Low Test + Nandrolone + Masteron to combat man titties

I am running just a short run of 8 weeks and plan to get a dexa in late July. Last dexa was before my first run with this combo in January. It will be interesting to see what 7 month and two shorter cycles will do. I am relatively green to all this but having fun and focusing on learning. My wife is starting to get jealous . Definitely am a completely different man than I was when I got focused on fitness 18 months ago.
what week are you in?
I am now. 2nd time with this mix. Bloodwork was from 13 days ago (Quest takes forever.) I am thinking .25 Arimidex 2 x per week is the initial game plan. Bloodwork at week 4 to see how E2 is fairing.
Probably would start at 0.5 2x a week if I were you. .25 2x a week most likely won't bring estrogen of 92 down much
Nandrolone gave me permanent gyno and made my nips very painful everytime i ran it. Last cycle of it i tried no test/1g deca/200-400mast and still got the painful nips. I'll never touch it again. Ment/trest did the same thing. Painful nips. I can run 1g of test with no ai and be fine. Also fine with tren too.