Post Show Rebound Log

First, thank you for even assuming that I have the ability to take it to that level lol. For now, I have no intention to go pro cause I don’t think I would ever be successful at the IFBB level. I am going to compete at the regional level for my second competition with the goal of winning my weight class and earning a national qualification. I would compete on the national level just to see where I stand if I earn the qualification but I know I have a lot of catching up to do since I’ve only been training for 14 months and only started living the bodybuilding lifestyle in the last 6 months. The first 8 months were spent shedding off the weight I was carrying and building a base of strength that made bodybuilding style training, dieting, and supplementing viable (I was a morbidly obese 335# and had spent years fully sedentary when I started at the end of June 2018). Then I spent 3 months packing on some muscle followed by a 3 month contest prep that I just finished 3 weeks ago which led into my current rebound. At the national level I’ll be competing against guys who’ve been bodybuilding for many years and some even decades so it would be foolish of me to think I can stand next to them after bodybuilding for a year or two. For now I’m going to remain consistent day in and day out and see what type of progress I can make then let the chips fall where they may when I step on stage. Thanks for checking in and following along!


Friday September 13th
45 Min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.5 incline
755 am - 840 am

Start: 6 pm
1. Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns - Warmup: 70# 1x15, 100# 1x12; Working: 125# 1x12, 145# 1x12, 165# 1x12, 185# 1x8
2. T-Bar Row - 180# 1x10, 225# 1x8, 250# 1x8
3. Hammer Strength Plate Loaded High Row - 70# PS 1x10, 80# PS 1x10, 85# PS 1x8
4. Overhand Barbell Rows - 165# 1x10, 185# 1x10, 195# 1x8, 165# 1x10
5. Unilateral Hammer Strength Chest Supported Plate Loaded Low Row - 90# PS 1x12, 115# PS 1x10, 125# PS 1x10
1. Barbell Curl - Warmup: Bar 1x15; Working: 70# 1x12, 85# 1x12, 100# 1x11
2. Standing Unilateral Dumbbell Preacher Curl - 15s 1x12, 20s 1x10, 25s 1x8 + 2 forced reps with slow negatives
3. Rope Hammer Cable Curl - 30# 1x12, 1x15, 42.5# 1x10 + 2 partials
4. EZ Bar Reverse Curl - 50# 1x15, 60# 1x15, 70# 1x15
Finish: 740 pm
Saturday September 14th
45 Min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.5 incline
805 am - 850 am

Start: 130 pm
1. Machine Lateral Raise - 80# 1x15, 90# 1x15, 100# 1x15, 105# 1x15
2. Hammer Strength Plate Loaded Shoulder Press - Warmup: 25# PS 1x20, 45# PS 1x12; Working: 70# PS 1x10, 80# PS 1x10, 90# PS 1x10, 100# PS 1x9
3. Reverse Pec Deck Rear Delt Fly - 175#
1x15, 185# 1x12, 195# 1x9, 165# 1x12
4. Unilateral Leaning Dumbbell Lateral Raise - 15s 1x15, 20s 1x15, 25s 1x15
5. Straight Bar Cable Front Raise - 20# 1x12, 25# 1x12, 1x15
1. Hammer Strength Plate Loaded Shrug - FST 7: 145# PS 7x15
Finish: 230 pm
Sunday September 15th
45 Min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.5 inclined
6 am - 7 am
Post-Show Rebound Update # 3: Saturday September 14th

Last Update Weight (9/7/19) 177.8#
Today’s Weight (9/14/19): 178.0#
Total Weight Change: +0.2#

