairing.
im genuinely interested in your progress , im running the same mix in the fall , i have upcoming surgeries before for cts and ulner nerve releases in both inner elbows ill keep following up with you if you don't mind?
im genuinely interested in your progress , im running the same mix in the fall , i have upcoming surgeries before for cts and ulner nerve releases in both inner elbows ill keep following up with you if you don't mind?
I am running just a short run of 8 weeks and plan to get a dexa in late July. Last dexa was before my first run with this combo in January. It will be interesting to see what 7 month and two shorter cycles will do. I am relatively green to all this but having fun and focusing on learning. My wife is starting to get jealous . Definitely am a completely different man than I was when I got focused on fitness 18 months ago.