Serostim vs other pharma brands

Curious, How come the drug combo of choice in cattle for bulking them Up is trenbolone acetate and estradiol as opposed to just straight Trenbolone ?
Because estrogens augment IGF-I and do not increase IGFBP-1 in ruminants (unlike man).
My biggest issue at the moment is whether to stick with serostim and just deal with the fluid retention and what *seems* to be slightly less benefits, just for the fact that I know that’s it’s 100% real and straight out of a US pharmacy. Vs switching to Genotropin/Norditropin with a higher likelihood of getting fakes at some point.

@Type-IIx whats your opinion on the number pharma grade fakes in the market? Do you think it’s over exaggerated or vice versa & not worth the risk?
Well, Jano has mentioned fake "pharma" rhGH and peptides are among the very most faked products he receives, but he's never published any stats on this (and given legal/privacy constraints, he likely cannot). He has said the following: "roughly estimating, over 90% of pharma gear is fake (as in produced illegally by UGLs), but 'only' about 70% is bunk. The remaining 20% are fake, but properly dosed with the right compound." See if he can comment more, @janoshik
Well, Jano has mentioned fake "pharma" rhGH and peptides are among the very most faked products he receives, but he's never published any stats on this (and given legal/privacy constraints, he likely cannot). He has said the following: "roughly estimating, over 90% of pharma gear is fake (as in produced illegally by UGLs), but 'only' about 70% is bunk. The remaining 20% are fake, but properly dosed with the right compound." See if he can comment more, @janoshik
90%.. yikes. Paying for pharma grade just to get some cheap generic inside is just as bad as getting straight up bunk stuff IMO
Well, Jano has mentioned fake "pharma" rhGH and peptides are among the very most faked products he receives, but he's never published any stats on this (and given legal/privacy constraints, he likely cannot). He has said the following: "roughly estimating, over 90% of pharma gear is fake (as in produced illegally by UGLs), but 'only' about 70% is bunk. The remaining 20% are fake, but properly dosed with the right compound." See if he can comment more, @janoshik
I don't think I have anything to add. I can't publish stats because I have no proofs and I often am unable to identify the genuiness of the sample, but let's just say there are some indicators, such as the origin.

Only, off the top of my head I believe the bunk number to be much lower at this point.