I had a successful week and have reached the halfway point of my 6 week rebound phase. My bodyweight gain was negligible, up 0.2# over the week, but the progress pictures show gains in muscularity and a reduction in water retention and possibly body fat as well. I had planned cheat meals Saturday September 7th, Sunday September 8th, and Thursday September 12th and adhered to my rebound nutrition protocol for all other meals throughout the week. Although I’m balancing out physically compared to the first 2 weeks, I’m still experiencing larger fluctuations in water retention then I typically would particularly after cheat meals. Ive made solid progress this past week and the rebound has been successful to this point.
I didn’t miss any cardio or weight training sessions this week. Cardio got easier almost daily which tells me I’m recovering from the stresses of prep effectively. I’ve also been getting stronger in my weight training sessions which also points to good rthe covert but I’m not making the significant leaps in Strength I was hoping for; hopefully those will come during the second half of this phase. The pumps have been incredible and that’s helped me heighten the intensity of my training. Overall, I had a successful week on the training portions of the protocol.
Nutrition was on point this week and the cheat meals I had were planned and, although I get serious cravings especially when I have cheat meals, I’ve managed to resist temptation which builds my confidence and makes each craving easier to cope with. Seeing that I respond to the training and PEDs more effectively when the majority of my calories come from clean foods and the cheat meals have a more beneficial impact when they aren’t excessive and frequent has helped me keep myself in check as well since I want to perform at a high level and make solid gains more than I want to eat excessive quantities of tasty food lol.
Regarding supplements and PEDs, everything was taken according to protocol. This was the final week on the hardeners and I’m looking forward to switching to less harsh compounds that are more conducive to muscle and strength gains. I’ll be running the following cycle for the final 3 weeks:
Weeks 4 - 6 (9/16/19 - 10/6/19)
1000 mg Testosterone Enanthate per week (250 mg M, W, Th, Sa)
800 mg Boldenone Undeclynate per week (200 mg M, W, Th, Sa; Frontload 1000 mg Mon 9/16 and 1000 mg Wed 9/18)
500 mg Nandrolone PhenylPropionate per week (125 mg M, W, Th, Sa)
50 mg Dianabol per day for first 12 days, 75 mg Dianbol per day for last 9 days (25 mg with meal 1, 25 mg pre-workout for first 12 days; 25 mg with meal 1, 25 mg pre-workout, 25 mg with final meal for final 9 days)
4 iu Growth Hormone (2 iu upon waking, 2 iu pre-workout)
12.5 mg - 25 mg Aromasin every other day depending on water weight, sex drive, etc.
We decided to make adjustments to my nutrition protocol. My new macro profile is 4,498 cals, 86 F, 500 C, 431 P which is an increase of 313 cals, 1 F, 68 C, 8 P from the initial nutrition plan we employed the first 3 weeks of the rebound. Cardio will remain the same for this week just to ensure the increase in calories and switch to aromatizing mass gainers doesn’t cause excessive water retention and/or fat gain. If the gains are negligible this week or there is no additions in bodyfat and/or water retention at all, we will reduce cardio starting next week. The Weight training program will remain the same since it balances heavy compound training, pump training, and recovery time perfectly for this period where we want to train with intensity to make gains but also want to execute some pump training and get some rest to allow my muscles to fully recover from contest prep.
Progress pictures are attached and were taken fasted as per usual. Looking forward to putting the additional calories and mass building PEDs to work for me this week and making some serious gains!!!



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Monday September 16th
45 Min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.5 incline
745 am - 830 am

Start: 555 pm
1. Seated Hamstring Curl - Warmup: 45# 1x15, 70# 1x12; Working: 90# 1x12, 100#. 1x10, 105# 1x10, 85# 1x15
2. High and Wide Stance Leg Press - 205# PS 1x20, 250# 1x20, 295# 1x20
3. Straight Leg Deadlift - 205# 1x10, 245# 1x10, 275# 1x10
4. Glute Bridge - 90# PS 1x15, 100# PS 1x15, 110# PS 1x15, 120# PS 1x15
5. Unilateral Standing Hamstring Curl -
30# PS 4x12
6a. Adductor - 235# 1x15, 250# 1x15, 265# 1x15, 280# 1x15
6b. Abductor - 210# 1x15, 220# 1x15, 230# 1x15, 240# 1x15
1. Quad Extension - FST 7: 130# 7x15
1. Leg Press calf raise - 135# PS 1x20, 180# PS 1x20, 225# PS 1x20, 270# 1x20
2. Seated Calf Raise - FST 7: 75# PS 7x15
Finish: 740 pm
Tuesday September 17th
45 min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph and 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph and 9.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph and 9.5 incline
725 am - 810 am

