Low Test Symptoms @ 21

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New Member
Hey guys, so my testosterone, zinc, and Vit-D 25 results are still pending but I will update the thread when they come in.

-age - 20
-height - 6"1
-waist - 32" Jeans
-weight - 178
-describe body and facial hair - Very little body hair, only grow hair in a goatee fashion, everything else is peach fuzz.
-describe where you carry fat and how changed - I used to always have a six pack no matter what I ate, now I'm sitting around 13-14% fat.
-health conditions, symptoms [history] - None.
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs *ever* - When I was younger I took some antibiotics for bronchitis. However, that was when my hormones were high and they stayed high even after that.
-lab results with ranges
-describe diet [some create substantial damage with starvation diets] - Lots of milk, meat, grains, vegetables, and fruit when I can. I had one point when I tried to lose a lot of weight for athletic purposes and got quite underweight, like BMI 18-19.
-describe training [some ruin there hormones by over training] - I definitely severely over trained for a long period of time, excessive aerobic exercise with little food to support it, threw my hormones out of whack for sure. Before that I had very high hormonal levels and
-testes ache, ever, with a fever? No.
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed - Morning wood and nocturnal erections gone for 2 years ever since my undereating stint. Recently a bit of nocturnal, but not really any morning wood.

After I tried to lose weight to an extreme level everything has turned south, and ever since that period of 6 months of overtraining harshly my hormones have never been even close to the same. Also when I started losing weight and got really low I started to feel hunger paints I had never felt before which I'm guessing would be related to my thyroid so I'm guessing slight hypothyroid now.

It wasn't until about 4 months ago that I realized that damage I was doing. I took 3 weeks off but then I had to start training again because of my commitment to athletics at school. I started to feel better for those 3 weeks especially at the end but then got run down again and now I'm taking time off.

Ever since that episode I have also had very bad runners trots and digestion I think in general so I think I am going to be taking some time off from exercise completely. My erections are not that strong, especially if I don't have something in front of me, and if I don't have something in front of me sometimes I cannot even climax.

WBC 5.7 4.0-10.0 giga/L
RBC 5.37 4.20-5.40 tera/L
Hemoglobin 165 133-165 g/L
Hematocrit 0.49 0.38-0.50
MCV 91 82-98 fl
MCH 30.7 27.5-33.5 pg
MCHC 338 305-365 g/L
RDW 12.4 11.5-14.5 %
Platelet Count 158 150-400 giga/L
Neutrophils 2.3 2.0-7.5 giga/L
Lymphocytes 2.8 1.0-4.0 giga/L
Monocytes 0.4 0.1-0.8 giga/L
Eosinophils 0.2 0.0-0.7 giga/L
Basophils 0.0 0.0-0.2 giga/L
Biochemical Investigation of Anemias
Vitamin B12 A 892 150-650 pmol/L
Ferritin 30 15-300 ug/L
Serum ferritin is the recommended single
test to diagnose iron deficiency.
General Chemistry
Glucose Fasting 5.4 3.3-5.5 mmol/L
Sodium 139 134-145 mmol/L
Potassium 4.8 3.5-5.0 mmol/L
Creatinine 81 70-120 umol/L
More specific enzymatic creatinine method
implemented September 19, 2011. Majority of
patient results will have no significant
Estimated GFR 105 >=60 mL/min

Calcium 2.43 2.10-2.55 mmol/L
Total Protein 71 60-80 g/L
Albumin 47 35-50 g/L
Alkaline Phosphatase 93 48-138 U/L
Gamma GT 20 10-58 U/L
ALT 31 <50 U/L
Magnesium 0.80 0.70-1.05 mmol/L
Muscle Enzymes CK 191 <300 U/L

Thyroid Function
TSH 2.3 0.38-5.5 mU/L
The free T4 order was cancelled. The
BCMA/MSP Protocol recommends no further
testing. However, a specimen will be
stored seven days.

Adrenal Function
AM Cortisol 508 140-690 nmol/L

Reproductive and Gonadal
Testosterone 21.3 10.0-30.0 nmol/L

Bone Markers
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 137 75-150 nmol/L

The T levels convert to about 613 ng/dl.

**Then an update 1/2 year later.

TSH 1.2 (0.38-5.5) mU/L
T4 Free 16.9 (10.5-20.0) pmol/L
T3 Free 6.1 (3.5-6.5) pmol/L
Thyroperoxidase Ab 13 (<35) IU/mL

Is this enough to rule out thyroid problems? Some other people on other thyroid based forums suggested getting TPOAb as well and TSI also?

I'm 21 years old now. I've had general bloodwork done and previous TT was 600ng/L on DAA, tongat ali, tribulus, perfect sleep schedule (10hours per night starting at 10:00pm daily), testosterone specific diet, working out twice a week, ect. However when I'm not on DAA I plummet(recently though DAA hasn't been working as well when I was using it), and even when I was at 600ng/L my lack of muscle gains(no gains for 4 months), lack of facial and body hair, and secondary sex characteristics were just not there. Who knows how free testosterone was doing. Also I store A LOT of fat in my thighs and tricep folds so I'm guessing my E2 levels are whack even more so from the DAA without an AI most likely.

My bloodwork before showed all CBC, Zinc, Vit-D, VitB12, Iron, Liver Enzymes, Muscle Enzymes, ect all good.

I've investigated many different types of diets and none help. Tried going gluten free, ect.

What else should I check out before I think of TRT? I've tried looking into;
1) Food sensitivities
2) Celiac Disease
3) Thyroid
4) General blood work

Also, I'm getting TT retested in 2-3 weeks because doc didn't know I was taking those supplements before. IF it shows that I have low TT (I'm guessing I'm around 300 right now basing off how I felt before), what should my plan of action be?

How worth it would it be it to try a restart?
If so which is the best for restart, Clomid, Nolva, HCG?

I'm just about ready to opt for TRT at this point if my levels come back low enough for them to prescribe.

I would appreciate any advice on the situation greatly.

EDIT: Forgot to include, I've taken parasitology tests which came back negative, and also basic celiac antibody tests which also came back negative.
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ive seen this spiel of crap on another forum years ago, its an opener for a spam on a 'miracle' supplement iirc

Sorry if my post came off as spam-ish, but I can assure you it is not. However this post does exist at T-Nation as well, but I came here to get the most advice possible.
Upon cursory glance, your endocrine system is in excellent shape. TT at 600ng/dL is perfectly normal. Stop overtraining and stop reading crap on the internet before you get some bad advice and fuck yourself up. Seriously. The only stone you haven't turned is testing your estradiol and SHBG levels. But even then, tread with extreme caution.

Also stop taking supplements. A daily multivitamin and fish oils are fine. Tribulus, DAA, and tongkat... flush them down the toilet. You don't need that crap. Tribulus can wreck T levels in some guys.

I would recommend taking a few months away from exercising outside of walking. Find a new hobby. You'll be ok. What do you eat?
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