Mammalian cell derived Serostim vs E-Coli cell derived Generics


Well-known Member
I wanted to bring this up for debate here since i first heard this theory from a fella much smarter than myself. Would love to here @Type-IIx thoughts on this matter.

Their is a current Generics vs Serostim bioavailability theory I recently heard. The theory as best as i can summarize, describes the method by which Serostim and Generics are derived... Serostim is derived from Mammalian cells whereas Generics are derived from E-coli cells. Even though they are both 191aa and have the same molecular weight, the theory is that the amino acid chain/coil shape differs slightly between the two "seemingly" indistinguishable molecules. The difference may also be in the structure that is not able to be distinguished in typical @janoshik HPLC/MS testing. It has also been theorized that the generics cause fast rHGH Antibody formation compared to Sero's. Thus, it is recommended to cycle off Generics. Adding rHGH Antibody test to lab-work due to this issue is a good idea for generics users. Some may see the need to continually titrate up their generics dosing since there is something about the E-Coli derived 191aa molecule that causes GH antibody production much faster and/or in greater instance than mammalian derived Serostim. Would love to get different thoughts on this topic! this is a little more in-depth conversation than the typical Generics vs Pharma debate.
I wanted to bring this up for debate here since i first heard this theory from a fella much smarter than myself. Would love to here @Type-IIx thoughts on this matter.

Their is a current Generics vs Serostim bioavailability theory I recently heard. The theory as best as i can summarize, describes the method by which Serostim and Generics are derived... Serostim is derived from Mammalian cells whereas Generics are derived from E-coli cells. Even though they are both 191aa and have the same molecular weight, the theory is that the amino acid chain/coil shape differs slightly between the two "seemingly" indistinguishable molecules. The difference may also be in the structure that is not able to be distinguished in typical @janoshik HPLC/MS testing. It has also been theorized that the generics cause fast rHGH Antibody formation compared to Sero's. Thus, it is recommended to cycle off Generics. Adding rHGH Antibody test to lab-work due to this issue is a good idea for generics users. Some may see the need to continually titrate up their generics dosing since there is something about the E-Coli derived 191aa molecule that causes GH antibody production much faster and/or in greater instance than mammalian derived Serostim. Would love to get different thoughts on this topic! this is a little more in-depth conversation than the typical Generics vs Pharma debate.
I might be far far off base here, I am no expert on this crap, but I was under the impression that cell cultures were not even necessary anymore as they are now made via Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis. Interesting topic though, following to see what smarter people than I say.
Very interesting information and theories. Could lead to a good discussion. Unfortunately this a bit out of my realm of expertise but I'll be following if any medical professionals/chemists do chime in
Found a quote made by type-IIx in another thread
There may be an association between GH antibodies (i.e., antigenicity) with mammalian cell-derived rhGH versus E. coli (e.g., Iranian Norditropin saw 8.5% antigenicity versus 1.2-2.8% for E. coli-produced Somatropin). Yet, there was no clinical relevance (no decrement in GH response [IGF-I increase] nor height velocity).

There may be some minor influence of excipients used (e.g., some rhGH formulations may use mannitol which is a diuretic) on body composition. Genotropin uses meta cresol primarily. Serono Serostim sucrose & phosphoric acid.

Anyway, with all rhGH formulations there is a "stalling" after some time (due to diminished GH response, likely due predominantly to GHBP/IGFBP dynamics, diminished phosphorylation of downstream elements to the GHR, etc.)

I think the perceived differences by formulation are largely modulated by time * dose and by nutritional and training influences, other drugs.