Start: 525 pm
1. Incline Smith Machine Press - Warmup: 25# PS 1x15, 45# PS 1x12, 70# PS 1x10; Working: 80# PS 1x10, 90# PS 1x8, 95# PS 2x6
2. Seated Pin Loaded Hammer Strength Chest Press - 145# 1x12, 160# 1x10, 175# 1x10, 190# 1x8
3. Incline Cable Fly - 40# 1x15, 45# 1x12, 50# 1x12, 55# 1x12
4. Hammer Strength Plate Loaded Incline Press - 45# PS 1x12, 55# PS 1x10, 60# PS 1x8, 45# PS 1x15
1. Rope pressdown - Warmup: 35# 1x15; Working: 47.5# 1x15, 57.5# 1x12, 62.5# 1x12
2. Incline Overhead EZ Bar Extension - 70# 1x12, 80# 1x10, 1x11
3. Unilateral Cable Kickback w/ straight handle - 10# 1x12, 15# 1x10, 10# 1x15
4. Hammer Strength Pin Loaded parallel triceps Extension - 30# PS 1x15, 40# PS
1x13, 45# PS 1x12
Finish: 650 pm
Wednesday September 18th
45 Min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.5 incline
720 am - 805 am

Start: 525 pm
1. Deadlift - Warmup: 135# 2x10, 225# 1x6; Working: 315# 1x6, 365# 1x6, 385# 1x6
2. Dumbbell Rows - 90s 1x10, 100s 1x10, 110s 1x10
3. Medium MAG Grip Lat Pulldowns - 110# 1x12, 125# 1x12, 140# 1x10, 150# 1x10
4. Chest Supported Plate Loaded Row - 70# 1x10, 80# 1x10, 90# 1x10, 100# 1x10
5. Hammer Strength Plate Loaded Pullovers - 50# PS 1x12, 60# PS 1x12, 70# PS 1x10
1. EZ Bar Close Grip Preacher Curls -Warmup: 30# 1x15; Working: 40# 1x15, 50# 1x12, 60# 1x11
2. Alternating Dumbbell Curls - 35s 1x12, 40s 1x12, 45s 1x11
3. Seated Incline dumbbell Curls - 20s 1x12, 1x11, 15s 1x13
4. Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls -
35s 1x12, 45s 2x12
Finish: 7 pm
Thursday September 19th
45 Min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.5 incline
720 am - 805 am

Start: 535 pm
1. Seated Overhead Barbell Press - Warmup: 2.5# Rotator cuff warmupsx2, Bar
1x15, 75# 1x12, 95# 1x10; Working: 120# 1x10, 140# 1x10, 150# 1x10, 160# 1x8
2. Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise - 20s 1x12, 25s 1x12, 30s 1x12
3. Incline Straight Bar Front Raise - 30# 1x12, 40# 1x12, 50# 1x10
4. Seated Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly - 40s 1x12, 45s 1x12, 50s 1x12
5. Unilateral Cable Behind the Back Side Raise - 10# 2x12, 1x15
1. Barbell Shrugs - 225# 1x15, 275# 1x15, 295# 1x15, 315# 1x15
2. Dumbbell Shrugs - 100s 1x20, 110s 1x20, 120s 1x20
Finish: 645 pm
Friday September 20th
Start: 710 am did abs first
45 min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph and 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph and 9.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph and 9.5 incline

1. Seated Pin Loaded Machine Double Crunch - Bodyweight+20# 1x20, Bodyweight+30# 1x20, Bodyweight+40# 1x20, Bodyweight+50# 1x15
2. Seated Machine Oblique Double Crunch - Bodyweight 3x15
3. Hanging Leg Raise - 3x15
Finish: 815 am
Saturday September 21st
45 Min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.5 incline
345 pm - 430 pm

Start: 155 pm
1. Quad Extensions - 100# 1x15, 130# 1x15, 145# 1x15, 160# 1x15
2. Safety Squat - Warmup: Bar 1x15, 115# 1x10; Working: 155# 1x10, 205# 1x10, 225# 1x10, 245# 1x10
3. Close Stance Hack Squat - 115# PS 1x12, 160# PS 1x12, 180# PS 1x12, 205# PS 1x10
4. Low and Close Stance Leg Press - 225# PS 1x15, 250# PS 1x15, 270# PS 1x15, 295# PS 1x15
5. Quad Extension - 100# 1x15, 115# 1x15, 130# 1x15
1. Lying Hamstring Curl - FST 7: 110# 7x15
1. Pin Loaded standing calf raise - Warmup: 150# 1x15; Working: 190# 1x15, 210# 1x15, 220# 1x15, 240# 1x15
2. Nitro Linear Calf Raise - FST 7: 155# 7x15
Finish: 340 pm
I think this was the sickest quad pump of my life so I felt like I had to show it off lolol0CA11B52-2A25-49C0-9B71-8934CE4ED81C.jpeg
Sunday September 22nd
45 Min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.5 incline
655 am - 740 am

