Maintaining gains with a scaled back routine?

How minimal can your training and overall bodybuilding lifestyle be while still maintaining your current physique, iyo?

I love lifting, but other priorities are taking precedence, and I want to excel in other areas too. Currently, I follow a bro split routine at my home gym, incorporating lots of drop sets, with sessions lasting 30-45 minutes each but still focusing on overload. I take a shot of cypionate every Friday, which I may even switch to undecanoate and stretch that to every couple of weeks. I don’t prepare 80% of my calories (gomad), and I’ve still maintained a good amount of size.

I’ve lost some of the drive I once had for training, to be honest, and am curious if anyone else has significantly scaled back their training and shots and managed to hold on to most of their size?
You could still maintain a lot. During COVID when I had no access to weights all I did was push ups and pull ups 3x a week and maintained most of my muscle . Lower body suffered but I also was not training them.