Post-Show Rebound Update # 3: Saturday September 14th
Last Update Weight (9/7/19) 177.8#
Today’s Weight (9/14/19): 178.0#
Total Weight Change: +0.2#
I had a successful week and have reached the halfway point of my 6 week rebound phase. My bodyweight gain was negligible, up 0.2# over the week, but the progress pictures show gains in muscularity and a reduction in water retention and possibly body fat as well. I had planned cheat meals Saturday September 7th, Sunday September 8th, and Thursday September 12th and adhered to my rebound nutrition protocol for all other meals throughout the week. Although I’m balancing out physically compared to the first 2 weeks, I’m still experiencing larger fluctuations in water retention then I typically would particularly after cheat meals. Ive made solid progress this past week and the rebound has been successful to this point.
I didn’t miss any cardio or weight training sessions this week. Cardio got easier almost daily which tells me I’m recovering from the stresses of prep effectively. I’ve also been getting stronger in my weight training sessions which also points to good rthe covert but I’m not making the significant leaps in Strength I was hoping for; hopefully those will come during the second half of this phase. The pumps have been incredible and that’s helped me heighten the intensity of my training. Overall, I had a successful week on the training portions of the protocol.
Nutrition was on point this week and the cheat meals I had were planned and, although I get serious cravings especially when I have cheat meals, I’ve managed to resist temptation which builds my confidence and makes each craving easier to cope with. Seeing that I respond to the training and PEDs more effectively when the majority of my calories come from clean foods and the cheat meals have a more beneficial impact when they aren’t excessive and frequent has helped me keep myself in check as well since I want to perform at a high level and make solid gains more than I want to eat excessive quantities of tasty food lol.
Regarding supplements and PEDs, everything was taken according to protocol. This was the final week on the hardeners and I’m looking forward to switching to less harsh compounds that are more conducive to muscle and strength gains. I’ll be running the following cycle for the final 3 weeks:
Weeks 4 - 6 (9/16/19 - 10/6/19)
1000 mg Testosterone Enanthate per week (250 mg M, W, Th, Sa)
800 mg Boldenone Undeclynate per week (200 mg M, W, Th, Sa; Frontload 1000 mg Mon 9/16 and 1000 mg Wed 9/18)
500 mg Nandrolone PhenylPropionate per week (125 mg M, W, Th, Sa)
50 mg
Dianabol per day for first 12 days, 75 mg Dianbol per day for last 9 days (25 mg with meal 1, 25 mg pre-workout for first 12 days; 25 mg with meal 1, 25 mg pre-workout, 25 mg with final meal for final 9 days)
4 iu Growth Hormone (2 iu upon waking, 2 iu pre-workout)
12.5 mg - 25 mg Aromasin every other day depending on water weight, sex drive, etc.
We decided to make adjustments to my nutrition protocol. My new macro profile is 4,498 cals, 86 F, 500 C, 431 P which is an increase of 313 cals, 1 F, 68 C, 8 P from the initial nutrition plan we employed the first 3 weeks of the rebound. Cardio will remain the same for this week just to ensure the increase in calories and switch to aromatizing mass gainers doesn’t cause excessive water retention and/or fat gain. If the gains are negligible this week or there is no additions in bodyfat and/or water retention at all, we will reduce cardio starting next week. The Weight training program will remain the same since it balances heavy compound training, pump training, and recovery time perfectly for this period where we want to train with intensity to make gains but also want to execute some pump training and get some rest to allow my muscles to fully recover from contest prep.
Progress pictures are attached and were taken fasted as per usual. Looking forward to putting the additional calories and mass building PEDs to work for me this week and making some serious gains!!!