Start: 920 am
1. Pec Deck Fly - 100# 1x15, 110# 1x15, 120# 1x15, 130# 1x15
2. Flat Dumbbell Press - Warmup: 70# 1x10; Working: 80# 1x10, 90# 1x10, 100#
1x10, 85# 1x13
3. Incline Dumbbell Fly - 45s 1x12, 50s 1x12, 55s 1x12, 60s 1x12
4. Lying Incline Plate Loaded Machine Press - 25# PS 1x12, 30# PS 1x12, 35# PS 1x12, 40# PS 1x8
5. Pec Deck Fly - 100# 1x15, 110# 1x15, 120# 1x12
1. Close Grip Bench Press - Warmup: 35# PS 1x10; Working: 45# PS 1x8, 50# PS 1x6, 55# PS 1x5
2. Overhead Rope Extension - 35# 1x12, 42.5# 1x12, 50# 1x10
3. Unilateral Underhand Cable Pulldown -
15# 1x15, 20# 1x15, 25# 1x15
4. Machine Dip/Pressdown Machine - 255# 1x12, 270# 1x12, 285# 1x10
Finish: 1055 am
Monday September 23rd
45 Min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9y.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.5 incline
745 am - 830 am

Start: 635 pm
1. Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns - Warmup: 85# 1x15, 110# 1x12; Working: 130# 1x12, 150# 1x12, 170# 1x10, 190# 1x8
2. T-Bar Row - 180# 1x10, 225# 1x10, 250# 1x10
3. Hammer Strength Plate Loaded High Row - 70# PS 1x10, 80# PS 1x10, 90# PS 1x8
4. Overhand Barbell Rows - 165# 1x10, 185# 1x10, 195# 1x8, 205# 1x8
5. Unilateral Hammer Strength Chest Supported Plate Loaded Low Row - 115# PS 1x10, 125# PS 1x10, 135# PS 1x10
1. Barbell Curl - Warmup: Bar 1x15; Working: 75# 1x12, 90# 1x12, 105# 1x12
2. Unilateral Dumbbell Preacher Curl - 15s 1x12, 20s 1x12, 25s 1x12
3. Rope Hammer Cable Curl - 30# 1x12, 35# 1x12, 40# 1x14
4. EZ Bar Reverse Curl - 60# 1x15, 70# 1x15, 80# 1x15
Finish: 815 pm
Post-Show Rebound Update # 4: Saturday September 21st

Last Update Weight (9/14/19) 178.0#
Today’s Weight (9/21/19): 181.1#
Total Weight Change: +3.1#

