@Anonymous35 the edema from 8iu GH is nothing compared to the edema from kidney failure and heart failure which is what you were headed for. I will echo what others have said and suggest you prioritize your health. At your age, you likely don't really know what you want out of life. If you destroy your health now and are able to make it 10 more years, you will probably want completely different things from life and at that point you may have ruined the possibility of realizing your future goals. That is IF you make it 10 more years and with the health issues you have and the drug use that you were doing your odds are not good.
I would step away from the ASS and PEDs. Completely focus on health and healing your ailments the best you can. You can do that while getting stronger or growing larger in a reasonable way. Down the road if you get your health in line and you have more wisdom from some more years of life and a better understanding of yourself and what you really want out of life then you can maybe look at AAS again if it is still of interest to you.
Take care. There are a lot of amazing things to experience and opportunities that will come your way that you are unable to imagine at this point. It's not worth throwing those chances away just for a vain attempt to be muscular.
- Old guy rant completed