Lowest effective dose of trenbolone?

For me also tried 70mg a week (10mg Tren A per day), received no benefit and all of the sides. One of my worse experiments. The worst side effect for me is its hit to cardio performance. Just cannot get enough breath.
The whole cycle was a blur for me. After the cycle ended and her and I ended I tried to backtrack and remember the timeline of where it went wrong with her but I couldn’t remember much at all. Normally I have good memory. I was confusing dates of when I thought they happened vs when they actually happened. So maybe my memory was affected.

My only side effect (besides respiratory issues at the end) was I’d sweat so much during any physical activity.

Anytime we fucked I’d lower the temperature to 64-66 Fahrenheit but I’d still have sweat dripping off my forehead non stop onto her ass/back or her face depending on the position.

She hated sweat. So after she finished I’d bear hug her so she couldn’t move and would be screaming and drenched in my sweat. Good times lol.