I had a successful fourth week of my rebound phase; I was up 3.1# in bodyweight and every pose from the progress pictures display marked gains in muscularity in all shots with some shots showing a harder, leaner appearing physique while others show some increases in water retention and body fat from a week ago. Unfortunately I had a bad shot in both my left Delt and my left glute earlier this week that caused inflammation in both areas so my symmetry is thrown off and the details in and around those areas are blurred making it more difficult to determine how much muscle, water, and fat I truly gained over the past week. Also, I had a very large cheat meal at TGI Friday’s the night before taking these progress pictures which definitely increased muscle fullness and subcutaneous water retention, skewing the true amount of progress I made over the week. However, we’re pleased with the progress this week overall since I definitely achieved the muscle growth we wanted with just 2 weeks remaining of my rebound before beginning my cruise protocol.
I didnt miss any cardio or weight training sessions and this was the first week since the show that I made significant gains in strength from one weight training session to the next. It was extremely rewarding to have the weights i used on the same movements the previous workout feel light during these workouts and be able to add weight to the bar on every movement of every workout. The pumps I’m getting are phenomenal and seem to get better from workout to workout as well which fuels the intensity im training with. This week was a huge success on the training front and we will not be making any adjustments to either cardio or weight training for the upcoming week.
I followed the nutrition protocol perfectly this week. My coach asked me to send an update Tuesday morning to check my weight, see how I was responding to the new compounds, and how my digestion was with the daily caloric increase and large cheat meal Saturday night. I felt great but my weight had actually gone down to 176.5# from 178.0# and my pics showed a leaner physique without any additional fullness so he made an adjustment to my nutrition protocol for training days only - a Dunkin’ Donuts blueberry muffin to have with my preworkout coffee! Can’t lie - I was extremely excited to hear I was getting a muffin to enjoy before every training session and to have something to break the monotony of chicken, rice, beef, potato, and eggs lolol. Not to mention it’s benefited my training since my pumps have been unbelievable, my Strength is markedly improved, and I made some solid gains. Also, the overall increase in daily calories and the muffin on training days eradicated my cravings for cheat meals and unhealthy foods so it’s been much easier to follow the diet mentally and I’m not just dying for my coach to send me out for a cheat. Since I made some substantial gains this week and the current caloric intake seems to be working, we’re going to keep everything the same with the nutrition protocol. My macro profile on training days is: 4,958 cals, 101 F, 576 C, 437 P and my macro profile on off days is: 4,362 cals, 86 F, 474 C, 423 P. Hoping to make solid gains for the remainder of the rebound with the calorie increase!
All supplements and PEDs were taken as planned. As I mentioned earlier I had a couple bad shots this week, one in the left Delt and one in the left glute, but otherwise all was well on this front. I’m hoping that these bad shots aren’t a result of a poorly crafted batch but just poor luck or technique but only time will tell - it is a good sign that I’ve done shots in other areas with the same batch and responded fine so I’m thinking it was likely bad luck or technique. Starting Wednesday, the DBol dosage will go up from 50 mg per day to 75 mg per day to finish off the final 12 days of the rebound. Other than that, everything will remain the same here.
Progress pictures are attached and were taken fasted as per usual. You’ll definitely notice some significant swelling in the left glute and left Delt due to the bad shots I mentioned. Looking forward to another week of gains!!!



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Tuesday September 24th
45 Min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.5 incline
725 am - 810 am

Start: 515 pm
1. Machine Lateral Raise - 80# 1x15, 95#
1x15, 105# 1x15, 110# 1x15
2. Hammer Strength Plate Loaded Shoulder Press - Warmup: 45# PS 2x12; Working: 70# PS 1x10, 90# PS 1x10, 100# PS 1x10, 110# PS 1x7
3. Reverse Pec Deck Rear Delt Fly - 70# 1x15, 90# 1x15, 110# 1x13, 120# 1x10
4. Unilateral Leaning Dumbbell Lateral Raise - 20s 1x15, 25s 1x15, 30s 1x15
5. Straight Bar Cable Front Raise - 20# 1x12, 25# 1x12, 30# 1x10 + 2 partials
1. Hammer Strength Plate Loaded Shrug - FST 7: 160# PS 7x15
Finish: 615 pm
Wednesday September 25th
45 Min treadmill - 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 8.5 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.0 incline, 15 mins @ 3.4 mph 9.5 incline
715 am - 8 am

Start: 555 pm
1. Hammer Strength Seated Plate Loaded Hamstring Curl - Warmup: 45# 1x15, 70# 1x12; Working: 90# 1x12, 100# 1x10, 105# 1x10, 90# 1x13
2. High and Wide Leg Press - 225# PS 1x20, 270# 1x20, 315# 1x20
3. Straight Leg Deadlift - 225# 1x10, 255#
1x10, 285# 1x10
4. Glute Bridge - 90# PS 1x15, 105# PS 1x15, 115# PS 1x15, 125 # PS 1x15
5. Unilateral Standing Hamstring Curl - 35# PS 4x12
6a. Adductor - 240# 1x15, 255# 1x15, 270# 1x15, 285# 1x15
6b. Abductor - 215# 1x15, 225# 1x15, 235# 1x15, 245# 1x15
1. Quad Extension - FST 7: 130# 7x15
1. Hack Squat calf raise - 90# PS 1x20, 135# PS 1x20, 180# PS 1x20, 205# PS 1x15 + 5 partials
2. Seated Calf Raise - FST 7: 80# PS 7x15
Finish: 740 pm